Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 476 Hit, hit a big watermelon (1) big chapter

Qiu Shan, a big volleyball player, was definitely a fart at this time in her previous life!

Otherwise, Zhao Song would definitely not have never even heard of such an awesome woman.

In the morning, Zhao Song and Qiu Shan wandered around in the Xijiao Hotel, from the mountain area, the flower and fruit forest scenic spot, to the bamboo forest scenic spot, the pond lotus scenic spot, until they visited all the special gardens and gardens in the Xijiao Hotel. They walked towards the door together.

Until now, this paradise-like hotel mainly receives foreign guests. Along the way, the two met many blonde foreigners, and they didn't have much contact except for nodding and smiling.

"If it wasn't confirmed that we were in China, I really thought we were taking a walk in some western country!"

Looking at several Western-style villas in the distance, Qiu Shan exclaimed, "It's so beautiful!"

"It's just as beautiful if you replace it with a Chinese-style building!" Zhao Song said angrily, "You women are a bit adoring foreign countries in this regard. No matter how you add Western elements, everything is beautiful!"

Qiu Shan pursed her lips and did not refute. Looking at the approaching gate, she changed the subject with a smile: "Zhao Song, do you have any requirements for the small manor I am looking for in Europe?"

"Less property tax, as long as there is a way to avoid inheritance tax in the future."

"what are you up to?"

"Bury some gold for my grandson!"


Qiu Shan looked at Zhao Song absurdly, and asked dumbfoundedly: "Not to mention anything else, the Tesla in your hand is enough for your children and grandchildren to enjoy endlessly, what gold is buried?"

"It has to be buried!" Zhao Song shook his head, and said with a sad face: "I have secretly measured IQ and EQ, and they are all around 105, which is the standard for normal people."

Standard for normal people?

Can a normal person clear out my Internet cafe in one morning?

Qiu Shan asked with the expression of "you keep playing, I'll just listen": "So?"

"So, do you think I can give birth to a genius child?" Zhao Song shrugged his shoulders: "I got to where I am today by virtue of a lot of luck. What a fool, I broke the roots of our old Zhao family. What should I do?"


Qiu Shan's hair was full of black lines, and she said weakly: "Zhao Song, you think so far!"

"It's not far away!" Zhao Song looked at the lake not far away, and said softly: "Only the good luck (rebirth) can't be let down, otherwise, I will honestly earn a little money in Zhonghai and store some money." How nice it is to live my little life beautifully."


Qiu Shan laughed: "So, with the money in my hand, can I buy some more houses?"

Zhao Song nodded, thought for a while, and added: "It's okay to buy some Moutai stocks."

I believe you ghost!

Qiu Shan rolled her eyes, then resumed her serious expression: "Zhao Song, I should go."

"Oh~" Zhao Song nodded, "If you have time, keep in touch!"

"Okay!" Qiu Shan replied, "Is there anything else to explain about fantasy?"

Zhao Song didn't answer immediately, but looked at Qiu Shan seriously and asked, "Do you have to join in the fun?"

Qiu Shan nodded.

Zhao Song pondered: "In November 1984, in order to transform the scientific and technological achievements of the Institute of Computing, the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences invested and registered to establish a new technology development company of the Institute of Computing (Computing Institute Company) owned by the whole people. The director Zeng Maochao, the chairman, and the director of business Wang Shuhe served as the general manager, Zhang Zuxiang, the former deputy director of the eighth office, and Xiao Liu, a scientific and technical staff member of the sixth office, served as the deputy general manager.

In 1994, during the operation of Xiangjiang's listing and state-owned transfer to private ownership, the two Xiangjiang people made a lot of money!

Lies become the truth a thousand times, the so-called 20 square meter reception room business is nothing more than deceiving the world!

Editor-in-chief, go to the old employees of the computer institute, go to Xiangjiang to see the two Xiangjiang people who have become apartments, and you will find out what this company is! "


Qiu Shan nodded solemnly.

"Also, regardless of whether the magazine readers in your hand can afford a computer or not, let them know that the so-called national enterprise is just a false proposition. If you have to talk about it, then state-owned shares account for the vast majority China's Shenzhou Technology should be called a national enterprise!"


"Tell your readers, except for the chassis, there is not a single domestic part in the products of this pseudo-high-tech enterprise!"



Only when the tide goes out do you know who is swimming naked!

From state-run to private-run, any capital operation is involved, and it can only be said that the means are excellent.

Nothing wrong!

Establishing a 20-square-meter communication room to start a business is a normal means of publicity.

Nothing wrong!

From national enterprises to global technology companies.

Nothing wrong!

Technology has no borders, and there is nothing wrong with fantasy.

Nothing wrong!

Voting for Qualcomm is insignificant.

