Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 466 The First Chip

Huahong's employees didn't know what the billions worth of orders were.

But they know that in today's occasion where so many big leaders are sitting in the audience, Zhao Song must be responsible for every word he says!

The aggressive equipment depreciation plan means that this year must be fully depreciated. If the order is fake, there will be a huge loss next year, not to mention Zhao Song, and the faces of relevant leaders will not look good!

Huahong is about to change dramatically!

Everyone looked excitedly at Zhao Song on the stage. How could this young man who was not pleasing to the eye at first look more and more festive now?

He doesn't talk about ideals or dedication to them, he only talks about money. He tells them the company's goals and the direction of their efforts. In that direction, a bright house and golden money are at your fingertips!

Who doesn't like money?

These days, education has been industrialized, and houses have become commodities.

If you don't talk about money, life will soon be difficult.

Compared with Huahong employees, Zhao Song shocked those leaders even more.

They naturally knew Huahong's development plan, but looking at the middle-aged man who just came to Zhao Song, the boss of Shanghai turned to look at Dr. Zhang, and asked in surprise: Li Deyin, why is this name so familiar? "

Dr. Zhang said with a wry smile: "Successively worked for Intel, Bell Labs, and the general manager of Shida Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., my former subordinate?"


The secretary asked with interest: "Did Zhao Song dig it from you?"

Dr. Zhang shook his head: "Unbeknownst to me, Shida Semiconductor was sold to Wanji Electronics without my knowledge. He was the one who operated it. I didn't expect that instead of going to Wanji Electronics, he was recruited by Zhao Song as an operation officer. "

At this time, Jiang Shangzhou, who was sitting behind them, came over and introduced quietly: "This is the only employee who will not be in Huahong's salary system in the future, and part of his salary will be paid by Zhao Song!"

"Why?" Frowning, he looked at the plump Huahong Chairman, how could he take advantage of Zhao Song endlessly.

"In addition to the very high salary, Mr. Li Deyin will also serve as a teacher and be responsible for cultivating relevant talents for Zhao Song."

Jiang Shangzhou quickly explained.


The secretary nodded thoughtfully, and finally looked at Dr. Zhang and asked, "Do you understand what this kid is going to do?"

Dr. Zhang hesitated for a moment before shaking his head: "It's still close."

The secretary smiled when he heard the words. At this time, Zhao Song had brought Li Deyin down the stage. If the secretary did not speak, then the general meeting would be over.

Looking at Chairman Huahong's expectant eyes, the secretary shook his head and said:

"Personnel reform must be completed as soon as possible. The seller and buyer Zhao Song have been found by Huahong. If you lose the chain again, I will be punished!"

"Don't worry, the secretary."

Chairman Huahong nodded solemnly in agreement.

The secretary looked at his watch and said with a smile: "Let's go, the dinner party will be the real big show in a while, and all the big donors will come. How much you can gain is up to you."

Hua Hong Jin's chairman smiled and said: "Secretary, my task from now on is to look after the family, and President Zhao Song will be the rest."

The secretary couldn't help laughing, and Zhao Song, who rushed over, waved his hand, and walked towards the door surrounded by the crowd.

What is the big show?

It's a gathering of great people.

An hour later, at the entrance of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Under the watchful eyes of the major media who had received the invitations early, vehicles with various special license plates drove into the parking lot, and all the big figures who were hard to see usually walked into the banquet hall with great momentum.

Hua Dan, head of Shanghai Satellite TV, stared blankly, and it took a long time to react. She twisted her body and approached the CCTV reporter not far away, and asked softly:

"Brother Meng, the one who went there just now belongs to China Merchants Bank?"

Brother Meng of CCTV nodded solemnly: "The top leader! There are also major communication companies, banks, local state-owned enterprises, Datang, Ziguang, and this that passed by just now."

The head of the family, Hua Dan, gasped. This banquet was so much more upscale than those entrepreneurial banquets she had attended.

She hesitated and asked, "Brother Meng, are there any other entrepreneurs?"

Brother Meng of CCTV adjusted the camera, pointed the lens at the Audi car that was slowly stopping, and then pouted at the other side of the gate. There, a group of people who usually chat and laugh with Huadan at the banquet are gathered together, looking at the gate eagerly .

"You mean other private entrepreneurs, right? You can't get in!"


