Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 465 Development Plan

Under the stage, some people lowered their heads, some blushed, and some stared angrily at the stage.

In the front row, the secretary and Dr. Zhang looked at each other and smiled.

"When I wanted to find domestic replacement parts for Shenzhou Technology's power supply products, the Great Wall Group, which was the OEM for me, told me that in such a huge country, there are very few mos tubes that can be used on the market. The MOS tube with a voltage of several V can only be used by An Semiconductor!"

On the stage, Zhao Song didn't care about the eyes of the people below, and continued to talk. He pointed in the direction of Huahong's factory and amplified the volume:

"It stands to reason. There are a lot of external things such as domestic equipment, and almost all the top talents in the country are concentrated here. Why can't they be produced?"


There are more and more blushing people, and fewer and fewer angry people.

"I have been here twice these days, but every time I came to Huahong, I was blocked by your chat content.

Pudong development, housing prices will rise! If the Olympic bid is successful, housing prices will rise! After joining the WTO, the price will increase even during the holiday! "

Speaking of this, Zhao Song roared and asked: "Apart from housing prices, do you have nothing else to talk about? This is the company with the highest technological content in Huahuajia. In this venue, except for me, the minimum education is a master's degree! But I heard What? There is no work discussion, no professional discussion!"


"Some people may say that the treatment given to you can't make you do more!"

Zhao Song nodded and said seriously: "That's right, after all, it has been open for 20 years, ignoring personal interests and making you contribute to the country is unreasonable.

But what if I give you your due? "

As soon as the last question was finished, Liao Yingzhu turned on the projector, and a huge chart immediately appeared on the super-large projection screen.


There was a sound of gasping for air.

Zhao Song moved two steps to the side of the stage so that everyone could clearly see the numbers on the chart.

Looking at everyone's stunned looks, Zhao Song nodded expressionlessly: "You read that right, the minimum wages for front-line technicians and R\u0026D personnel start at 6,500 yuan, but not now!"

Not now what are you talking about? Is it funny?

"Huahong's equipment can achieve the highest technology node of 90 microns. Of course, I will not make such a high requirement unrealistically. My goal is: 0.35!"

Zhao Song stretched out three fingers and said solemnly:

"Assessing the strength of semiconductor technology: 1 transistor performance, 2 chip metal layer connection (thinner wire diameter), 3 chip gate density.

I will give you one month, as long as the yield rate of 0.35 micron, which is slightly behind but the most mature process node, reaches more than 60%, Huahong will fully implement a new wage standard! "


Under the stage, people's eyes became brighter and brighter, and they all looked at Zhao Song seriously.

"One month later, a single order worth 5 billion will be handed over to Huahong!"




Many people stood up involuntarily, staring at Zhao Song on the stage dumbfounded.

On the stage, Zhao Song walked back to the middle of the stage, without any fluctuation in his expression, and continued to say calmly:

"You want a house, yes!

Everyone knows that every ten points in the yield rate will reduce our cost by 10-20%, and when the yield rate reaches 90%"

All eyes in the venue were focused on Zhao Song's raised finger, and then he swung it vigorously, pointing in the direction of the city center of Shanghai.

"The city government has already prepared the land for us. Whether you have the ability to get it depends on your own!"


"Mr. Zhao!"

At this time, a young man with a flushed face stood up in the crowd and asked loudly, "What does land mean?"

"The land is the house! The house is your reward for getting a 90% yield!"

90% means a gross profit of one billion yuan. By then, a few houses will be nothing!


"The biggest parent officer in Shanghai City is sitting next to you. I don't dare to make random promises."


Like a promise, Xiaonian nodded heavily, and then sat down.

Zhao Song smiled slightly, gestured to Liao Yingzhu, and then continued his speech:

"In the semiconductor industry, what we are facing is not polite competition, but a life-and-death struggle like the French Revolution!

Four Star is relying on national war indemnity to exchange blood; the island country’s industrial strategy has shifted, and the national team has gradually taken shape; Wanwan fully supports Wanji Electric and strictly guards against us;

As for the country, we still have to face powerful opponents such as Motorola and SMIC, and fight head-to-head with the bayonet! "

Hearing this, the secretary looked at Dr. Zhang beside him with great interest, only to see that he looked solemnly and looked at Zhao Song seriously.

Not far from them, Jiang Shangzhou excitedly listened to Zhao Song's speech. He had already established a foreign talent channel. If Zhao Song's plan can be realized, then the talent introduction measures will be realized sooner! By the time.

"Someone may have already guessed what I'm going to do."

At this time, Zhao Song also looked at Dr. Zhang, and he said with a smile: "The technology node is an important criterion for measuring semiconductor technology, but it is not absolute. Whether it is Intel or AMD, the most profitable is not the most Advanced technology, but a relatively mature technology node.

Enterprises are not philanthropists. They need to consider the issue of profitability. For many chips, if the product performance is sufficient, choosing the most suitable manufacturing process can enhance market competitiveness and expand market share.

Therefore, under the current situation, Huahong's long-term strategy is - more than Moore! "

Zhao Song turned his head, pointed to the words on the big screen, and read aloud: "Beyond Moore's Law Project!

That is to manufacture a variety of products in a mature process.

To hell with the international embargo!

Huahong's goal is to be the most cost-effective semiconductor foundry. Under the mature manufacturing process, it provides all customers with: patent use, open technology platform, and high-yield products.

Micro-electromechanical, automotive IC, sensors, photovoltaic energy, LED and other projects are the fields where we can show our talents! "

In the venue, the young and loud voice rang out, getting louder and louder.

"Based on this, let fabless semiconductor companies spring up like mushrooms in this country by our side, in Shanghai, in the capital, and promote the continuous innovation capability of the industry. original intention!"


"Some people say that the character 'work' of a flower grower is very interesting. If you work hard, you will never succeed!"

"But today, I'm here to assure you that if you are senior engineers who settle down and rely on craftsmanship like the big factories in Europe, America and Japan, then I, Zhao Song, will stand up for you!"

"Starting from today, Huahong will implement a radical equipment depreciation plan, laying a solid foundation for realizing profitability earlier!"

"Starting today, there will be bonuses for patents, and profits will be shared!"

"Starting today, the company will set up an employee option pool to make every employee who contributes to the company the master of the house!"

"From today onwards, every time the good product rate increases by ten points, I will personally reward the relevant personnel with 10 million yuan!"


Advanced manufacturing processes are only useful in certain fields, but in terms of analog circuits, it is a constraint.

The Beyond Moore's Law plan is the bulk of TSMC's profits, and it is the basis for its large-scale R\u0026D investment. This plan was invested during the economic crisis in 2008. The project leader was initially appointed as the current president of SMIC——Liang Mengsong. Yes, That wife is from South Korea, who ran to South Korea in 2008. The one who helps Four Star cultivate talents and make it the second largest semiconductor factory in the world. . . . . . people.

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