Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 446 Potential Cheng (Part 2) Three Songs Determine the Universe (Part 2)

Shanghai Airport, 8:12 am.

Surrounded by two assistants, the middle-aged David walked out of the station in a hurry, and several of his subordinates who had been waiting outside rushed to greet him.

"How long will it take to get to the venue?"

David didn't do much greetings, and asked straight to the point while taking the earphone device handed over by a blond chick and putting it on his head.

"32 minutes! Tesla helped us apply for an iron cavalry to open the way."

The person in charge replied.

"Oh?" David glanced at his subordinate whose hairline had moved back in surprise, and explained seriously: "Remember to remind me to thank that Mr. Zhao later."

"Will do."

At this time, David had already put on the earphones, turned on the switch, and asked, "What's the situation now?"

"It's very complicated. Tesla's attitude has always been very clear. At most one week, three negotiations. If there is no result, they will continue to contact other investment banks."

"How complicated"

Before David could finish his question, he was interrupted by the noisy discussion in the earphones.

"Obviously, the other party doesn't care about us very much. Our biggest mistake was that we didn't send the highest level, which led to the current situation - we haven't seen the Tesla founder for three days."

David frowned, pressed the microphone, and said calmly, "I'm here now?"

"Who are you?"

"Morgan Stanley, David!"

"F**K, David, what the fuck did you do, what's the use of coming now?"

It was the senior executive of Bearston who spoke, David's old opponent, and he became polite without any unequal status.

"Steve!" David also increased his volume: "It's better than none of the three of us coming. Now, tell me, did anything happen during my flight?"

Now is the lowest ebb of the Internet bubble, and the chaebols in the United States are all desperate. Although the three top executives did not come this time, all of them came from the three elite departments, which is enough to show the importance and sincerity of the three majors. However, Tesla's time requirements are too harsh!

"David." Another voice came from the earphones, "The information received by the three companies is different. Just now, we were arguing about the terms of exchange."

"Joe, you're wrong, it should be four families." At this moment, a crisp female voice came.

David frowned: "Time Warner, Nancy?"

In the earphones, a chuckle came: "Long time no see, David."

"You just come." David also smiled easily: "I'm really afraid of that idiot from AOL!"


David said without hesitation: "Tell each family one by one."


"no problem."

"Yes, but David, our goal of lowering prices through joint negotiations may be bankrupt!"

David had already sat in the business car at this time. In the quiet car, David nodded slowly, and said into the headset: "It seems that we have never been united in good faith. Let's start, I'm listening."

"Then let's start with Bear Stearns. Yesterday, three player companies publicly responded to Tesla's offer, and one of them has launched an online music subscription service."

"This is Merrill Lynch. The news we got is that the flower planting government has expressed its position to the outside world through a series of incidents in the past few days, and will increase its support for Zhao Song."

David paused and asked quickly, "Are you sure?"

This kind of entrepreneur with a government background is a plus. With such a business leader, public relations fees (lobbying) can be saved a lot.

"Very sure, David! He currently holds no fewer than four public positions in state-owned enterprises. You can even regard him as a government official in the business world."

"Very good!" David nodded and continued to ask, "Is there anything else?"

"Tesla reached a settlement agreement on Sony's U disk intellectual property last night, and the two parties also signed a series of cross-authorizations for mobile storage and music playback."

"What does this have to do with us?" David asked impatiently.

"David, Sony Records has hooked up with Tesla!"

"Speaking of Sony, we have news from the island country. Yesterday, SOD Co., Ltd. held a press conference, announcing the simultaneous acquisition of the fifth and ninth largest record companies in the island country."

Fearing that David would not know the connection, the voice in the earphone continued to explain: "David, SOD president Masa Takahashi can also be said to be Zhao Song's closest business partner in the island country. Ever since they met, Takahashi Ya also quickly became famous in the island country's AV circle, and now, the island people prefer to call him 'Golden Left Brain'!"

What a mess. David pursed his lips, looking at the road ahead and the unexpectedly prosperous Oriental Magic City with confused eyes.