The head of Huadan fought a cold war. The invitations of these reporters were all signed by Zhao Song with the signature of United Semiconductor. At this moment, she realized how far the young man who dominated the headlines of the world's major media during this period of time had gone. .


Suddenly, the shutter sounded and the flashing lights blazed. After the Audi team, another team followed closely. The Audi car with the tail number 001 in the middle told everyone that the ruler of this city was coming.

What about Zhao Song?

The head of the family, Hua Dan, was arranging her makeup, wondering in her heart, did he dare to make a bold final appearance?

Ball head Hao Ying looked in the mirror for the seventh time.

After she turned around three times, she nodded in satisfaction and came to Zhao Song's side.

"There are so many big leaders here, not only do you not go to receive them, but you want to be the last?"

Zhao Song put down the phone, pointed helplessly at the inner door of the president's private room and said:

"This is directly connected to the banquet hall, let's go in quietly at the end, and create the illusion that we have already been there!"


"At today's dinner, the reporters can do interviews at will. Among the old foxes who don't like oil and salt and a young boy, who will you interview?"


Hao Ying thought for a while before pointing at Zhao Song hesitantly.

"That's why." Zhao Song spread his hands, "I can't go there and steal the limelight."


Hao Ying pouted in disappointment.

Zhao Song raised his eyelids, and took a quick look at Hao Ying. She was dressed in a dark purple evening dress, which set off the bulge and back of this childlike Beijing chick, which was very eye-catching:

"I said girl, are you sure you want to accompany me?"

"Of course!" Hao Ying nodded as a matter of course, "Nancy said this is a good opportunity for me to expand my reputation. Besides, how can you attend such a grand dinner by yourself?"

"I'm afraid to scare people if I go half alone."


Hao Ying gritted her teeth, trying to resist the desire to slap him.

"Girl, you came in with me this time, and the scandal will spread all over the world! Does your family agree?"

"They say let it be!"

Hao Ying waved her hand indifferently, and asked curiously, "What about your long legs?"

Hearing this, Zhao Song immediately scratched his head in distress: "I heard her tone, not only not angry, but also quite happy."


Hao Ying quickly covered her mouth, and asked with a smile, "Are you clingy again?"

Zhao Song gave her a white look: "It seems that Li Wei's mother-in-law told you a lot of bad things about me, right?"


Hao Ying smiled and said nothing.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Zhao Song didn't bother to talk to her, so he sorted out his thoughts and asked seriously: "Aside from the strong sense of clan, what other characteristics do Chaoshan people have?"

Hao Ying shook her head in a daze.

Zhao Song was not surprised by Miss Qianjin's reaction, handed her a document, and then introduced: "This person is called Lin Benjian, his ancestral home is Chaoshan, he was born in South Vietnam, he studied in Wanwan Province in high school, and his university is in the United States. Let your family Find a professional to help me analyze and analyze, and see what methods can be used to lure him away from Wanwan."

Hao Ying immediately took the documents and put them in her carry-on bag without looking at them: "Don't worry, I will give you the results in a week at the latest."

"Thank you." Zhao Song nodded gratefully, and added: "Remember to tell your family that this person was not dug for me, but the country."

Hao Ying looked at him strangely, and said softly: "Zhao"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhao Song waving his hand. He smiled lightly and said, "Girl, I'm not that selfless. Including today's dinner, all the things I give away are just to get more."


You say yes, Hao Ying nodded her head.

Zhao Song laughed, and asked the last question: "Girl, what is your earliest enlightenment song?"

Hao Ying thought for a while before saying, "It should be the popular song that my grandfather always sang to me when I was young."

That's the case, no wonder the girl can be so emotional when she sings popular songs.

Zhao Song looked at her seriously: "Several special TPODs need to have some specific songs built in, you can sing it and I'll listen to it."

Hao Ying heard the words, picked up the mineral water to moisten her throat, brewed up her feelings, and then sang softly:

"A great river with broad waves.

The wind blows the fragrance of rice flowers on both sides of the bank.


This may be the enlightenment song for many kinds of flower people. It is so beautiful and moving when sung by a chick from the capital who grew up under the influence of an old general.

Boiling applause, excited crowd, extremely curious reporters.

Li Qiang, president of United Semiconductor, announced excitedly after thanking the relevant leaders:

The state-owned mobile terminal identity card chip (SIM card chip) with independent intellectual property rights was officially born!

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