Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 480: Eighty-Four Hours (Part 2)

Shi Xuebin, who was sitting quietly in the corner, took out his mobile phone, frowned and dialed:

"Old Zhang."

"I already know." A thick voice came from the phone, which reassured Shi Xuebin a lot, "There are a lot of hedging funds coming in from various sources, and there are more people who want to pick up cheap. Huashi is a high-quality asset. It won’t fall much, so if you want to support the market, you can do it boldly.”

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang." Shi Xuebin said gratefully, "Mr. Zhang, I had expected the news released a long time ago, but I always feel that he didn't do his best. It seems that he is hiding something?"

"I probably know what he wants, but I can't guess how he will do it."

Speaking of this, the voice on the phone paused for a moment before continuing: "So, I'm going to meet that young man across the way!"

"What?" Shi Xuebin asked in shock and disdain: "Is he worthy?"

"Hehe~" The person on the phone didn't answer Shi Xuebin's question, but instead asked, "Hua Shi, why don't you apologize?"


"Against Tesla, or Shenzhou Technology, do you have any countermeasures?"


"How much is Tesla worth? Do you know the content of the investment agreement signed by Zhao Song? Why did those American investment institutions listen to him?"


"Hua Shi was supposed to be the most difficult barrier to break through, but you may not be able to hold on for two days. Have you thought about the reason?"


Shi Xuebin pumped his throat with difficulty, speechless.

"After breaking through Huashi, who will his next target be, do you know?"


"Mr. Shi, don't forget that there is a country of players, and don't forget that there is Jiang Fanke Lanzi in Huashi's stronghold in the European market!"


After hanging up the phone, Shi Xuebin's face finally changed. He held back the uneasiness in his heart and shouted at Lao Xie: "The plan is advanced!"



One hour before the stock market closed, Huashi shares were quoted at 98.36, and the turnover on that day was 13.714 billion Taiwan dollars, which once again set the largest turnover since its listing.

More and more investment institutions and hedge funds, like sharks smelling blood, rushed over fiercely.

12:45 minutes.

101 Building.

"Take the order, and place another 30,000 more orders, eight times!"

This is Lao Xie's roar.

"Director, analysts at Morgan Stanley have removed Huashi shares from the 'confirmed list'!"



Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

"Follow David and the others, full warehouse!"

This was Liao Yingzhu's unhurried and murderous order.

"Boss, Huashi issued the second announcement, responding to Citron's announcement item by item; Shi Xuebin was interviewed by reporters and said: 'This is a war in a peaceful age! They are invaders, bandits, and robbers! We must We must completely defeat these predators and defend the dignity of Eastern companies!'”

"Ignore them, keep going!"


12:55 minutes.

101 Building.

"Directors, analysts are all negative about Huashi's stock price - a total of 42 analysts gave it a "sell" rating, 3 gave it a "hold" rating, and only 1 gave it a "buy" rating. The average target they gave The price is NT$91, which corresponds to an 11% drop in Wednesday’s closing price.”

"Defense line 96, build a warehouse!"


Mandarin Oriental.

"BOSS, the latest voice comes from Goldman Sachs, which believes that Citron has made many illogical assumptions, does not understand accounting standards, and lacks sufficient common sense and investigation of industry operations."

"What about our finances?"

"There are still 2.7 million!"




101 Building.

"Director Hyun Choi, head of Barings Korea Securities, said, "As the stock with the largest market capitalization in Wanwan, it is affected by many factors: not only the environment of the IT industry, but also macro issues such as capital inflows and obstacles in the emerging mainland market.

They also said that in the upsurge of the entire island's IT industry to go to the mainland, Huashi has made a major strategic mistake and is paying a serious price for its arrogance! "

"Funding situation?"

"It's still fluctuating sharply. Compared with an hour ago, the rate of decline has dropped significantly!"

"Continue to the 96 defense line!"


Mandarin Oriental.

