Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 474: Before the War

"Hold your face gently

dry your tears

this heart is always yours

tell me I'm not alone anymore"

1986, that year was the International Year of Peace. To commemorate that year of peace, Michael Jackson composed music and lyrics, and sang "We are the world" with American stars. In the same year, "Tomorrow It will be better", of course, the mainland is not far behind, "Let the world be filled with love" created by Guo Feng was sung in the Capital Gymnasium.

Also in that year, in the Great Hall of the People, the chief designer gave John Verlin, the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, a stock of Feile Speaker with a face value of 50 yuan. Four days later, John Verlin came to Shanghai City. Knocked on the door of Jing'an Sales Department at No. 1806 Nanjing West Road, just to transfer the name on that paper stock to my own.

Thus, the chairman of the largest stock exchange in the world at that time, and the smallest trading teller in the world at that time, came together in the singing of "Let the World Be Filled with Love".

When Shanghai Stock Exchange was established in 1990, the return on investment of that 50-yuan stock was as high as 2152 times!

Time flies, vicissitudes, 15 years later.

On June 21, 2001, at nine o'clock in the morning.

The Jing’an Exchange at Shanghai No. 1806 Nanjing has long since disappeared. I don’t know whether it was intentional or coincidental, or amidst the singing of "Let the World Fill It With Love", the Tesla Shanghai flagship store at No. 1806 ushered in a new day of opening. The bel canto singing of several Shangyin girls made the novelty passers-by stop. In less than a while, Nanjing West Road was blocked!

Amidst the singing, the Shanghai Stock Exchange opened.

The opening price of Shenzhou Technology was 10.38, with a total market value of 40.3 billion, a circulating market value of 4.154 billion, accounting for 10.8%, and a price-earnings ratio of 118 times.

At the same time, on the other side of the strait, the Wanwan Securities Market opened.

Huashi shares opened at a price of 150.50, with a share price-to-book value ratio of 0.93, a total market value of NT$148,923 million, and a price-earnings ratio of 38 times.


Amid the sound of rumbling machines, a long wall collapsed.

Xu Liangying angrily shuttled through the dusty sky, until she came to Li Bowei's side, she held back her anger and said:

"Why are these ready-made factories allocated to you Shenzhou?"

"What the chairman said."

"It's no use what Zhao Song said!" Xu Liangying amplified the volume and shouted loudly, "Without Wu Ming's chassis, how do you Shenzhou want to produce computers?"

Li Bowei said embarrassingly: "Mr. Xu, these factories are for the production of board products."


Xu Liangying resisted the urge to shake her fist, and asked in a low voice, "When will the investment be made? When will the construction start? It has been delayed for so long, and if there is no news, we will not wait!"

"At any time!" Li Bowei pointed to the opposite side of the road, "Your land can start construction, when the time comes, add our investment together and make an official announcement."

"Okay!" Xu Liangying nodded, and said bitterly: "Where's the engineering team? The engineering team that can start construction in Guancheng in a short period of time has been covered by Shenzhou Technology and Tesla. Where should we start construction?"

"Over there." Li Bowei continued to point his rough fingers in another direction, where a group of middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes looked at this side eagerly.

"There are dozens of large and small construction units and engineering teams in the whole province. I don't believe you haven't come into contact with them!"


Teacher Xu Liangying gritted her teeth and nodded: "Okay, anyone can build a factory building! But although our family is not as powerful as Shenzhou and Tesla, we are not the children of stepmothers. When work starts, my mother will go to Shanghai to find Zhao Song. go!"

The reason why Xu Liangying didn't start cursing on the phone was because Zhao Song's phone had been turned off for the past few days.

In a certain period of time in the future, except for a few specific people, no one will be able to find him by phone, whether it is to intercede or ask for favors

Li Bowei shook his head with a wry smile, and now he was the blatant nagging richest man in front of him.

Putting aside his thoughts, he took out an information bag from his bag and handed it to Xu Liangying. Li Bowei asked softly: "Xiao Xu, you guys have a meeting these two days. If anyone has an idea of ​​going public, please take a good look at this information." .”

Xu Liangying raised her head suddenly, and looked at Li Bowei in disbelief: "What do you mean?"

Although Wu Ming, Shan Shi, and Wesonic have a promising future, they have never thought about it in such a short period of time since their establishment. Xu Liangying did not expect to hear such news today.

"This is part of a series of transactions between the chairman and the above." Li Bowei replied solemnly: "These dozen or so listed companies are already insolvent, if the leaders of you are willing."

"How much will it cost for the acquisition?" Before Li Bowei could speak, Xu Liangying asked anxiously.

"for free!"

Under Xu Liangying's stunned gaze, Li Bowei shook his head: "They are all insolvent, and you need to be responsible for the debt."

"How many?"

"I don't know yet!"

Li Bowei said with emotion: "It's all under the Delong family. The chairman said that guy is a genius in industry integration. He can obviously integrate several super trust industries, but they insist on playing finance!"

"Dragon Series"

Thinking of the many listed companies under that guy, Xu Liangying nodded thoughtfully. Zhao Song must have received some kind of promise to help the government clean up this mess, but even if it is a mess, it is still a listed company!

As Wuming Factory's registered place, Cang City, Beihe Province, doesn't even have a listed company. If it goes public, the political X on my old lady's title can be replaced by an adult D, so I can't walk sideways in Cang City?

Resisting her excitement, Xu Liangying hugged the information bag tightly in her arms: "Old Li, give me an approval letter as soon as possible about the debt problem, and I'll go back and talk to them first."

"Okay!" Li Bowei nodded: "If you have a decision, you should make a plan first. At that time, the financial team of Zhongguancun Holdings will evaluate your plan. After passing their hurdles, you can proceed to the acquisition of listed companies. .”


In a dynamical system, small changes in initial conditions can cause huge chain reactions in the system. This is a chaotic phenomenon.

If this phenomenon is explained by another famous joke, it is: Zhao Song farts accidentally on this day, then there may be a major earthquake within three days - there will be a 6.0 earthquake every three days on average on the earth. Earthquakes above magnitude occurred.

This is the famous butterfly effect. No one knows how big a storm the wings of Zhao Song, a little butterfly, can cause. I no longer know.

Monday, June 26, 2001.

This is the sixth day after Sister Da Da called the fantasy bearded man. There are still 17 days before the Olympic bid in Beijing, 20 days before the APEC Ministerial Summit, and 24 days before the APEC CEO Summit.

In the morning, in front of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

The doors of the two Lincoln cars had already been opened, and after a brief American farewell to Zhao Song, Nancy got into the leading Lincoln car, leaving Hao Ying, a chick from the capital, facing Zhao Song face to face. .

"Thank you, Zhao Song!"

The little girl's eyes were slightly red, and she said gratefully: "If I hadn't met you, I might still be a silly girl like before, living in a daze all day long."

You are also like a silly girl now, and when you slandered in your heart, Zhao Song said cheerfully: "You made it through your own hard work, and it has nothing to do with me."

Hao Ying pursed her lips and smiled, without saying anything else, she stepped forward and hugged Zhao Song tightly: "I'm going to America now, do you have anything else to say?"

Zhao Song supported her back with both hands. The girl was wearing black leather pants and a black T-shirt, both of which were close-fitting. Her uneven figure pumped up Zhao Song's blood.

Resisting the impulse in his heart, Zhao Song asked sullenly, "Just one question."


"I've always been very curious, do leather pants keep farts?"





Zhao Song hopped on one foot, looked angrily at the away Lincoln motorcade, and shouted loudly:

"Smelly bitches, all the girls in your yard are stinky bitches!"

Just look at the stock market data casually.

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