The most important event in the 20th century was none other than World War I, World War II, or the disintegration of the North, but in 1971, that idiot in France, Charles de Gaulard, announced that he would withdraw all gold from the United States, leaving nothing behind. The United States announced the decoupling of the U.S. dollar from gold, and the collapse of the Bresenton system-the birth of a financial empire that has never been seen in human history!

They print money with one hand and borrow money with one hand. They can make money by printing money, and they can also make money by borrowing money. Making money with money, the financial economy is much more enjoyable than making money in the real economy. Who is willing to sweat hard to do low-value-added manufacturing? Industry, processing industry real economy?

In the next 30 years, they will take ten years as a cycle, use the US dollar as a weapon, Latin America in the 70s and 80s, island countries in the 80s and 90s, and the financial crisis in Southeast Asia in the late 1990s, open the gates to release water, and close the gates to harvest!

After destroying the local economy, enter the market at a low position and acquire various low-priced assets to complete a complete set of capital harvesting!

At the beginning of the 21st century, they finally set their sights on the land of flower growers.

Now, I personally know that it is a foregone conclusion that florists will join the WTO at the end of the year. Apart from the florists' own demands, the United States definitely has its own ideas.

However, this time they did not follow the ten-year cycle. There are many reasons. Zhao Song himself summed up two points. First:

They played themselves off in 2008.


They didn't expect the flower growers to be so flamboyant!

Of course, what should come will always come. These capitalists with bloody red lights all over their bodies just want to dig up every piece of minerals on this land and squeeze every drop of sweat and blood from the people here!

In the Ritz Carlton bar.

Zhao Song lowered his head, stared at the cocktail glass in front of him, half-closed his eyes, so that David beside him could not see the coldness in his eyes!

David patted Zhao Song on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"Zhao, don't cross the line, our cooperation will go deeper."

At present, the heads of many investment banks in Asia are not flower growers. Entrepreneurs like Zhao Song with government background and more high-quality resources themselves are a big temptation for every American investment bank!

Suddenly remembered what the bald Amazon had said to him before he arrived:

"The one-kilometer and three-link one-reach of that oriental boy are very interesting."


David smiled, this one in front of him is simply a treasure boy.


At this time, Zhao Song raised his head, and the cheerful smile had already returned to his face:

"David, you have seen Tesla's development plan. When we realize our goal of fully relying on local manufacturing, are you not tempted by the unimaginable profit margin?"

David lowered his hands and signaled Zhao Song to be safe and not to be impatient: "Unless the state interferes, no one is willing to invest in an industry where no expectations can be seen. Zhao, take your time and let us see your potential, what you think Things are possible.”

What potential?

Potential to spread money?

Continue to be that silly Zhao Song that everyone loves?

Capital city, fantasy building.

The bearded man stood in front of the window, watching the sunset in the distance.

On the opposite side of the building, a tall LCD advertising screen was erected at some point, and the "I speak for myself" advertisement was placed in front of the fantasy building day and night.

In the past few days, fantasy employees who commute to and from get off work saw that advertising screen and reacted as if they had eaten fly droppings!

For some reason, although Tesla's overwhelming advertisements made the IT industry in Beijing very lively, the bearded man always felt that Zhao Song was missing, and it was much deserted.

If possible, he really hoped that Zhao Song could stay in the capital all the time, where he could see it, instead of Shang Hai who couldn't even imagine it, although even in the capital, fantasy couldn't do anything to him.

"The rain is about to come~"

The bearded man sighed, turned around, looked at the bald man who walked in, and asked:

"Any news?"

The bald old Liu shook his head hesitantly, nodded again, and said:

“Director, it’s still the same as the previous two days. Their shareholders are traveling all over the country. Companies build partnerships."

"Moreover, the positive effect of Shenzhou's acquisition of Hampshire is emerging. They have established contacts with Oracle, Novell, IBM, Microsoft, BEA, and well-known system integrators AsiaInfo, Longshine, and Galway."

The bearded man frowned deeper and deeper, and asked suspiciously:

"They haven't even released specific products, so what are they going to do in such a hurry to expand?"

The bald head Liu shook his head: "There is another piece of news. Chen Ning, the vice president of Shenzhou, just took up the position of HR, and the first thing he did after taking office was to almost hollow out our Kaitian team?"

The bearded man paused when he heard the words, and asked in surprise, "Didn't the company sign a non-compete agreement with them?"

Just imagine the treatment of R\u0026D personnel, and want to sign a non-compete agreement with them?

Bald Liu shrugged helplessly and did not speak.

"Any more news?"

"The supply of fresh graduates majoring in software engineering in various colleges and universities is in short supply. That big fat man's forward education offers 100% employment training courses, which are also related to software, and the enrollment is very hot. Also, Penguin software engineers settled in Shenzhou two days ago. Closed training."

