Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 458: Potential Cheng (End)

From the beginning to the end, the bearded man never mentioned Tesla, and he still has nothing to do with the T1, which is gradually becoming a god in the high-end field.

But, after all, that is the high end of the retail field, which is only a small part of the market. What really makes him vigilant is Shenzhou, the Shenzhou that has always wanted to extend its hand into government procurement!

What is he going to do? what will he do When will he do it?

Three questions have been lingering in the heart of the bearded man, lingering!

However, after all, he thought too highly of himself and his fantasy, because at this moment, Zhao Song and Shenzhou had no time to talk to them, and even the public opinion war he guessed had already started long ago.

In the following days, a media carnival was completely set off.

Guessing Tesla's valuation; predicting Zhao Song's worth; even before the signing of the contract, Guancheng has already started the municipal project of three links and one leveling, all of which have aroused huge discussions.

But what really excited them were the three questions that came out of the super five-star hotel.

Of course, those are not three questions that confuse a bearded man, but a question asked by a young private enterprise of a flower grower to the world's top investment banks:

Who are you? Where are you from what can you do for me

If you want to invest in Tesla, you need money alone!

Florists, flower growers, flower growers, Western world, top investment banks.

When this bunch of elements were captured by the media and involved in patriotism, the resulting storm was simply beyond everyone's expectations.

Zhao Song became popular, and Tesla added fuel to the fire, and Tesla's products were even sold out!

Another big advantage is that the originally extremely difficult negotiations suddenly became smoother, and many of the aggressive conditions proposed by Tesla were also accepted by the three major investment banks.

May 14.

Tesla reached a preliminary agreement with the three major investment banks and Time Warner.

May 15.

KPMG, a third-party international accounting firm, entered Beijing to audit Tesla.

May 17.

Tesla began to contact more international investment banks. This time, it was no longer limited to the United States.

It was also on this day that Ding Tao, chief negotiator of Tesla, asked those three business philosophy questions.

May 19.

Morgan Stanley became the first company to determine the investment share. David was sent off by Zhao Song and boarded the return plane with a complicated expression.

When he set foot on the land of the United States, he received news that the company's asset management department had seen a surge in business. Everything pointed to the concept of Tesla.

Of course, the affirmation of the board of directors was the reason why he dissipated the depression he brought from the flower planter.

May 23.

With an ultra-low price of 13.52 million US dollars and a series of copyright agreements, Tesla won all the assets of winmap, and Frank's founding team will gather together.

No one can tell whether Time Warner has made or lost in the winmap deal, because winmap, which has more than 20 million users, is actually the beginning of a deal

However, when the news came, Time Warner's stock rose in response to the news, but it said everything!

May 25.

Bear Stearns and Wells Fargo reached an agreement with Tesla one after another. Judging from the smiles on their representatives' faces, although the price they paid was higher than that of Morgan Stanley, it was definitely within their bottom line.

May 27.

The national team confirmed that a little-known company whose name was all in English walked into the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. After the smiling investment representative signed the premium investment agreement, a piece worth 4,900 The check for ten thousand dollars was placed in Zhao Song's hands, and then he left gracefully.

There are no additional conditions, only investment, so simple to participate in this world-renowned wealth feast, middle-aged people dare not talk nonsense, the most important thing is to complete the task!

In more than half a month, five companies were identified, and there were only three companies left in the first round of plans announced by Tesla.

Ding Tao's team, which is becoming more and more comfortable, began to deal with the many capital predators who were already anxious!

May 30, evening.

The bar on the second floor of the Ritz-Carlton.

On the bar counter, Zhao Song was still sitting quietly alone. This time of the day was his time to relax.

For half a month, the media carnival seemed to have nothing to do with him, and his busy schedule took up almost all of his time, negotiating, meeting, visiting, reporting, and handling official duties.

He is not just the boss of Tesla, Zhao Song knew that if he hadn't been angry again, he would definitely have a serious illness, and the huge secretarial team was already exhausted to three.

For more than half a month.

Tesla, with Yuan Wu in charge, is the least of his worries.

In Shenzhou, two commercial terminals are undergoing the last extreme environment test. That mobile terminal will complete its 10,000th side-on collision test today.

In Xinfadi, the cultural tycoon and Zhao Li signed an equity transfer agreement, only retaining a very small part of the shares of the three links and one agreement, and the rest were all sold to Zhao Song and Zhaojiacun Group - the funds for the dissolution of Jiaming Trading Finally, there is a place where they can feel at ease.

In Guancheng, the land planning has been completed, and the rest depends on how much area Tesla and Shenzhou need, so that supporting suppliers such as Wuming and Shanshi can determine their respective sites.

Supporting suppliers also need supporting suppliers. Now, the entire city of Guan, not to mention hotels, is even rented out.

The managers of countless large manufacturers, small manufacturers, small and medium manufacturers, surrounded Xu Liangying, Yu Liang, Chen Keyan and others all day long.

Xu Liangying has called many times to tell Zhao Song that if she doesn't make sure sooner, she will almost die in the wine tank!

how early?

In the bar, Zhao Song shook his head with a wry smile as he thought about the violent Xu Liangying's phone call. A large-scale investment project involving billions of funds and potentially benefiting millions of people was not just blown out.

Although in this impetuous age, bragging can make a fortune, but bragging also dies quickly!

Take a look at A shares.

Zhao Song's gaze moved to the financial newspaper not far away:

On May 24, 2001, the state-owned shares were first reduced, and the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets plummeted.

The ones that fell the hardest were those bastards who didn't pay taxes on their bragging pens.

As for the Delong Department, before Zhao Song could do anything, the thunderstorms had already started from now on. To tear down the east wall to make up for the dilemma of the west wall would be the life style of that legendary boss for the next two years.

In this super-big case of "retreat of the country and advance of the people" by an economist, the country did not retreat, and the people did not advance. The real losses were tens of millions of second-hand stockholders. On average, each of them lost 500 yuan

Yes, it's just a bunch of second-hand stockholders who listen to wind and rain!

Zhao Song looked at the Shenzhou stock price that had been green for 5 days in the newspaper, and the wry smile on his face became heavier and heavier.

Everything that should be prepared has been prepared, and what should come has also come.

At this moment, he was neither complacent nor ambitious.

Instead, keep examining yourself and warning yourself:

Don't be greedy or read, not arrogant or impetuous.

Zhao Song, the momentum has come, stay in awe.

Go on!

Reply to book friends, the WTO implements the principles of market openness, non-discrimination, and fair trade.

The show in Chapter 89 means that when joining the WTO, many promises made by flower growers are like farting.

So, Wuchang is the five big hooligans, and I am very proud to be a citizen of one of the big hooligans.

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