Rebirth Turn of the Century

Popular Science Chapter Quantum Supremacy

In the past two days, Google and NASA jointly released a paper to achieve quantum supremacy (or quantum advantage).

That is to say, in a certain field of computing, it completes calculations that are impossible for the most powerful supercomputers today—they claim that it takes 10,000 years for a supercomputer to summit a calculation performed within 3 minutes and 20 planes.

Strangely, Google and NASA withdrew the paper soon after it was released.

Regardless, this is breaking news for the field of quantum computing.

So, what is quantum computing.

For traditional computers, when its CPU process enters a field smaller than nanometers, all the theories it adapts to will no longer apply.

Yes, the failure of Moore's Law is certain.

When the classical computer enters a smaller manufacturing process, a new field of physics will enter the field of vision of all scientists, that is-quantum physics.

In contrast to traditional computer binary, which is either 0 or 1, qubits are either 1 or 0.

The two sentences are the same, please refer to the meaning: No one can beat Chinese table tennis, and no one can beat Chinese football.

Yes, qubits can be both 1 and 0 at the same time, and when they are entangled, the number of states that can be represented increases exponentially, making it possible to calculate millions of possibilities at once.

Encryption, materials, medicine, and artificial intelligence are the fields where it exerts its power. That is to say, even if quantum computing is realized, classical computers will continue.

But when will it happen?

In my lifetime!

This stuff is just as off-putting as controlled nuclear fusion.

How to control it, how to correct errors, a lot of problems are waiting to be solved.

In China, in addition to various colleges and universities and Professor Pan’s team, there is also Ali’s Dharma Academy starting from the software level of quantum computing. (Similar to an operating system.)

Whether overtaking on curves can be realized, none of us know, but researching this thing is a must for all major countries.

The purpose of this single chapter of popular science is to tell everyone that semiconductors are still the top priority in the future, and quantum computing is out of the question!

PS: Now that I’ve written the business war, I have a headache, and the reading experience of book friends is also very poor. If you add daily routines later, it will add pitfalls. If you don’t understand, you can leave a message and ask.

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