Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 478: Eighty-Four Hours (Part 2)

The strange Wanwan stock market has no intermediate closing time. Calculated according to Beijing time, from 9:00 am to 13:30 pm, it is a full four and a half hours of trading time.

In the smallest meeting room of Mandarin Oriental, due to the time difference, it is already the last dark hour before dawn. However, when the bell of the Wanwan stock market closes, there is no sound of relaxation after intense work in the room.

These business elites, no matter they were florists or Americans, all stared at the bewildered ugly girl intently.

At this moment, the ugly girl was no longer the general who was calm and composed, and seemed to have become the kind of harmless little girl at the beginning.

He hurriedly sorted out a bunch of materials. Seeing that everyone was still looking at him, Liao Yingzhu stammered: "Everyone, go to bed early, and return it at five o'clock tomorrow afternoon. We still hold an analysis meeting here, and I hope everyone will be on time. Attend."


Amidst the silence, a brother Yangcai got up slowly, and replied solemnly:


Then, everyone stood up and responded loudly:



"Do not worry!"


This is the rate of return of Liao Yingzhu's first financial combat!

You know, finance and finance are completely different things, but this little girl majoring in accounting handed in such a beautiful answer sheet!

In the eyes of everyone, the ugly girl is no longer ugly, at this moment she seems to be emitting a dazzling radiance, making them squint their eyes.

Sturdy, sharp, belligerent, and explosive; quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit; extremely ruthless, and extremely quick to break an arm.

She was like a female cheetah, fast, accurate and ruthless, with negligible funds, she actually played the lead for the short side in the thrilling long-short duel, and her fight was so...precise and deadly!


"Papa papa~"

Amidst the warm applause, Liao Yingzhu, who missed one subject in the college entrance examination, ran away in despair!

Some people say that there will be three times of wealth luck in a person's life, but because of their youth, most people can't catch the first time. For those people, wealth luck is actually only two times.

Zhao Song, with an IQ of 108, never thought that he missed twice, and the third time, what he ushered in was not wealth luck, but luck!

For many years, this thing has always subjugated itself to a certain figure. If you give a few extreme examples, it is like Caesar, Alexander, and Napoleon. It always likes these unpredictable and powerful figures like itself.

When it comes to ordinary people like a storm, it is not so much their honor as it frightens them when they are involved in the bloody world game, so they almost all favor themselves. His luck gave up tremblingly.

A mediocre person can seldom seize this opportunity to make himself a success, because a great cause comes to a small person, often only for a very short moment, whoever misses this moment, it will never give the first gift twice.

However, Zhao Song, the reborn with an IQ of 108, couldn't miss this luck, because he couldn't go back.

In 2001, the heroes of the Internet Warring States were ready to go, and the major financial markets were full of gold. In the A-shares of Huahuajia alone, there were three huge empty shells trying to pose to him like peerless beauties. Can figure out a future richest man in the world!

But does he dare?

Once, he was favored by fate, because he married a second generation, and he was also teased by fate, because before this time and space came, his wife was separated and destitute.

He knows the cruelty of this world better than anyone else, and he understands the ruthlessness of this world better than anyone else.

He was not much better than a mediocre person, so he didn't dare to enjoy this luck alone.

Thus, Tesla appeared.

The more than 200 people who have been eliminated by Tesla have always explained to the world that this company is far from being as glamorous as it seems on the surface.

If you have to use benchmarks for comparison, it would be Hua Wei who will continue to die from overwork in the future, or Fu Shikang who will continue to jump off buildings.

The implementation of the most advanced performance appraisal is not the most stringent rules and regulations!

This young company, which keeps fighting everywhere, is like a multi-layer sieve, sifting out Liao Yingzhu, Ding Tao, Liu Cong, Yuan Wu, Zhao Lei, Song Guanyi, Zhao Rong...

A bunch of strong men who shouldn't exist were screened out, and together with silly Zhao Song, they shared an unspeakable luck.

June 2, 2001 at 9:00 am.

When Zhao Rong walked out of the Xishan compound, the theme report of "Coreless Fantasy" finally appeared on the major paper media across the country, and in the rage of fantasy, it overwhelmingly smashed the sky and covered the people of the whole country.

Radio, TV, analysis by industry insiders, discussion by experts and scholars.

Since its establishment more than ten years ago, this is the first time that someone has brought this Asia's No. 1 company to the attention of the people of the whole country!

9:01 minutes.

The second tranche of 5 million funds was remitted to the Mandarin Oriental team account.

"BOSS, three funds have entered the market, and they are raising the stock price!"