The bearded man paced back and forth thoughtfully, and suddenly he came to the whiteboard with a colored pen.

"Server, PHS."

With nouns written, the bearded man turned his head and asked, "Have you confirmed the identities of the shareholders who received strategic investment in Shenzhou two days ago?"

Bald Liu nodded: "They all have backgrounds from the three major communication operators."

"SP access!

Plus data content providers such as Sina, Netease, Tencent, and Xinshutong”

Write Wan, the bearded man drew a big circle on these words, and then made a point:

"A complete application service solution!"

The bald man nodded while thinking and said, "This afternoon, there are rumors in the industry that many Internet companies have achieved profits through Monternet. Sina alone has received many inquiries from investment banks. Could it be that Zhao Song is calling Monternet?" idea?"


The bearded man said decisively:

"He wants to provide the unified service of the three forces, that is, the all-media value-added service system of the three major operators!"

Beard is indeed the strongest sales elite of the flower planter. In just one afternoon, he guessed what Zhao Song was going to do through his understanding of Monternet's business model.

Bald Liu looked at the bearded man and asked blankly:

"If we fantasize about intervening in this system, will the advantage be greater?"

The bearded man shook his head with a wry smile, tapped the whiteboard and said:

"He develops the market for the three major operators without taking any money. He wants to establish a complete ecological chain and give up all relevant interests. Shenzhou Technology is only responsible for providing the product value chain of customer-service-solution"

Having said this, the bearded man suddenly stopped.

Everyone loves silly Zhao Song.

The bearded man doesn't know if a person with such courage is stupid or not, he only knows that if he fantasizes about playing tricks on Zhao Song, it will be more than just a few phone calls and door-to-door warnings!

Next, we can only face each other with real swords and bullets.

"Old Liu."

The bearded man picked up the documents on the table and walked out.


"Check all our product lines to determine the quality of the products. For customers who have disputes, speed up the processing, and compromise if it is necessary, and must be fast!"


At this time, the bearded man had already reached the door of the office. He stopped, thought for a while, and asked:

"Zhao Song is still an undergraduate student, right?"

"That's right, two books."

"Make a plan to question whether the students with such education and qualifications are qualified to hold so many positions in state-owned enterprises at the same time."


Patting the bald Liu on the shoulder, the bearded man sighed:

"Old Liu, believe me, that is a character who crawled out of the Zhongguancun store where swords, lights and swords are shadowing. This battle is far more cruel than you imagined!

The bald head Liu nodded blankly, muttering to himself:

"Why mess with him, we have to make an inch of him when he gives in again and again!

Director, why did you provoke him? "


What are you doing with him?

The bearded man didn't bother to answer such an afterthought question.

Who the hell knows how those people ignored the 2000 family that was valued at 15 billion last year, how it disappeared from the media, and then promoted this young model to the altar.

Who the hell knows, that shameless man can take advantage of his status as the richest man to teach a whole new lesson to all the flower growers—to build the entrepreneur's personal brand, or to personalize the company's brand.

Zhao Song, Zhao Song, Zhao Song.

TV, newspapers, radio, and even ordinary people are talking about this young richest man after dinner.

"Wealth is about to hit a new high!"

"The world's major investment banks gathered in Shanghai to loot Tesla."

"The Rise of the Grassroots."

The richest man, Zhao Song.

When hearing this name, countless people will think of Tesla, think of Shenzhou, and even one kilometer, three links and one reach. If LeEco is not deliberately hidden, maybe the tribal series of sexy underwear can be looted by ordinary people. empty.

In the past two days, there is another sensational news, that is, many return drivers in the Yangtze River Delta area would rather take a detour and go to the Shanghai Santong Yida distribution center to register, instead of doing cheap work in the local area.

He seldom attended events, only had one exclusive interview with a newspaper, but he played with all the media and applauded him.

How did he do that?

The bearded man couldn't figure it out, he knew that Zhao Rong didn't have that ability!

He also knew that this revenge war would definitely start from the media!

"Then let me see what you're capable of!"

The bearded man gritted his teeth and walked towards the president's office.

It was updated yesterday, but it was not sent out, and it was discovered during the day. Changed the astronomy for a day, changed the outline for a day.

When I checked the information, I found that the 6th had just lowered the standard, so I studied it carefully and said a few words to the book friends:

If you have more than 500,000 deposits in a local commercial bank (bank bankruptcy law)

If you are going to look for financial products.

If you plan to quit your job and start a business.

Please carefully study the situation for which the RRR cut is aimed at.

As a common man, of course, follow the national policy.

What is the policy, as I said last year, six stability!

Stability is the top priority, cash is king, keep your job, and have no debts, then in a deflationary world, you are the winner!

come on!

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