The Lincoln car took the Oriental Princess away.

In Zhao Song's view, the one sitting on it was not a princess, she was simply an oriental witch.

Therefore, women should not be warriors, it is too ungentle to be warriors, it is better to be vampires, better than warriors, just like quiet.

Of course, vampires are also divided into levels. For example, compared with Wen Jing, Liao Yingzhu, with her full body and mind, even if she can't reach the first generation of vampires, the second generation is almost the same.

When she has received two years of edification in the world's top capitalist education system, God knows what kind of monster Tesla's chief financial officer will turn into from the day it goes public!

"I hope everything goes well, Hao Ying! And Liao Yingzhu!"

Putting down his right foot, Zhao Song remained silent, how could there be fewer and fewer people around him as he walked forward?


At this time, Ding Tao held back his smile and walked in front of the embarrassed Zhao Song: "We are leaving too."


Zhao Song nodded, looked at Ding Tao, then at Liu Cong and Yuan Wu behind him, held back the reluctance in his heart, and explained unhurriedly:

"That David has already arranged everything. When we get there, Tesla's conditions are basically made public when it comes to digital rights. Come on, don't waste your time talking."


"Frank is a genius. In addition to winmap, his opinion is the top priority in terms of Tesla's CARE software ecological strategy. Whether the major functional software is developed through mergers and acquisitions or recruited engineers independently depends on him."


"Apple's portable player should be on the market soon. In terms of patent disputes, we must hold them back, whether it is Apple or the alliance of small manufacturers!

Although in the United States, malicious patent litigation has formed an industrial chain, but it is aimed at listed companies, so we have a great advantage, we must pretend to be snakes with them, hold them back, hold them back for two months, and wait for us After TPOD CLASSIC goes on the market, it will start a patent war and strive to form an advertising effect. "


"If Tesla wants to market globally, it has to play according to the rules of the Western world. Therefore, we must be listed on the New York Stock Exchange in two years at the slowest and three years at the fastest!"


"When you get there, you have to bring bodyguards wherever you go. When you come back, you are not allowed to take the same plane."



Patting the shoulders of several people, Zhao Song waved his hand: "Then let's go, when we get there, remember to send a letter."

"Boss, here. Is there any problem?"

Liu Cong asked worriedly.

"What's the problem?" Zhao Song shrugged relaxedly: "There's Sister Da Da in the capital, and I'm in Shang Hai, so what's the problem? What's more, we have Shenzhou!"

Yes, there is also Shenzhou, which has frequently won huge centralized procurement orders for half a month.

It wasn't until today that Ding Tao and the others understood the reason why Zhao Song founded Shenzhou. It wasn't until today that they realized that could really support a giant enterprise.

Xiao Wu from Tesla's key account department drank so much that his stomach was perforated for a certain medium-sized business, and finally won a big account, but what about Shenzhou?

Talking and laughing, toasting and drinking, the whole city was won in an understatement

A powerful Shenzhou! The terrifying Shenzhou!

Compared with the fantasy of always taking the benefits to private hands, under the leadership of Zhao Song who frequently wants to send out the shares, Shenzhou has a promising future!

"Boss, wait for our good news in a month, take care!"

When the last Coaster disappeared into the rolling traffic, Zhao Song, accompanied by Qin Hai and Hong Tao, packed his luggage unhurriedly—Shanghai City Government could no longer afford him to stay in this five-star hotel. The cost of the hotel, that is to say, he will be kicked out.

That's right, the previous accommodation, private rooms, and private rooms were all paid by the public! The Shanghai Municipal Government took such a big advantage, the stingy Zhao Song naturally lived with a clear conscience.

For him, being kicked out of this hotel is not a bad thing, because in the next half a month, Zhao Song will stay in the guest house directly under the Shanghai Municipal Government, the second state guesthouse after Diaoyutai - Xijiao Hotel!

Its previous name might be a bit more domineering: 414 Guest House.

Of course, as a direct subordinate of the city government, Zhao Song lived there for free, and he could live directly until the AEPC was held more than half a month later.

At that time, he will attend the AEPC CEO Business Summit as one of the representatives of the leaders of florists!

Zhao Song, who became popular all over the world because of Tesla, is trying to adapt to his new identity like the people of the whole country, the richest man, and the representative of outstanding young entrepreneurs!

He jumped up so fast that there was no time for people to adapt, but he was dizzy with his various new identities.

Therefore, Zhao Song is still Zhao Song. On the Internet, people are busy looking for the secret of his success, or the original sin of his rise. Now, he is neither the husband nor the son-in-law of the nation. Everything has yet to be tested by time.

