Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 467 Cursing (big chapter)

"In a market economy environment, if a company wants to form a strategic alliance with another powerful company, it must strive to become an important link in the value chain of the other party."

On June 1st, Zhao Song presented a brand new topic to the field of domestic management:

"The competition in the future will be value chain-to-value chain competition, industry cluster-to-industry cluster competition, alliance-to-alliance competition."

Break the foreign monopoly, fill the domestic gap, and save billions of dollars in foreign exchange for the country every year.

In any case, all the heads and brains who attended the dinner will add the most glorious strokes to their thick resumes after today.

The long red silk, the golden red scissors, and the leaders standing side by side, amidst the flashing shutters and lights, countless pieces of red silk fell to the ground.



The ribbons were flying and the applause was warm.

The image was frozen at this moment, and was quickly transmitted to the headquarters of the major media. An hour later, the figures of these leaders will appear on the news column with the highest ratings in the world—this is why the dinner was held so early , The press release has already been written!

This is the largest and most successful interdepartmental cooperation in the history of the Republic of China in the microelectronics industry.

The last time this kind of large-scale cooperation was the "Lianhai Microelectronics Design Center" project seven years ago, the Shanghai Municipal Government fully supported it, and the State Economic and Trade Commission provided grants and tens of millions of interest-free loans. The office fully participated in it, and multi-department and multi-enterprise joint cooperation.

Unfortunately, when the project progressed to the last step, a 200-word note from the liar and fraudulent classmate Xiao Liu made everything invisible!

Zhao Song couldn't imagine that the state key laboratory was set up in the enterprise, and it didn't make unreliable CPU and OS, but in the 1990s, the program-controlled switchboard and laser printer project with an annual net profit of tens of millions of RMB , why didn't he do it?

In the final analysis, it is the greed for power, because as long as those projects are successful, people will only remember Academician Ni, not his classmate Xiao Liu!

Seven years have passed, the program-controlled interactive machine has a successor, but what about the printer?

Strong patent barriers have been formed. Look at the brands used by government agencies, and then look at the small advertisements for recycling toner cartridges all over the street. Every content and every word we print out is exposed in broad daylight by the chips on the toner cartridges. Down!

Regrets have been cast, and now, seven years after the "Lianhai Microelectronics Design Center" project, United Semiconductor was born, and joined hands with multiple departments and companies to jointly launch the SIM card chip project. This is the first state-owned IC phone card chip. Two major special achievements.

The "Flower Core" plan and the "863" project can all be relied on. Communications, banks, and various enterprises, as long as they have the ability, can all participate.

Don't care who developed this chip, as long as you can bring me something, this chip is the credit of everyone in it. If you want face, I will give you face. If you want face, I will give you face.

Be beaming and happy everyone!

In the venue, chatting and laughing were lively and intertwined, and the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic.

Jiang Shangzhou quietly approached Dr. Zhang with a wine glass.

"Do you understand what it is?"

Dr. Zhang withdrew his attention from the discussion on the sidelines, and dragged Director Jiang to the corner of the venue, mumbling incessantly:

"Dual-interface IC, social security IC, payment IC, bank card IC, Lao Jiang, the person who is talking to Li Qiang over there is from the petroleum system."

Director Jiang nodded.

"That's a fuel card chip." Dr. Zhang said with a wry smile, "In just a short while, more than a dozen projects have been negotiated, and several IC design companies have the intention to establish them. If these are done, they will be placed in SMIC."

Director Jiang shook his head quickly, and said absurdly: "Don't even think about it, Zhao Song paid such a high price, it's not for you to make wedding dresses!"

"Where's Zhao Song?"

"It's in this venue."

Dr. Zhang looked at Director Jiang suspiciously. He couldn't see such a young and eye-catching person in the venue?

Director Zhang glanced at his watch before explaining, "He won't appear until the news is finalized at 6:30."

Dr. Zhang opened his mouth, gave up on this question, and pointed to a group of people not far away and asked: "Is that the three giants of Huada Electronics, Datang Telecom, and Ziguang Tongxin? The billions of SIM card projects every year, Is United Semiconductor willing to throw out three-quarters of it?"

Director Jiang blinked, leaned closer to Dr. Zhang, and said in a low voice, "Think about what they said to the chairman of Telecom just now."

Dr. Zhang lowered his head and meditated, muttering to himself:

"PHS is a useful supplement to the current mobile communication market."