Nothing wrong!

The above are all normal business methods, regardless of the country and personal emotions, everything it does is not a problem at all!

As a businessman, as an enterprise, compared to those who sell health care products, poisoned milk powder, gutter oil, and scam the elderly, Fantasia is simply a good man!

No matter what, the current fantasy is still the fantasy in the hearts of the people!

I am a fantasy, and my neighbors are the Great Wall, Founder, Shenzhou, and Tongfang, so I can have a self-satisfied sense of superiority!

Even Tesla, its popularity in the hearts of some ordinary people, is at most just juxtaposed with fantasy!

Coupled with its deep background, Zhao Song couldn't concentrate on pissing off Huashi when he was full, and went to mess with it! ? ?

Why? ! !

yeah, why?

It wasn't until the commercial vehicle carrying Qiu Shan disappeared at the end of the road that Zhao Song walked slowly towards the hotel and villa area.

Not far away, Hong Tao hurriedly followed, while holding up his mobile phone and talking.

Glancing at him, Zhao Song continued to immerse himself in his thoughts.

He was a child raised by oil, and he never had to worry about food and clothing since he was a child. Even the training fee of tens of thousands of yuan in local high schools was given by the oil field. Damn one and a half months salary.

Thanks to his parents for allowing him to receive a complete system of education; thanks to the country for providing him with this education system at a low price!

It is this education system that allowed him to recognize characters, enlighten his wisdom, form his own outlook on life and values, and let him see problems beyond the surface.

Thus, he saw the terrific battle that terrified him——:

"Take action and swear to the death to win the fantasy honor defense battle!"

At twenty-four o'clock, all corners of the country, the smoke of war is everywhere, and the horses are Xiaoxiao!

The wind blows fiercely, the beacon smoke ignites suddenly, and the summoning order of the rivers and lakes is issued, and the gods return to their positions.

In an instant, Aishan Association, Jiangbei Association, Classmates Association, Zhenghe Island, and Entrepreneurs Association faced the vast Internet sea and shouted in unison:


"Business Justice!"


Sha Fei walked away from the rocky mountains and rivers and was about to destroy them. A cloud map of a warrior flew all over the sky, killing a whole network of rivers and lakes.

Papa Ma, Li Qiandu, Qi Qiangdong, Rebs, Ning Ao Ning, Bai Dan and Eight Generals defend the position, and Jia returned to China overseas with a few voiceovers

What is the position of Zunlong calling the wind and calling the rain?

As soon as the godfather Xiao Liu comes out, who will compete with him!

There are many capitals, all go online to confront hundreds of millions of netizens, and they are united in sympathy. One supports the godfather and fantasizes that patriotism is correct; besides, business has a boundary, so don't force it with politics!

It was hundreds of millions of netizens who raised these tycoons, but at that time, the tycoons turned against hundreds of millions of netizens for the so-called "commercial justice"!

Zhao Song still remembers that in the next 10 years, Jinmen writer Hao Jingfang completed the first step of the science fiction novel "Folding the Capital" and won the international "Hugo Award". a joke.

He didn't expect that in the next 8 years,

"I have benefited from the political system of this country, and in the future, it should not be decided by capital!

This is the reason for the fantasies! "

In the Spring and Autumn Period, in the winter of the 31st year of Duke Zhao of Lu, Hei Ji, a senior officer of the State of Lu, departed from the State of Lu and joined the State of Lu, and his fiefdom was subsequently merged into the territory of the State of Lu. The "Spring and Autumn" written by Confucius recorded this period of history in "The Thirty-One Years of Emperor Zhaogong": "In winter, the black arm will run with indiscriminate use."

"Zuo Zhuan" also commented: "From this point of view, even if a person who commits feudal treason is not a big man, he will be famous for it, and his crime of treason will never be covered up because of this. Etiquette, behaviors reflect righteousness, not for profit, not for righteousness, or seeking fame but not getting it, or trying to cover it up to be famous (some people want to get a good name but can't get it, some people get a bad reputation and want to get it) You can’t even cover it up), and you can’t punish injustice.”

This is a cover-up!

Fantasy, are you ready?

Zhao Song took the phone from Hong Tao's hand and put it to his ear.


"Zhao Song, have you heard?"

"I received the news in the morning that Shi Xuebin Huashi has returned to Wanwan. It seems that the grandeur of fantasy is still the same as before~"

Zhao Song happily replied.

"." On the phone, Sister Dada was silent for a moment, and then said slowly: "Then start?"

Zhao Song nodded, and said without any tone: "Let's start, get all the old places back for me!"

"Just look at it!"

"Smash me!"

"The last sale order hit me to 136!"

June 25, 10:30.

With the roar of Liao Yingzhu who was far away in the United States, the stock exchange was bent.

