Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 456 Potential Cheng (Part 2)

When he received the call from the secretary, Zhao Song was wandering around West Nanjing Road with Li Linna and Xiao Yu.

The leader seemed to be verifying something, letting him know that the progress of the negotiations had been leaked out.

Also, there are a group of ghosts behind the two parties, how can we keep it completely secret, and now the specious news spread outside has already satisfied him.

"Secretary, the first round of transfer of shares will be about 10%, and it plans to accept investment from eight investment institutions. As for why the three major investment banks first?"

Zhao Song smiled lightly: "As you think, because the exchange of interests with them involves the United States and the Gulf stock market, Tesla can accept a national team to enter the stadium, but considering the impact, it is still not allowed to let them It’s good to be deeply involved.”

America and the Gulf stock market?

That is UT Starcom and Huashi, which are listed in two places respectively.

Zhao Song, who was beaten out of the big quagmire in Zhongguancun, seemed to always catch the person who offended him and keep beating him.

The big leader on the other end of the phone really got it right, and he didn't bother with this matter any more, but asked the last question: "Why is the lawsuit in the United States so influential?"

"Secretary, after the judgment comes out, it means that piracy will become more and more rampant. Those large record companies will face hundreds of millions of copyright losses every year, so they are eagerly looking for a way out."

"So it's Tesla?"

Zhao Song nodded:

"Tesla's global sales and our plan are the best solutions they can see."

You can collect everything in P2P, but this is not the future world where broadband is popular.

In the slow and troublesome Internet speed, the hard-working human sports movies become the animal world; the MP3 obtained after a long time is low-quality music, when a content service platform that provides low-cost and high-quality music appears, Its appeal to European and American people is beyond doubt.

After all, the copyright awareness and time concept of people there are countless times stronger than those of flower growers!


On the phone, the secretary gave a compliment, and then asked, "What do you think about the national team?"

"Of course the national team has the final say!" Zhao Song said cheerfully:

"The only condition is to invest more money in United Semiconductor."

The secretary laughed dumbly: "Zhao Song, is United Semiconductor still short of money?"

Money belongs to the country, and political achievements belong to oneself. More than a dozen scientific and technological achievements of United Semiconductor are waiting to be released. No one cares about how those achievements come from. As long as they invest in them, there will be a series of conspicuous political achievements. Countless companies want to invest Can't find any channels.

Thinking of United Semiconductor's complex shareholder composition, the big leader knew that what Zhao Song proposed was not conditions, but benefits.

"For the IC industry, which has invested billions of dollars and can't afford a big wave, what is that little money?"


There was a sigh on the phone:

"Thanks for your hard work."

On Nanjing Road, Zhao Song raised his head, showed a bright smile, and said loudly:

"It should."

Night came quietly, and the bustling Nanjing Road became brightly lit.

In the Tesla flagship store, some people were shaking their heads with earphones, some people were concentrating on "Resident Evil" in the display area, and some people were sitting on the bar stools, watching the "I speak for myself" advertisement over and over again, in a daze in a daze.

Outside the door, Zhao Song, who hung up the phone, looked at him with satisfaction, then put his arms around the waist of his long legs, held hands with ponytails, and walked around humming a tune under the watchful eyes of passers-by.

"Summer comes quietly, leave Givenchy, press my heart, press my heart, and Armani, the evening wind blows and warms my heart, I think of you again, how can Bulgari forget you, can't forget you, put you in GUCCI Here, I can’t forget you, all I think about is LV, romantic summer, and Swarovski, give me a pink Ferrari.”

"The negotiation was successful?" Li Linna asked with a smile.


"Then why are you so happy?"

"Because I can afford all those brands just now!"


Two hours later, the bar on the second floor of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Satisfied with his shopping addiction, Zhao Song sat alone on the table after having a big meal, enjoying the rare silence, staring at the colorful cocktails in a daze.

"Zhao, this is the first time I've seen the president of the company who ran away during the negotiation."

A voice sounded beside him, bringing Zhao Song back to his senses. He smiled lightly at David and said:

"David, the negotiations will go faster without me, won't they?"

David shook his head: "No! Zhao, it was your honesty that made the negotiation a breakthrough."

As he spoke, he spread his hands and praised: "An authoritative organization immediately interviewed 100 entrepreneurs in the United States, and 79 of them put honesty at the top of the essential character of entrepreneurs."

Zhao Song couldn't help laughing. The afternoon's relaxation made him less nervous than in the morning when he faced the president of Morgan Stanley again: "David, honesty makes me look like a primary school student in front of you."

"But I still failed!" David looked at him seriously, "Zhao, your partner's asking price is too high!"


Zhao Song turned his head, took off the lemon slices on the top of the cocktail, took a big sip, and murmured: "I knew when you asked about Shenzhou, you have seen through my layout, Shenzhou, ZTE will On Starcom, Huashi, of course, you can also add fantasy.

Starcom is at its peak in the American stock market. In Wanwan, Huashi’s stock price is also rising rapidly. David, if I give you time to launch Shenzhou, with your ability, the money you invest in Tesla will even Can earn it all back. "

"not enough!"

David shook his head resolutely. He looked deeply at Zhao Song. He yearned for Hollywood and knew that today's big show, calling those movie kings and queens, could not perform as well as the elementary school student in front of him. My playwright girl, whoever believes that he is a primary school student will be a repeater in the kindergarten class!

"Zhao, it's not enough, we will end up complaining from many colleagues."

"Shenzhou!" Zhao Song immediately said, "I will give you a chance to invest strategically in Shenzhou."

"Are you joking?"

David laughed and said, "Zhao, your stock market won't last long."

"That's why I came to Shanghai." Zhao Song said seriously: "After the crash, I will stabilize the stock price, and then it will be the best opportunity to invest at a low price."


David looked at Zhao Song cautiously for a while, and then slowly stretched out his hand.


Zhao Song quickly shook it up.

"This will be the wisest decision of your life!"

"I hope so!"



Zhao Song asked with a smile:

"Is Huahong Semiconductor interested?"

"No!" David shook his head quickly.

"No way!"

This chapter is full of pitfalls. It is recommended that you save it for two days before reading the follow-up.

My parents went to Chongqing to join my sister, and the housework was settled. I try to write as much as possible this month.

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