"Open up the market for low-income groups."

"The separation of machine and card is imminent."

"Wireless value-added services have broad prospects and promise."

"Increase support for relevant domestic high-tech enterprises."


Dr. Zhang stared blankly at Jiang Shangzhou. After a long time, he smiled bitterly and said, "UT Starcom, it's over!"

Burning the number of PHS is an obstacle to the SIM card business. No matter how good the relationship between Starcom and the Ministry of Information Industry is, think about the background behind those three companies.

This was the follow-up reaction after locking up the richest man for one night. He didn't expect that the boy's first counterattack was so fierce, like a big hand covering the sky, he slapped Starcom hard, without even a little room for resistance. nothing!

Director Jiang was also stunned for a while. He didn't expect this kind of relationship, and he didn't bother to think about such a bad thing. He gave Dr. Zhang a hand and said angrily:

"What does it have to do with that company? Huahong is alive. Once this industrial model is successful, Zhao Song will pave the way for the entire industry."

"Difficult!" Dr. Zhang shook his head and sighed: "Look at the complicated capital structure of SMIC. The state's support for the industry will only be policy support in the future, and financial support will only decrease. .”

Director Jiang smiled and shook his head towards the venue, jokingly said, "What do all the rich patrons here say?"


Dr. Zhang was stunned for a moment, then exclaimed: "Amazing!"

He suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his scalp, Zhao Song's chess game was really too big!

I give up 3/4 of the SIM interest, but you have to help me open up the market. The only ones who can afford a mobile phone are flower growers. Where does the market come from?

It can only be a cheaper PHS, and it has to be a PHS with the latest generation of machine-card separation technology. Who is that?


After supporting it, I can also expand wireless value-added services for you.

With its support, the market for Shenzhou's commercial terminals and upcoming PHS mobile phones will be fully opened.

Supporting it can even save foreign exchange, bringing a series of knock-on effects to the microelectronics industry!

Everyone gets something, everyone is happy!

Except Starcom.

Of course, it's great, but it's just great!

Now Wanji Electric is only a second-rate manufacturer in the world. Dr. Zhang does not know whether the foundry factory model proposed by it is feasible, but he knows that the prerequisite for whether the road proposed by Zhao Song can work is that Hua Macro Microelectronics has mastered mature process node manufacturing technology. Only in this way can those semiconductor design manufacturers focus all their energy on design innovation.

Looking at Li Qiang, who was talking and laughing happily with Datang and other giants, Dr. Zhang could probably guess that in the agreement between United Semiconductor and these giants, there must be a talent introduction agreement. A breakthrough may not take much time.

"Old Zhang."

Dr. Zhang came back to his senses and looked at Director Jiang: "Huh?"

"Zhao Song said that SMIC has many capital parties and many hidden dangers."


Jiang Shangzhou shrugged, and said dumbfoundedly: "So, in order to help you solve some hidden dangers, he might attack SMIC."


At this time, Zhao Song suddenly appeared at the venue with a well-dressed Hao Ying, and was instantly surrounded by a group of reporters.

Dr. Zhang blushed, if he hadn't remained calm, he really wanted to go up and curse:

"Toss such a big battle just to sell your broken mobile phone and computer? I will buy it, but can't we buy it at SMIC?

Can you stop the meeting? "

If you look at Wu Niao from the perspective of another time and space, then this middle-aged man with a big beard is the most famous bearded flower grower, bar none.

One of his two most famous events is the "Hundred Billion Dinner" that took place for ten years.

There is a saying in Jianghu: "Papa Ma's circle, Wu Niao's bureau", well-deserved reputation.

During that dinner, Wu Niao came over and put his arms around Papa Ma and Ma Huateng's necks, and beckoned Li Qiandu to come over by his ear. Big Brother whispered to you. In the photo, you can see that Papa Ma and Ma Huateng turned their faces to the sides, the corners of their mouths raised, showing disdain, and Li Qiandu looked down like a good boy.

The second thing happened two years ago. In that year, he brought a Hangzhou guy named Ma to Sun Zhengyi, just because UT Starcom was developed by an islander who invested 30 million U.S. dollars. of.

Today, UT Starcom has been listed on NASDAQ last year with a market value of 2.5 billion U.S. dollars based on the concept of "telecom + flower grower"!

Starcom is an out-and-out American company. In the United States, with the concept of planting flowers, as a flower planter, under the name of foreign capital, it is full of vigor and prosperity.

