Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 470 The Second Big Watermelon

In May 2000, the TD-SCDMA technology submitted by Datang Group on behalf of the Zhonghua government was approved by the ITU as the third-generation international standard for mobile communications.

Strategically, it is hard to praise this breakthrough too much, but in terms of business, Huahua Mobile has repeatedly delayed the commercialization of TDS technology, and I don’t know how many companies have suffered.

For businesses, time is of the essence.

PHS is a wrong product launched by Starcom at the right time, making it earn a lot of money!

But TDS launched the right product at the wrong time, and it ended up in a mess!

In any case, whether this American company intervenes in TD-SCDMA in advance or continues to use its WCDMA, it has nothing to do with Zhao Song. Did not get a penny profit from it, nor did any of its industries participate in it.

All he did was normal commercial competition. As for the American stock market, what does that have to do with him?

June 14. Wu Niao, who was stranded in the capital for two days after being shut down countless times, returned to Hangzhou.

On the same day, after confirming that the investment promised by Starcom did not have any plans and could not be put on paper in Chengdu City, ZTE got PHS Business Bureau, the first provincial capital city of PHS.

June 16.

Wu Niao walked into the Hangzhou Municipal Government and started to launch the long-planned R\u0026D building plan—wasn’t it just talking about Starcom?

Now, the investment is coming, will you Zhao Song follow?

However, when Wu Niao was still drawing circles with the city government staff on the banks of the Qiantang River, the headlines on the front pages of all the financial channels of the portal websites were completely changed:

In Beihai, Gui Province, the investment of 4.5 million US dollars landed, a joint venture, the richest man holds the company name "Why is my name so long".

Under the ignorant attention of the people who eat melons, another extended news shocked everyone - "Why is my name so long?" The company successfully developed the world's thinnest condom (also known as a condom), and Yu was recently certified by the Guinness World Records, confirming that this product with a thickness of 0.05 mm broke the old record held by the island manufacturer.

It is reported that the company, which has integrated three bankrupt companies, will launch this condom product named DL series within one month at the earliest.

Zhao Song follows!

Surprised or not? Is it surprising?

The news is not big, but after all, it has achieved the world's number one brilliant achievement, although this achievement is a bit awkward; the news is not small, because it is the wonderful company invested by Zhao Song, who is now red and purple.

Adult Products?

Why can't you play a normal game?

It was also on this day that, amidst warm applause, Sunny finished her doctoral defense, packed up and sent all relevant materials to Beihai, and walked into the Daniel Wellington R\u0026D Center located in Beijing Institute of Mechanical Engineering—0.05 This is the current limit. From now on, under Zhao Song's command, she will attack a new field with a difficult road ahead.

Also on this day, Shenzhou's PHS project completed all the side crashworthiness tests, and officially entered the links of product packaging design, publicity and distribution plan formulation and so on.

The launch of Shenzhou Technology's heavyweight products has entered the countdown.

June 20, Wednesday, Beijing, Capital International Airport.

Sister DaDa, who was in a bright mood, walked out of the station lightly and casually, humming a little tune.

"Sister-in-law, you have worked hard."

A thin bamboo pole approached Sister DaDa, licking her face and smiling.

Looking at the flattering Chen Ning, Sister Da Da asked in surprise: "How do you know I'm coming back today?"

"It's not Zhao Song." Chen Ning said cheerfully, "I must send you home safely."

"Thank you!" Sister Da Da asked with a half-smile, "However, I'm a Tesla executive, why did Zhao Song let you pick it up?"

"Hey." Chen Ning scratched his head embarrassingly, and said straight to the point: "A few buddies are going to the Monternet project, let me say something to see if I can join the team."

As the big brother in the new circle, he must be looking for some benefits for a few helpers (cousins?), and only Monternet is the most suitable.

You don’t need start-up capital, just wait for the money to drop from the sky, and it’s still clean. Where can you find such a good job?

Sister Da Da frowned and asked: "Isn't this about your Shenzhou, what does it have to do with me?"

"It's Zhao Song who said, let you take care of those boys."

Seeing the Tesla pick-up personnel walking towards her quickly, Sister Dada stopped, looked at Chen Ning and asked, "Do you have to use Shenzhou's service? If you have a relationship, just put the server in the mobile computer room. Then start a company, won’t it be over?”