"BOSS, Bank of America Merrill Lynch responded to the accounting misunderstandings in Citron's report one by one, and believed that Huashi "has sufficient liquidity and insolvency problems." The credit and rating agency Fitch pointed out that Citron Research The allegations against Huashi Group will have no impact on the company's liquidity or credit rating."


Liao Yingzhu shrugged indifferently and asked:

"Has all the money been spent?"


"Then wait, wait for tomorrow's result."


As soon as the voice fell, the bell that symbolized the closing bell rang, which also meant that this fierce long-short duel had entered the mid-market rest period.


All the elite traders in the room looked up at the thin and ugly girl, and once again applauded involuntarily.


With only 30 million funds, he actually played a pioneering role among a crowd of capital predators, and he played impressively. Not to mention a novice like Liao Yingzhu, even old fritters like them may not be able to do it .

No, it definitely cannot be done.


Amid the applause, the ugly girl ran away again.

As long as the stock market exists, dealers will exist as long as they exist. The relationship between retail investors and bankers is like an antelope and a lion. The two sides form the ecology of the grassland in the unity of opposites. Anyone who leaves the stock market will change their taste. You just need to make sure that you are not the slowest antelope. But don't be too happy because of this, because most likely, you are indeed the one who runs the slowest.

15:00 in the afternoon.

Different from the tragic Wanwan stock market, the flower planter stock market was surrounded by endless green colors, and the A shares closed at 1499 points.

Even fools know that a bear market is coming, but what everyone doesn't know is that this bear market will last for more than 1,800 days

Now, everyone expects that the red and green Shenzhou Technology will enter the constituent index stocks as soon as possible. With more and more financial news reports, they believe that that day is not far away!

Xijiao Hotel.

Zhao Song walked leisurely on the tree-lined path, sometimes looking at the flocks of wild birds by the lake, it was a special pleasure.

"Uncle, tell you a joke?"

Qin Hai, who stood side by side with Zhao Song, smiled and pretended to be listening attentively.

"The stock market fell sharply today, and Lao Wang next door was in a bad mood. When I got home and opened the door, I found my wife ran to the bathroom in a panic. I felt like I was hiding something. When I ran to the bedroom, I was surprised to see that the window was open, and I was hiding outside. Man, the husband was so mad that he pushed this doggy man off the 20th floor! After a while, there was a lot of voices downstairs, and everyone said that another big stock loser jumped off the building! Five minutes later, the wife came out after having diarrhea , leaned out the window, and asked my husband, "Where's the air-conditioner repairer?"

Qin Hai grinned, and asked with a half-smile: "Boss, I will tell Lao Wang this joke!"


Zhao Song waved his hand and said disdainfully: "I wish he could come here, I have been renovating one kilometer for how many days, and only three of them have been completed.

Uncle, tell him by the way, if Mingzhu is too busy, there are plenty of decoration companies in the whole capital to pick up the job! "

"Definitely!" Qin Hai held back his laughter and nodded in agreement.

"By the way, Xiao Yu and Linna are coming in two days. Remember to book a room in Carlton."

"Do not worry."

"Also, the preparatory team will be stationed in two days. You can't stay here anymore, you should live in Carlton."

"En." Qin Hai nodded, took out his vibrating cell phone, and read the important text message before answering the phone.

After a while, he reported to Zhao Song: "Boss, I'm imagining that Director Wei is asking for an interview, and it's just outside the hotel gate."

Zhao Song thought for a while before saying, "Then go and have a look."

"Also." Qin Hai showed the text message to Zhao Song, "Wanwan Li Dayan just held a press conference and announced that due to his status, Zhang Jianmou, the founder of Wanji Electric, will be the representative of the leader of the APEC delegation."


Zhao Song glanced at the text message with interest, turned his head to the direction of the sea, and then showed a bright smile!

PS: 1, this year Zhang also went to Brazil to participate in AEPC, which should be the third time.

2. Immediately enter the plot, and many pitfalls will be added. Due to the limited level, I sometimes add some explanations to the author.

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