It's a pity that he refused to cooperate sincerely with him, and also offended this person who should never have an intersection.


Outside the gates of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Wu Niao dismissed the two small businessmen who came forward for a chat, and walked back and forth irritably.

Knowing that the young secretary walked over quickly, he stopped and asked expectantly:

"How about it?"

The young and beautiful female secretary no longer has the proud look she had when she followed the boss. Today she knew for the first time that this omnipotent boss also had things he couldn't handle. She shook her head and said in frustration: "Can't get in!"


Wu Niao cursed in a low voice, then asked:

"Did the American side find out the capital background of those short-selling Starcom before the market closed?"

"Probably found a little bit." The female secretary nodded quickly and said, "There are Morgan Stanley, Bear Stearns, and three investment banks with backgrounds in planting flowers."


Hearing this, Wu Niao's face was so gloomy that water dripped down: "What do the other partners of the company have to say?"

Such a large-scale short-selling, once any negative news spreads, what will happen, just thinking about it can make him shudder.

"They don't have any opinions yet." The beautiful woman shook her head, and her neck like a grub didn't arouse any interest in him. "Most of the company's funds have been invested in the Rongcheng Commercial Bureau."


After contemplating for a long time, Wu Niao took out his mobile phone, but as soon as he dialed out, he was thrown to the ground severely.


Busy, busy, busy all day, he knows, that person is avoiding him!

"What the hell is that bastard doing upstairs?"

Arrive at 18:30.

In the corner of the banquet venue, several young ladies in Haitianxiangyun naturally put away a screen, revealing Zhao Song and Hao Ying standing side by side.

If you ignore the hidden interior door behind them, the two of them seem to have stayed here all the time. In the meeting place where the cups were exchanged, the appearance of the two of them didn't seem so abrupt. For a while, no one noticed them.

At this time, Zhao Song's eyes lit up, he smiled and nodded to the ladies and sisters, then he walked quickly to the long dining table, and quickly picked up the laughing teacup full of black particles, while everyone didn't notice Before, he swallowed it into his mouth in one gulp.

Beluga Caviar.

He has not eaten!

It's not that he was reluctant, but that he forgot, forgot to put his mind on these expensive ingredients that made him drool in his previous life.

Hao Ying looked at him ridiculously, speechless.

But Zhao Song didn't intend to let her go, he swallowed the slightly salty caviar, and asked anxiously, "Do you know what this is?"


Hao Ying replied angrily, this thing has a strong antioxidant effect, which helps prevent skin aging. The female elders in the family will eat a little bit every now and then, and she can also enjoy it.

"Have you ever eaten bluefin tuna?"

Zhao Song then asked.

Hao Ying nodded.

"Where's the pufferfish?"

Hao Ying nodded.

"White truffle?"

Hao Ying still nodded.

Zhao Song pulled his face immediately, and said in a deep voice: "Back to the capital, take me to eat, I'll treat you."

These things, if he has money, he doesn't know where to eat them.


Hao Ying nodded obediently. At this moment, she came to her senses. This big boss in the room made the person in front of her nervous.

"Girl, do you know what the happiest life is like?"

Hao Ying shook her head, widened her eyes and tried to pretend to be curious.

"With a monthly income of 10,000 to 20,000, and two or three houses, you don't have to rely on anyone at the top, and you can't mess with anyone at the bottom.

Wife, doll and dog, take a small trip if you have nothing to do, have a little wine if you have something to do, and occasionally donate a small amount to realize some personal social value!

that kind of day"

Zhao Song clicked his mouth and said longingly, "How beautiful?"

There are almost ten sets of commercial houses in your hand, right?

Hao Ying looked at Zhao Song cutely, without saying a word.


At this time, Liao Yingzhu came over. The close-fitting Haitian Xiangyun made today's ugly girl look much more pleasing to the eye. She secretly glanced at the plump Hao Ying, and made up her mind that next time she wears a cheongsam, she must put an extra layer of sponge !

"The United States has already completed the preparations, and there is no time for others to react when entering the market before the market closes."

Zhao Song stood up straight and resumed his serious expression—someone had already discovered the situation here.

He nodded and asked, "We didn't enter the venue, did we?"

"According to your request, the funds under the name of Zhongguancun Holdings have not been moved."

"very good!"

Zhao Song stretched out his right hand, and after Hao Ying stuck it up and held it, he walked towards the center of the venue with his children.

"Go, curse people!"

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