Outside the hotel.

After being escorted off by the hotel manager and housekeeper, and amidst the shutters of a few squatting reporters, Zhao Songgang was about to get into the business car, but he stood up straight again and looked at the crowd blocked by bodyguards. go.

There, there was a pair of big volleyballs jumping around, and they kept shouting his name.

"Song Er~ Song Er~ Song Er~"

Among the names of "Mr. Zhao" and "Zhao Song", they are so eye-catching.

Condor Heroes · Vivien · Big Volleyball · Qiu Shan.

Funny, he gestured to Hong Tao, and Zhao Song took her into the business car until the big volleyball came to him with a flushed face.

Xijiao Hotel is a garden villa-style state guesthouse, covering an area of ​​about 1,200 mu. The garden is full of famous trees and ancient trees, exotic flowers and plants, and pavilions and waterside pavilions dot the lake surface of 80,000 square meters. In the lively and bustling Dashanghai, Xijiao Hotel is a rare and elegant and quiet place. As the venue for this year's APEC, it is of course an ideal choice.

Walking on a quiet forest path, beside Qiu Shan, a big volleyball player whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Zhao Song, who was lost because of a friend's long trip, naturally felt much better.

As for the matter of pimping women who were only in love with each other before, he naturally didn't care - anyone who knows Vivien Leigh's husband, lover, boyfriend and other men's entanglement experience will understand that Qiu Shan at that time , What a dangerous illness you are experiencing!

"Look at your current state. The disease seems to be cured?"

Looking sideways at the not-so-beautiful Qiu Shan, letting this woman hold his arm and feel the turbulent waves along the way, it's a special feeling.


Qiu Shan glanced at Zhao Song with bright eyes, then tightened his arms tightly, and then continued: "Professor Liu introduced me to her teacher in England. I have been following that old lady for more than half a year. Travel everywhere, on the way of travel, take medicine, quit smoking, drinking, and men”

With a healthy glow on Qiu Shan's ruddy face, she said gratefully, "Thank you, Zhao Song! Thank you for introducing Professor Liu to me, and thank you for being with me during my most difficult time!"

"It should be!" Zhao Song said cheerfully, swallowing the four words 'everyone takes what they need'.

"No!" Qiu Shan shook her head, "If it weren't for you at that time, I might have been drunk after a certain hangover"

Having said this, Qiu Shan shrank her neck full of fear.

"Let the past be the past!"

Zhao Song himself didn't want to mention that ridiculous time, so he quickly changed the subject and asked, "What are your plans for the future?"

"working life!"

Qiu Shan looked at him with a smile and said, "Come along and help my savior!"


Zhao Song stopped, looked at the big volleyball in surprise, and asked, "What do you mean?"

She took out a business card from her carry-on bag and handed it to Zhao Song. Qiu Shan said with a confident smile, "Mr. Richest Man, don't forget my identity. I'm a special contributor to Zhiyin, deputy editor-in-chief of readers, and I slept with you once." How can the woman in the bed not understand you?"

Zhao Song shook his head amusedly, and said, "You have become a doctor after a long illness. You are half an expert in psychology. Of course you can understand me, but what are you going to do for me?"

advertising? With the popularity of Tesla now, it doesn't even cost money, and the major media are scrambling to report!

"Take a good look at the business card!"

Hearing this, Zhao Song quickly picked up the business card and looked at it carefully.

"That Zhao Rong has been running around in various media these days, people in the circle more or less know something, how could he be able to hide it from me!

Zhao Song, if you want to fight the news war against fantasy, the traditional channels will be of no use at all. Have you seen how few people in the media have scolded them in the past two years? Finance, official media, and IT websites, which one didn't make a special topic about it? But fantasies are still in turmoil, why? "

Yes, why, Zhao Song raised his head from the pile of titles on the business card and looked at Qiu Shan curiously.

"Because the vast majority of ordinary consumers don't watch those professional news media at all! What they are most exposed to are the overwhelming fantasy advertisements on TV, and the so-called national brands that touch their hearts."


"So." Qiu Shan cheerfully pointed at the business card, made a gesture of turning it over, and then said: "Besides the previous two identities, I also have a small part-time job, maybe I can help you a little bit! "

Turning over the business card slowly, looking at the two dazzling nouns on the back, Zhao Song gradually froze his body, dumbfounded.

"Story Club", the 'Editor-in-Chief'!

"So Zhao Song. Do you have any good stories to tell me about fantasy?"

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