"David, the news in the island country is very messy. There will be relevant information on the speculation about the relationship between Zhao Song and Takahashi Masaya, as well as Takahashi Masaya's family background. Now I want to talk about Tesla:

At present, Fujitsu, Toshiba, and Elpida are not listed as first-level strategic partners of Tesla. Through the relationship of Takahashi Masaya, Zhao Song has been maintaining communication channels with Fujitsu Mobile Group. At the same time, taking advantage of the low tide of the industry, layoffs Due to the opportunity, Tesla has poached at least 4 senior engineers from Yamato Lab. "

"A Yamato Lab IBM notebook?"

David murmured.

Yamato Laboratories is IBM's notebook design center, and in the field of mobile computers in the island country, Sony's Dafa seems to have lost its effect on the islanders, where 70% of them will give priority to Fujitsu when buying a notebook. As for Toshiba, it's about to be crippled by myself!

"That's right, Dave, once the Tesla Notebook comes out, it's going to get plugged in its last shortcoming."


"David, we should be thankful that we reached a negotiation intention with Tesla early. Under our feet, this super five-star hotel is already full of people, not only other large investment banks, but also some American consortiums. European record companies, as well as representatives of major florist banks."

David's frown became deeper and deeper. With the record company and so many partners, Tesla can be said to have completed the ecological closure in the island country, where it has been unimpeded!

Suddenly, David turned up the volume and said irritably, "Everyone, I know I'm here at the Flower Planter, but can you turn off the damn background music in the meeting room? I even know that the world famous song that's playing is called "Two "Quan Yingyue", but I really can't think of how playing this sad music can do us any good in such an urgent moment."



After a while, Nancy's voice came out of the earphone: "Actually, the negotiation has already begun. Since I woke up this morning, this damn song has been coming from the opposite room, and I'm pretty sure that the relationship between us and that instrument The two gates are absolutely paper!"

Nancy even suspected that a little girl like her could punch through that empty door!

Nancy, a strong woman who has entered middle age, is sure that the young boy she has never met is definitely a bad guy!


David, who had just got off the plane, suddenly felt physically and mentally exhausted again. He sorted out his thoughts and finally asked, "Have you reached a consensus on the valuation of Tesla?"


He was answered by a voice of silence.

"Okay!" David glanced at his watch, "I'll be there in ten minutes, let me explain in advance, after this meeting, Morgan Stanley will negotiate with Tesla alone!"

"Tch~ Apart from this, what purpose do you have for coming here in person, we have already guessed it!"

Bear Stearns' old opponent replied disdainfully.

Turning off the earphones, David turned his head and looked at Hairline's subordinates: "Lun, what advice do you have?"

Hairline shook his head regretfully: "David, we know so little about that Zhao Song. Comparing him before and after he went to college, he is completely two people, two circles!"

What investment banks invest in, each has a unique set of standards.

But in florists, they are more invested.

For example, so far, there is no original flower planter Internet company, how can Goldman Sachs invest half of the country, the main reason is that the president of Goldman Sachs (flower planter) can see people.

Hairline's subordinates frowned deeply, and continued to say while thinking back: "In addition to various news about Zhao Song, I heard a sentence from the IBM team that is doing business services for Tesla: the ultimate User experience, minimalist aesthetics, strong marketing capabilities, heavy fetishism and extreme perfectionism.”

David was taken aback, and murmured, "Is this kind of thinking the younger Crazy Joe?"

Hairline shook his head: "You can only know what kind of person he is if you meet him, David. In the Tesla Industrial Park, I have seen the most complete industrial chain supporting services and infrastructure construction so far. In IBM With the help of our company, their productivity efficiency is still greatly improved, coupled with low labor costs, isn't this the reason why we in the United States have shifted our downstream industries to this side? It's just that Tesla first let us see the benefits here. Advantage!"

David nodded slowly: "Is there any more?"

"Yes! There, Tesla showed us their financial situation candidly, they transferred Tesla's cash flow, divested microelectronics, and that national mission Godson, and now, Tesla Technology Co., Ltd. , is a clean technology company.”

