Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 479: Eighty-Four Hours (Part 2)

In the middle of the venue, Li Linna endured the agitation in her heart and kept bowing.

The tutor watched with satisfaction, the classmates admired, and in the corner, the honest cousin was jumping and jumping excitedly, except for Zhao Song.

She gave him a body, and he gave her a platform, so that she no longer had to worry about three meals a day, let her see the outside world, and gave her time to enrich and plan herself.

"Linna, don't believe the propaganda of the outside world, it's all fake, every dick who is as humble as a rickety, as humble as dust, cares about obscenity: fantasizing about being born out of nowhere, counterattacking, counterattacking from the Jedi, so Look at me!

But that was just a dream, a dream that would never come true.

Why are there more and more articles promoting me?

Because diaosi likes to watch, and diaosi occupy the vast majority!

What is diaosi?

When I was fighting against the package, I was a dick, you go to count, how many examples are there of me being a real dick who counterattacked?

Qi Qiangdong?

His girlfriend's father is the deputy director! "

It seems that what I pay and what I get are not equal at all, and I owe more and more.

Thinking about it, Li Linna showed a bright smile and walked towards the rostrum, preparing for the final defense.

Applause, shouts, and the sound of shutters intertwined in the sky above the auditorium, forming a unique scenery, which shocked Bai Li who was hiding in the corner.

For a single person, this is definitely the greatest affirmation, the most beautiful symphony in the world, and the highlight moment that everyone is pursuing.

Bai Li didn't expect that the first person to hear this piece of music was not Li Wei, Yuanyuan, or the nervous Wen Jing, but Li Linna.

Looking at Li Linna, who was blushing in the middle of the field, and thinking about those Zhao Song's ex-girlfriends, Betty sighed -- do they know what they missed?

All of a sudden, she had an urge to go to Shanghai to meet Zhao Song. She had no other ideas, but to meet the richest man who was stirring up the situation, so that people would know that he was my classmate, that was my friend, That'smine

Of course, Bai Li didn't see Zhao Song right now. The financial turmoil he caused had attracted the attention of countless hedge funds, and made countless individual investors feel that their third chance to make a fortune was coming!

An old retail investor in Wanwan is one of them. At this moment, like Li Linna, he is even enjoying the brightest moment of his life-two days, 80% profit!

As a retail investor, he doesn't need to constantly accumulate funds at high positions like a banker. He only needs to judge the trend, build a good position, and wait for the result.

12:30 noon.

In a negotiation room next to the trading hall, the hands of the old man holding the real estate certificate were trembling. He hesitated for a while, but he handed the certificate to the other party without hesitation, the house where he lived for most of his life!

The young employee of the loan company was Lao Yuan's former apprentice. He frowned and looked at Lao Yuan and asked, "Does Auntie know?"

"I know!" Lao Yuan nodded with a smile: "I told her, if she wins, I will take her around the world for the rest of my life, and if she loses, we will go back to the countryside and live a peaceful life!"


The young staff quickly operated on the laptop:

"The money has been transferred to you, uncle, I know what you saw, but as a junior, I still want to remind you, be careful, be careful!

Over the years, I have never seen a follow-up retail investor who can go to the end. "

The old Yuan patted the young employee on the shoulder and nodded solemnly.

Without absolute certainty, he wouldn't do such a crazy thing.

Because just ten minutes ago, his friend in the Shenzhen Municipal Market told him:

"At dozens of counters, tens of thousands of smuggled Huashi board cards are being confiscated by the mainland industrial and commercial authorities."

Even if this is not a black swan, it is also a bad news!

Ten minutes later, in the temporarily rented separate room, the old man flipped through the operation quickly. Then, he looked at the list on the screen seriously, and clicked heavily on the mouse.


No feelings, no worries, even if he is the king of stocks in the securities market in his hometown!

In the financial market, there are only cold numbers, and those who operate these numbers are inhuman humanoid machines!

If I had to add any attributives to these people, it would be—all short-term financial markets are full of liars, lunatics, and fools!

In the financial market that has been developed for nearly a hundred years, there have been hundreds of indicator systems, but none of them can accurately predict the rise and fall. The confident old man seems to have forgotten this.

He doesn't know that the tragedy he predicted may happen, but the dealers will definitely not play according to his thinking. In the next two days, he will usher in the most interesting long-short battle in the history of the Wanwan stock market!

Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

Liao Yingzhu stared at the blood-red eyes, circling back and forth on the violently turbulent K-line chart.

At this time, she could no longer see the demeanor of a contemporary college student. Calmness, rationality, and awe were all her characteristics. With headsets on her ears, she was highly concentrated, and issued instructions calmly and methodically.


Senior Yangcai came to her side quietly. In this operation, he was no longer able to intervene. He could only be in charge of coordinating the team as a butler.


Liao Yingzhu didn't turn her head back.

"The last 9.8 million funds have arrived."

"Did Zhao Song explain anything?"

"The news about the confiscation of Huashi's parallel imports is up to you to discuss with David before deciding on the release time, and..."

"what else?"

"Zhao Song wants me to tell you: the money is all his private property, it doesn't matter if he loses it or earns it, don't put too much pressure on him."


Seeing that the K-line chart did not fluctuate much, Liao Yingzhu turned his head, looked at the senior of Yangcai and asked, "How long do we have?"

"After 60 hours, Zhao Song will enter the APEC preparatory group, and the country will not allow any actions during the meeting!"

Liao Yingzhu glanced at the huge trading volume on the K-line chart, and nodded slowly:

"The influence is big enough, senior, call David."


It's twelve o'clock at noon.

The already bustling stock exchange market was suddenly in an uproar, and dozens of huge sell-offs smashed Huashi's stock price into a sharp drop.

The straight falling line made everyone dizzy!

Old Yuan's eyes were red, excited, and in the large room not far from him, the eyes of Lao Xie, the financial director of Huashi, were also red, angry!


"Director, how much leverage do you use?"

"Four times!"

Lao Xie raised his head and shouted to the person in charge of the administrative department, "I want a reason!"


As soon as the words fell, everyone looked up at the big screen on the wall:

"Shenzhen Huaqiangbei Electronics Market fined and confiscated more than 40,000 pieces of Huashi board and card products, and condoned smuggling for its own benefit. When will Huashi stop?"

No more stock kings!

In the upper right corner of the screen, the bright 99.99 made all Huashi employees squint their eyes. It was from this moment that Wanji Electric officially replaced Huashi and became the most important stock in Wanwan stock market, a whole year earlier than another time and space. two years!

Warn, change the outline, check the information, the health is very good.

Book friends, please pay attention to sensitive words when posting, you must pay attention, you will be fine if you write according to the pronouns in the book.

There are more causal relationships at the end of this volume, and the previous pitfalls will be added.

In terms of finance, there are not many reference materials, only two: 1, foreign capital shorted Evergrande, and 2, the public acquisition case.

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