"Sister-in-law, because of Shenzhou's advance deployment, there is no way to poach people in the market now, and even if it is opened, Shenzhou has set up a special monitoring department to report value-added service companies such as voice chatting, gambling, and arbitrary deductions. One quote is accurate.

Shenzhou has almost integrated all content service providers. If those small companies don’t play those things, what else can they play? "


These seem to be the methods I taught him.

Sister Da Da grinned and thought for a moment before agreeing: "Tell me the names of those people, and I will give you the answer after two days of work."

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, it's all reliable!" Chen Ning nodded gratefully, and then asked with concern: "Is the matter of Tesla finished?"

Sister Da Da glanced at him, then nodded lightly: "The press conference will be held in a month, which means that the popularity of Tesla and Zhao Song will continue for another month. Is Shenzhou ready?"

Chen Ning smiled sarcasticly, and said proudly: "Sister-in-law, the foundation of Shenzhou is your Jiaming and my Pengcheng, what else do you need to prepare, just fight!"

As soon as the words fell, Tesla's pick-up staff had already walked to the two of them.

"Mr. Zhao."

Sister Da Da looked at her in surprise, and asked, "Zheng Nan?"

Zheng Nan, the former sales director of Huashi, nodded, and said respectfully: "After completing the tasks assigned by the chairman, I will serve under you."


Sister Da Da's eyes lit up.

Zheng Nan nodded: "Seven application support engineers arrived at the headquarters of Shanghai United Semiconductor half an hour ago."


Sister Da Da nodded, holding back the excitement in her heart, just about to say something, suddenly found Zheng Nan's ashen face, and asked involuntarily:

"Zheng Nan, is there anything else?"

"Mr. Zhao, it's Long Xiaoxiao." Zheng Nan said sadly: "This matter has been paid attention to by the whole people. The instructions received by the local police station are business affairs, and no one can intercede."

"What do you mean?" Sister Da Da asked intently.

Zheng Nan opened his mouth, and it took a long time before he said bitterly: "Hua Shi has never withdrawn the lawsuit, and the police station can't issue relevant certificates. Without the certificate, Jingfu will not revoke Long Xiaoxiao's punishment, that is to say. That child, even I can't even participate in the defense!"

This is a rebuttal. Once the lawsuit is withdrawn, even if Huashi admits to the false accusation and admits that changing the test CPU to harm consumers, this is undoubtedly not allowed for Huashi who has not apologized.


Sister Da Da and Chen Ning looked at each other, and they could see the contradictions in each other's eyes - dealing with Hua Shi, this is the best way to start, but it is the best friend of Zhao Song's girlfriend, he will be willing ?

"Where is that girl?"

"Asian Games Village, I've been living with Ms. Linna for the past few days." Zheng Nan hesitated for a moment before saying with difficulty: "Mr. Zhao, that child said: She doesn't want her graduation certificate, and she wants to sue her!"

There are still five days left for the defense. This matter involves Taiwanese capital, the richest man, and Tesla, which is in the limelight. No one dares to show any favoritism in this matter.

Unless Zhao Song makes a move and Long Xiaoxiao also withdraws the lawsuit, it is possible to get the graduation certificate

Sister DaDa thought for a while before she resolutely said, "Let's go to the Asian Games Village!"

After finishing speaking, he pushed Chen Ning aside, strode away, and took out his mobile phone along the way.

"Zhao Song, there is something wrong with Long Xiaoxiao, I think this is the best opportunity for us"

Five hours later, night fell, Xishan Villa.

Sister Dada held back her anger and patiently guided Xiaobawang's homework.

"Son, it's like you and Xiao Yu are playing tank battle, the opponent's goal is to destroy your base, so you and Xiao Yu have to organize them.

The same goes for studying. When doing a question, you must think more about the intention of the questioner. "

The little bully didn't see his mother's expression at this time, he only saw him scratching his hair in distress and wailing: "He wants me to die!"


After a long time, Sister DaDa put down her raised right hand and took a few deep breaths to calm down her burning anger.

Suddenly, she didn't know what to think of, her eyes flickered, she stroked her trembling son's hair, and said with a light smile, "Yes, I miss you to death!"

We all miss you dead!


Hit, Hit a Big Watermelon is an animated war film. Very intense.

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