Liao Yingzhu stared into his scarlet eyes and shouted loudly: "8 times leverage, 3000 empty orders, enter!"

"Boss, there is no movement from the US side!"

"Don't worry, the main show hasn't started yet, let's have this appetizer first!"


In the high school entrance examination room of Huaqing High School, under the eyes of the invigilator, Wei Mingyu quietly took out a dice, shook it twice in the air, and then threw it on the table. Looking at the numbers on the dice, she said solemnly and seriously. Filled out a "C" on the math paper!


A female teacher covered her mouth and ran out of the examination room under the helpless gaze of the male teacher.


The auditorium of the Capital Institute of Fashion Technology was overcrowded.

This is already the second day of Jingfu Jingfu's master's graduation defense, and the first person to appear is the star academy of the whole school——Student Li Linna.

Turning her head to look at the follower Long Xiaoxiao, Li Linna smiled and asked: "There is still one day left for the defense. If you withdraw the case, with Zhao Song's help, you will definitely get your graduation certificate smoothly."

Long Xiaoxiao shook his head, and said indifferently: "It's one thing to vent your anger, and to help the richest man to return favors, I believe he won't ignore me in the future, right?"


Li Linna couldn't help laughing: "I'm leaving, Beijing LeTV still needs your help."

"You worry about me?"

"If you can pry him into your hands, it's your job!"

After speaking, Li Linna raised her hand and waved it down fiercely.


The lights go out.



The rhythm sounded.


The auditorium door opened.



Under the gaze of teachers and students of the school, numerous fashion media, and western design masters, the blond supermodel with long legs, wearing unsatisfactory underwear, and white and flawless wings appeared in front of the whole world .

Since then, there is no more Victoria's Secret on this planet, only LeTV's supermodels use their lives to carry huge wings weighing 30 pounds!

A graduation show where no one is sitting still, officially begins!


Shanghai Xijiao Hotel.

After uploading a few photos, Zhao Song moved his hands and typed on the keyboard:

"As you can see, all fantasy products sold abroad are different from the same models in China in the following points:

First: BIOS battery movement, the cost of Sanyo used abroad is two-thirds higher than that used by Sony in China!


After writing more than a thousand words eloquently, Zhao Song lazily clicked to send, so a piece of soft text with pictures and truth appeared on the largest forum in China.

Afterwards, Zhao Song picked up the phone, first sent a text message to Liao Yingzhu, and then dialed:

"Yuanyuan, make Second Uncle move."



In Huaqiang North, Shenzhen City, at the gate of a certain Industrial and Commercial Law Enforcement Bureau.

The second uncle in a suit and leather shoes took a deep breath before swaggering into the door with a file bag in hand.

Twenty minutes later, a group of uniformed people got into seven law enforcement vehicles and headed towards Huaqiang North's major electronics markets.

9:50, Wanwan Provincial Capital 101 Building.

Lao Xie raised his head from the computer screen and looked at Shi Xuebin suspiciously:

"Chairman, we Huashi are all high-quality assets. Even if we don't do anything, when Huashi falls below the net value, those hedge funds will naturally enter the market to buy the bottom, and the profit margin is very limited. I don't understand what they are doing. for what!"

I also do not understand!

Shi Xuebin shook his head with a wry smile. Except for the old man, no one in the whole bay knew what Zhao Song was going to do.

He looked in the direction of the mainland again, with far-reaching eyes.

Zhao Song, standing behind Huashi is Wanwan's 200 billion USD ecological closed loop, what are you fighting with us?

"The funds have changed!"

Suddenly, a roar interrupted Shi Xuebin's thoughts.

"Thank you, Director, 9000 empty orders!"

"Accept!" Lao Xie roared.

"A sell order for 25,000 shares appears at a price of 114."

"Take it up!"

"10,000 empty orders!"

"40,000 lot sell order, price 108!"

"50000 lots."

10:30 am.

24 hours after the cross star appeared, the most tragic single-stock long-short battle in the Wanwan securities market entered a fever pitch.


At this moment, the Great Hall of the Beijing Service was boiling, and the sound of shutters exploded. Everyone was blushing, and under the flickering lights, they shouted heart-piercingly:

"Li Linna!"

"Li Linna!"

"Li Linna!"

This chapter is a bit messy, I don't have time to modify it, so I set an alarm clock, and if I don't get up, it will be sent out automatically.

Reply to book friends: In the previous chapter, Tongfang appeared many times in the previous article. Many manufacturers will be used in the subsequent plot, and Tongfang is the representative. The purpose is also to fear that people will say that I am hydrology.

After finishing this volume, Zhao Song will stop the meeting.

As for when to finish.

An outline of only 800 words

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