Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 472 Negotiation, dialogue.

Café at the Boya Hotel.

The mellow aroma of coffee, the melodious piano music, and the idle people gave Li Wei the illusion of returning to a clubhouse with a family in Xiagou Village—if the evil woman was not sitting opposite.

Li Wei tried her best to calm down her ups and downs, and after a while, she said softly:

"Tesla America's general agent contract, I can return it to you."

"Need not!"

Sister Da Da immediately shook her head and said: "The investment dust has fallen to the ground, your so-called conditions are not worth mentioning to Zhao Song."

Maintaining the strict agency contract of Weiwei Group is Tesla's benchmark for itself to abide by the rules of the game. What's more, for the current Tesla, there is no more suitable agent than Weiwei Group, which spreads goods all over the United States. up.

"The talk is over?" Li Wei looked at Sister Da Da in surprise, "How much money did you get?"

Sister Da Da looked at her with a half-smile, but didn't speak.

".All right."

Li Wei shrugged, knowing that she had asked a question that shouldn't be asked, she had a strange expression on her face, and said, "If you don't announce it immediately, I guess Zhao Song wants to play serial tricks again?

That girl Wen Jing was gnashing her teeth even more on the phone two days ago! I don't know who will be unlucky this time? "

"Oh?" Sister Da Da looked at Li Wei with interest, and asked, "How much did the little girl lose?"


Li Wei stretched out a finger, and said, "The other half is invested in a company."

Remembering that Liao Yingzhu had set off for the United States, Sister Da Da nodded seriously: "I hope she can keep the other half."


Li Wei suddenly folded her hands on her shoulders and asked anxiously, "Zhao Song, how do you plan to deal with me?"

"What's against you?" Sister DaDa asked with a smile: "Except that you lied to him about the memory, speaking of it, the two of you are in a mutually beneficial relationship, and it's not about who is going to deal with the other."

"." Li Wei fell silent.

"Let's talk." Sister Da Da didn't even look at Li Wei, the dramatist, and asked nonchalantly, "Why are you calling me in such a hurry?"

"My Weiwei Group wants to enter the field for one kilometer!"

"I don't have time to talk to you about this right now!"

"But the second branch of One Kilometer is about to open."

Li Wei said anxiously, she knew the richest man better than anyone else, even on the day they broke up, she could clearly see Zhao Song's bare buttocks inside and out, front and back!

He invested heavily in the purchase of stores, and a complete Wanwan team managed Yikilometer. Everyone knows how much the young richest man attaches importance to it.

The Weiwei Group must reward this bus, otherwise, it will be difficult for the Weiwei Group to achieve great development in China with only export tax rebates!

Sister Da Da looked at Zhao Song's first girlfriend seriously, and suddenly asked, "Why didn't your uncle come this time?"

Li Wei shook her head, did not speak, and tried to look at Sister DaDa sincerely with the best acting skills in her life.


Smiling lightly, Sister DaDa opened her mouth and said:

"The payment period is three months, and the popular fast-moving consumer goods factory needs to be a shareholder for one kilometer. If you agree, go find those Wanwan people to sign the contract."

Li Wei stared at her dumbfounded, and said loudly, "Impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible!" Sister Da Da waved her hand: "You will gain wisdom by eating a ditch, and Zhao Song will not leave any hidden dangers of being controlled by others. Of course, if you accept this condition, he will give you a message as compensation." .”

"what news?"


Seeing that Sister Da Da didn't speak, Li Wei smiled wryly and shook her head. After a long time, she said with difficulty: "Deal!"

"Happy! She is indeed the woman Zhao Song never forgets."

Sister Da Da stood up and smiled.

I thought you were praising me, Li Wei gritted her teeth and followed her to stand up: "Where's the news?"

"There's a factory called Orange Water in the south that's trying to kill itself. While its brand influence is still there, take it down if you can!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Li Wei to answer, Sister Da Da quickly left - if it wasn't for the little girl in front of her who was stalking her, she wouldn't have time to tease her ridiculous mind here!

"Jian" Li Wei quickly covered her mouth, staring blankly at the back of the strong woman

Shang Hai, Carlton Hotel.

Zhao Song, who had nothing to do, was lying on a deck chair by the swimming pool in big pants, basking in the sun leisurely.

Looking through the window, he stared blankly at the blue sky and white clouds outside. There was no wine, no sunglasses, and nothing besides a mermaid swimming in the water.

"Hey~ what do you think?"

Tongyan Hao Ying came to Zhao Song's side wearing a bath towel and asked curiously.

Taking a quick glance at the curvy figure, Zhao Song said nonchalantly, "I don't think about anything."


Hao Ying curled her lips, stopped talking to this guy who didn't have a group, and went to the floor-to-ceiling window to wipe her body.

Suddenly, Zhao Song sat up, raised his hands up and down, and muttered to himself continuously:

"There are babies, we call them jellyfish babies, and they're on the delivery table, moving like this"

Hao Ying turned her head ridiculously and looked at Zhao Song: "What are you talking about?"

Zhao Song didn't answer, but continued his nervous performance just now:

"It was an ugly multi-coloured thing, not humanoid, and it was moving up and down the table like that, and because it was breathing, we realized it was a baby!"

"Zhao Song!"

Hao Ying frowned and reprimanded, "Why are you saying this all of a sudden?"

"Bikini! Hao Ying!"

Zhao Song stood up: "In 1983, a girl from the Marshall Islands told the world that this thing was the site of the most powerful nuclear bomb explosion in the world. The French designer designed this suit according to this event, and the name was also named after the place. of!

It's called a bikini!

Girl, this stuff doesn't mean sexy and hot, but sinful and bloody! "

Looking down at the clothes on her body, Hao Ying swallowed hard: "Bikini Island?"

"An island in the Marshall Islands controlled by the United States, where the people are of Micronesian origin from Southeast Asia!"

Zhao Song pointed at Hao Ying's cheek: "Yellow skin!"

Zhao Song pointed at Hao Ying's eyes: "Black eyes!"

Zhao Song pointed at Hao Ying's hair: "Black hair!"

"Those Americans didn't treat them as human beings at all. After the hydrogen bomb exploded, they drove those people to Bikini Island, just to test the impact of radiation on the human body"


Hao Ying wrapped her body tightly in a towel and asked with a cold shiver, "What do you want to express?"

"You will be going to America in a few days. I just want to say, protect yourself, at least don't be assimilated by those Americans who don't treat us as human beings like Wen Jing."


All right!

Hao Ying resisted the urge to slap Zhao Song. She was still moved by Zhao Song's concern, but she didn't expect that he was just trying to express her narrow-mindedness.

Just be careful, do you have to tell such a scary story to scare me?

Regardless of whether it is true or not, Hao Ying just wants to take what Zhao Song said as a story.

Alas, that's not the story, that's where 67 nuclear tests took place.

That's where the master switch for all the missiles aimed at flower growers in the United States is located!

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