Hairline took out a document and handed it to David: "This is the list of Tesla's suppliers in the United States, which involves three of our investments. If we vote for it, the good news will be reflected in the three suppliers. What will happen to the stock?

David, can you imagine? When I saw all this, it was like seeing a delicious cake falling from the sky, that kid is simply a devil, this big cake seems to be specially prepared for us! "

David looked at the documents in his hand with a shocked expression, and quickly asked, "Does he have anything sensitive in his hand?"

Hairline knew what David wanted to ask, shook his head and said:

"Without high technology, those things on Fujitsu's assembly line were originally projects that Deyi and other companies hesitated to give up. I didn't expect Tesla to buy all the territory.

I guess his purpose of doing this is to replace domestic products and reduce costs. When the yield rate of those products meets Tesla's requirements, how much cost can be reduced with the advantages of Tesla's entire industrial chain?

As for memory

We in the United States have stopped doing it a long time ago. There are at least 50 companies in the world playing this shit, and no one is making money now! "

Now is not the future. There is still Micron, one of the three major memory particle oligarchs in the United States, which can be used as a weapon involving the mainland.

Hearing Hairline's explanation, David was relieved, and finally asked, "What else?"

"Yes!" Hairline nodded earnestly, took out a bunch of newspapers and materials and handed them to Mr. President again: "These are the news that he beat someone to jail two days ago, and that Tesla is a science fiction company. They did not take any remedial measures.

There is also news a week ago: the state-owned shareholding reduction plan will be launched soon, which will lead to market shocks and hot money transfers.

Reminiscent of Zhao Song’s sudden decision to go to Shanghai and Shenzhou Science and Technology to inspect Guangdong Province, my general guess is: the stock market of Zhonghua is about to collapse, and Zhao Song has been cooling down the stock price of Shenzhou Technology. When the crash occurs, he will definitely have a series of The good news is released. "

Speaking of this, Hairline looked at David seriously, and said with emotion:

"President, this kind of enterprise, such an entrepreneur who is responsible for the interests of shareholders, why don't we vote for him?"

The Ritz-Carlton top floor.

In the room directly opposite the meeting room, the girl from Yangyin, who was playing the erhu, stopped what she was doing, opened the door lightly, and then ran aside with a snickering smile. A boy with a central tone, of course the instrument in his hand has also been changed.

Planting flowers and musical instruments all live with a soul, Guqin and Guzheng live in ancient literati, erhu lives in a sad and desolate townsman, Dizi and Xiao are knights of the rivers and lakes, as for suona, a bandit lives in it~

Twelve minutes later, David came to the meeting room on the second top floor of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. He knocked lightly on the door, which was obviously newly replaced. Hearing the empty voice, he showed a dumbfounded expression.

Afterwards, he glanced at the investment elites in the room, cleared his throat, and said:

"Let's hurry up and unify the strategy for the next negotiation."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a high-pitched suona sound that sounded like weeping.



David was shaking, his face was bruised.

"What's this?"

"Suona~" Nancy replied with a half-smile.

"I know, what I asked was what song it was."

Nancy shrugged, did not speak, and listened quietly.

"Erquan Music" is miserable, but it is so beautiful, so there is a more tragic song. The song that is miserable for the sake of misery originally had no lyrics, but in order to better describe it, someone filled it in. The word:

run my tears

like a river that never returns

not stop not stop


big river flow

take my tears away

let my past

As the river never looks back.

After the song "Jiang He Shui" was played, the negotiation time was coming.

Facing the young company that occupies 30% of the global portable MP3 market share, none of these greedy capitals are willing to be late, and no one dares to be late.

Otherwise, those sharks downstairs who smell like blood will pounce on them viciously, and the shareholders behind them will tear them to pieces.

Sighing deeply, forcibly bringing up his depression after hearing "Jiangheshui", David said softly: "Let's go, go and meet the richest man who grows flowers."

Five minutes later, the delicious meal carefully prepared for the western capital world will officially welcome its predator.

Capital means bloody, cruel, and full of magic.

How much is Tesla worth?

At this moment, the world is watching!

I'm Zhao Song, the owner of a company who has carved music into his bones. Next, please listen to the third song prepared for you.

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