A high-volume cross star suddenly appeared on the K-line chart of Huashi stock. At this moment, not only retail investor Lao Liu, everyone felt something was wrong!

Of course, Chairman Shi Xuebin, who never apologizes, is not included here.

Standing in the temporarily rented office in Building 101, Shi Xuebin turned his head and explained to his personal secretary: "Notify the office, from now on, everyone in Huashi will cancel the holiday and be on emergency standby at any time!"


"Old Xie, have you investigated clearly the source and scale of funds for the short side?"

Lao Xie is a shrewd middle-aged woman. At this time, she was seriously listening to the report on the mobile phone. After she put down the mobile phone, she answered seriously: "It's Citron! Just now, this company released The 57-page investigation report threw out an explosive conclusion: Huashi's business development in the mainland was hindered, and the direction of transformation was unclear!

Chairman, just now, there was a sudden increase in the short selling of Huashi stock in the market, and it fell by 9.64%! "

"Citron?" Shi Xuebin asked suspiciously: "The Citron who once deceived customers by publishing false and misleading information?"


"Where did it get the short money?"


Lao Xie shook his head slowly, and said seriously: "It's not clear yet, but behind it, there are many shadows of American investment banks, and some small accounts are very active!"

"Short sale?"

Lao Xie nodded heavily: "Sell short!"


After bowing his head and thinking for a long time, Shi Xuebin said slowly:

"Issue two clarification announcements in a row, the first: the company would like to clarify that the allegations in the report are untrue. The company will issue further clarification announcements later, and warn shareholders and investors to act with caution when buying and selling the company's shares !

The second: The company holds 27 billion Taiwan dollars in cash, and the business is progressing well. In the mainland, it has reached a strategic partnership with Fantasia, laying a good foundation for further expanding the huge mainland market. At the same time, Huashi will continue to deepen the supply in the island chain, reduce costs, and fulfill the responsibility of an important member of the ecological chain on the island! "


"Also, contact Shi Tong immediately." Shi Xuebin kept explaining: "Let him contact Yang Qing immediately to confirm the size of the fantasy order, and confirm the time and place of the press conference!"


"Finally." Shi Xuebin calmly looked at the middle-aged woman Lao Xie, the financial director of Huashi Group, and ordered: "Lao Xie, mobilize funds and protect the market!"


As soon as Shi Xuebin's voice fell, a reckless young man broke into the office, panting and said: "Dong, chairman, that... That girl in the capital city of mainland China has just accepted interviews from many media and announced that she will give up the capital. Obey your student status and vow to fight the lawsuit with us to the end!"

Shi Xuebin waved his hand impatiently: "Tell Shi Tong, spend money to suppress the news!"

"I can't hold it any longer." The young man shrunk his neck, "It is Zhao Rong who handles this matter!"

The black hand is undoubtedly Tesla!

Shi Xuebin paused, turned his head slowly, and asked Lao Xie, "Is this a black swan?"

"It doesn't count!" Lao Xie shook his head and replied: "It can only be said that it is bad news, and even if we are in the wrong, we will have to wait until the lawsuit is over to confirm. By then, the matter of the stock market will be over."

"Can you handle it?"

Lao Xie hesitated for a moment: "Chairman, how much money can I use?"


Shi Xuebin waved his hand vigorously, facing Tesla because there is a master standing behind him, he has enough confidence to play with that young man!

"Then there is no problem!"

Lao Xie nodded confidently.

"By the way, is the fantasy big order counted as a white knight for us?"


"Chairman Dong~"

At this time, the timid young man had no choice but to interject again:

"There are two more messages."


Shi Xuebin ordered impatiently.

"Wang Ma Wubi patent case, the day after tomorrow the verdict, Tesla's victory is very big, if that happens, Fantasia may pay a large amount of patent fees!"

"what else?"

"A company in Fujian Province sued Fantasia, accusing it of cutting corners on its commercial machines. The PCI slots on the motherboard are all fake, and they can't be upgraded at all!"


Shi Xuebin looked at Lao Xie with a solemn expression.

"Chairman Dong~" The young man seemed to have not seen Shi Xuebin's ugly face, and continued: "Those two reports are from the paper media, and there are... there are also online reports from the mainland."

"What happened to the Internet?"

"It's all posts about crusade against fantasy."


Shi Xuebin slowly turned his head to the east, and suddenly smiled sassyly:

"Zhong Hai Zhao Song, good trick!"

Thank you book friends for your concern and encouragement.

There are excerpts in this chapter, just read some of the content. Book friends please avoid sensitive words when leaving a message.

In the VIP chapter, all the news refers to the parallel world——the historical information of the Internet on the earth, and dare not spread rumors, and the background of this article is the water blue star.

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