Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 97 Extra Story: Raising the national flag, playing the national anthem, free chapters (with

In the early morning, the streets were still as quiet as ever, the sky was still an endless dark blue, so deep that it was frightening, and Xiagou Village shrouded in mist was unusually quiet. It's very bright here.

Here is the early morning of October 1, 2000.

The retired old dog Lian Shun, who was hired back by Zhao Song, dragged his exhausted body to the door of a house where Wei Mingyu was wiping his bayonet against the street lamp. cold glow.

Rubbing Wei Mingyu's calf, Lian Shun quietly lay beside her, sticking out his tongue, looking at the bayonet, showing a nostalgic expression.

Zhao Song, who was dozing off at the side, quietly opened his eyes, and glanced at Lian Shun suspiciously—this buddy is less and less like a watchdog, and he is a companion dog.

At this time, Sister Da Da came in from the entrance of the village with a frowning face. Against the backdrop of the mist, her enchanting body seemed like a dream.

"What's wrong? This expression early in the morning?"

"That brat in my family wrote in his homework: My mother is a middle-aged woman who is less than forty years old!"

The anger on Sister DaDa's face became more and more intense.


Xiao Yu quickly covered her mouth, and lowered her head to comb Lian Shun's hair.

"." Zhao Song looked up at the dark blue sky before saying, "The words less than forty years old are redundant."

Sister Da Da nodded and said, "The teacher pointed it out to him when he corrected the homework. Guess how he corrected it?"

"." Zhao Song shook his head solemnly, an old man couldn't guess what the bear boy was thinking.

Sister Da Da's face completely collapsed: "My mother is a redundant middle-aged woman!"

"." Looking at Xiao Yu's trembling shoulders, Zhao Song comforted him with a stiff face, "How could it be a middle-aged woman? In ancient times, with your current appearance, sister, you can support the entire brothel!"

"You say she looks like that pillar?"

At this time, Zhao Dou also came over and asked disdainfully.


"I beat you to death!"

A new day begins with the slapstick of two middle-aged people who have forgotten their identities.

The dark blue of the sky is getting lighter and lighter, and more and more people are gathering in the small square.

Sleepy-eyed Xizi came to Zhao Song and complained, "It's good to go to Tiananmen Square to raise the national flag. What can be raised on the small flagpole in this broken square?"

Zhao Song flicked his head towards the entrance of the village, where the handsome man was walking quickly with a small box on his back:

"That buddy wants to raise the national flag in a 3D surround music." Zhao Song spread his hands and said helplessly: "After thinking about it, this is the only place where he can toss around."

"3D music?" Xizi thought for a while, and suddenly realized: "Singing and throwing the handkerchief? Isn't this kind of day inappropriate?"

"." Zhao Song raised his foot and kicked at this unreliable brother.

Betty at the side looked at her watch with a headache, and shouted at the two brothers who were playing tricks: "Zhao Song, 5:55, there are still two minutes!"


Zhao Song stood still and looked around.

Ding Tao came, and he and Song Guanyi stood quietly in the corner, Li Yong and his wife hooked their shoulders and whispered, and members of a family came out of the clubhouse.

Xingsheng, Pingping, Du Kai, Uncle Lu, Wen Zhenwen, Wen Lihua, Liu Cong, Old Wang next door, and Boss Song from West Thirteen Banners also came.

Zhao Song cleared his throat and said loudly:

"Thank you for coming! Yesterday, Chen Chong, the spokesperson of Tesla, won the Olympic championship, and the patriotic enthusiasm aroused by "going to break". Therefore, the commander-in-chief proposed that on this day of national celebration, a simple The gift action, handsome!"

The handsome man nodded, and opened the small box he carried with him.

Nephew and uncle Hong Tao and Hong Dazhi, who were neatly dressed, came under the broken flagpole in the small square with the national flag.

Betty looked at her watch, the time on it was deliberately opposite to the National Time Service Center.

"10, 9"

The handsome guy took out a small trumpet, checked it carefully, and put it to his mouth.

"5, 4"

Hong Tao tied the national flag to a rope and stood quietly.




"Shou, shu, shu, shu, shu, shu, shu, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, too, too to wove, to wobble to wobble~"

"March of the Volunteers" seems to have a special magic power. No matter when it sounds, the flower growers will always stand up for it and pay attention to it!

The mist dissipated, the sun broke through layers of barriers, broke through the clouds, and a beam of sunlight came, both shining and bright.

Through the blood-red flag that is rising slowly, colorful colors are released, shining on this group of young people, shining on this land.

At this time, no one can express the feelings in their hearts. The solitary sound of the trumpet has really become a 360-degree 3D music with no dead ends, piercing the body and the soul from every pore.

In the world of these young people, the broken flagpole disappeared, the village in the city disappeared, and only the blood-red flag and the impassioned music remained between the sky and the earth.

This is the flag, this is the national anthem.

When it rises, when it sounds, everything becomes magical.

It seems that there are two things that we don’t understand at all. When the Eight-Power Allied Forces occupied Beijing and the Chinese nation was about to perish, Wang Yirong, an official who defended Beijing at the critical moment, discovered the oracle bone inscriptions, and it was precisely he who discovered the oracle bone inscriptions.

He committed suicide on the day when the Eight-Power Allied Forces entered, and there are still fragments of oracle bone inscriptions on the desk, and the oracle bone inscriptions tell us Chinese that we once had a great Shang Dynasty, more than 4,000 years ago.

Then in those two days, when the Eight-Power Allied Forces entered the north, Dunhuang discovered the Buddhist scriptures cave and told everyone that there was a Tang Dynasty in China.

Please allow me to make a metaphor for these two things, that is, a samurai was defeated by others, covered with blood, lying on the ground dying, at this moment, he suddenly heard the singing of his childhood, he leaned on Stick stood up.

This childhood singing was the oracle bone inscriptions at that time, and it was the discovery of evidence of the Tang Dynasty's glory at that time, and he stood up again.

This is the majesty of 5000 years, a mysterious force.

Just like the national flag and the national anthem are as mysterious!

This is a great hero who has endured many trials and tribulations, the only one who never dies and will never be defeated!

His name is the Chinese nation!

Motherland, happy birthday!

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