Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 471 Love to pit teammates.

The bustling Zhongguancun South Street may be one of the busiest main roads in the city.

Standing on top of a tall building, no matter whether they are rich or poor, with status or status, anyone who sees the cars passing by under their feet will feel a sense of emotion.

In addition to Shi Xuebin, Shi Xuebin, chairman of Huashi Group.

June 21.

It was a very ordinary day. If there was anything unusual to say, there was one thing that happened in Shanghai that needs to be mentioned—that is, a car named Sail came off the production line. This family sedan, its off-line also means that the drama of the country's auto industry has officially kicked off.

In the strategic plan formulated by Zhao Song's team for United Semiconductor, automotive ICs are the top priority. In this era when Santana's domestic production rate is only 30%, the emergence of United Semiconductor is not too early, and it is not too late!

In the morning, at the upper level of Hainiao Building, the office of General Manager Huashi.

Sunlight fills the entire space through the floor-to-ceiling windows, making people feel warm.

However, Shi Xuebin, who was standing in front of the window, felt a chill coming.

There are still five days, and the girl is about to defend, but there is no movement.

With only five days left, Tesla Zhao Rong returns.

Huashi did not withdraw the lawsuit because that would amount to an apology.

Long Xiaoxiao didn't withdraw the lawsuit either, so Shi Tong, who just came in, was still guilty.


After coming to the desk and putting away a document, Shi Tong continued, "It may take some time to wait for the equipment upgrade in Suzhou Industrial Park."

Shi Xuebin turned his head and asked in surprise, "Why?"

"no stock!"

Shi Tong shook his head and smiled wryly: "Shenzhou Technology and Tesla have rounded up the production capacity of several major equipment manufacturers this year."

"That is to say, Huashi can't spend money even if he has money?"


Shi Tong nodded.

After bowing his head and thinking for a while, Shi Xuebin asked, "Has the fantasy order arrived?"

"Not yet." Shi Tong shook his head and replied, "I heard that they are doing market research over there, and I believe there will be results soon."

"Hurry them up!"

Shi Xuebin said categorically: "The company's stock price is unstable, and we need imaginary orders."


"Also, that Dongfang Jian, how is the contact?"

Shi Tong smiled wryly: "When he heard it was Hua Shi, he hung up the phone directly, and didn't even have a chance to communicate."

Shi Xuebin frowned and thought for a while, then said, "Give me the phone."

In his opinion, Dongfang Jian, who has frequently won many international awards, is the soul of Tesla, and the young Zhao Song is more like someone pushed to the fore by some people.

Otherwise, which fool would want to play with memory?

That's right, Shi Xuebin knew what Zhao Song was going to do. He just wanted to obtain the world's advanced technology. It's just a representative.

It's a pity that Shi Xuebin didn't know that Zhao Song was a reborn man who suddenly got rich and was restraining his greed!

Shi Xuebin still doesn't know how big a scam the partner who just reached a strategic cooperation with him is—from the day when Fantasia's shareholding reform was completed, counting to seventeen years later, all companies that cooperated with Fantasia were all killed Likeng!

Please note that it is not an investment, a shareholding, or an acquisition, but a cooperation, an equal cooperation.

Even if Shi Xuebin doesn't know what's going on in the future, but he fantasizes about what's going on, but he doesn't raise a little bit of vigilance

Just yesterday, CA, the world's second largest software group, announced that it will invest an additional 10 million US dollars to hold Fantasia CA and change its name to CA Software, thus ending the three-year cooperation journey between the two companies.

That was the best opportunity for Huahuajia software industry to catch up. At that time, the chairman of CA Group was the richest man in the Chinese community, and Mr. Wang Jialian. CA asks people to give people, asks for money to give money, and the result

In the past three years, Fantasia has done nothing. In Yang Qing's words: the company does not pay attention to it. It is a big mistake to manage a software company with the idea of ​​selling hardware!

Who believes it?

Who knows what they think!

In Zhao Song's view, playing with software is much more difficult than playing with chips. The illusion of taking advantage of the right time, place and people will lose not only a crown, but also an opportunity for Guojian's software industry to catch up!

Now, Mr. Wang Jialian has been kicked out of the position of chairman, CA is still the same CA, the fantasy is still the same fantasy, and the bridge returns to the bridge. After a few days, no one will remember such an opportunity.

No one would have thought that fantasy would never look back on the way to cheat teammates.

Fantasy building.

The bearded man looked at the caller number on the phone, quickly stopped the bald old Liu from speaking, stood up and came to the window.

"Hello, Miss Rong."

"The one surnamed Wei, you are also good."

Sister Da Da's voice came from the phone, she didn't care that her husband's family name was also Wei, she greeted impolitely: "Zhao Song is not in the capital, do you feel very clean?"

The bearded man didn't answer the question, and smiled wryly: "Sister Rong, I have something to tell you."

"Okay! The surname is Wei, you heard clearly. We all know what is going on with Fantasia's cooperation with Huashi. We don't have to pursue it. The premise is that Fantasia releases news, and the OEM order for Huashi will only come next year!"


The bearded man replied without even thinking about it: "Sister Rong, even if I agree, the headquarters of the group will not agree, so why don't you communicate with the higher-ups?"

"This is the result of some people communicating with Zhao Song!" Sister Da Da sneered: "He is willing to take another step back, as long as Fantasia agrees to this condition, the previous grievances and grievances will be wiped out. From now on, cooperation will be cooperation and competition will be normal competition .”


The bearded man swallowed, and said with difficulty: "Sister Rong, you and the group."

Before I finished speaking, I was interrupted by Sister Da Da: "Listen, we will not have any communication with those two people, any time, any place, no matter who is the matchmaker, Zhao Song, me, all the senior management of Tesla , will not have any communication with those two people!"


The bearded man was speechless.

"The surname Wei, one week, Fantasia issued an announcement saying that the order will be postponed, otherwise."

"Calculate old accounts and new accounts together!"



Hearing the busy tone on the phone, the bearded man hung up the phone and said to the people in the meeting room: "I need to see the president, the meeting is cancelled!

Old Liu, go to the marketing department to confirm how many additional orders there are for Huashi. "


At the same time, Jingda Boya Hotel.

Sister Da Da casually threw the phone into the bag, looked at the young and beautiful young woman opposite and said:

"Li Wei, I remember the last time we met, you were still a pouting little girl in the rebellious stage."

I will endure!

Li Wei, the new strong woman, bit her lip tightly, smoking from all her orifices!

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