Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 489 Interest Exchange

"If you met the President of the United States, what would you say?"

In the canteen of Jingjiyuan, the breakfast time has passed, but there are more and more people.

The TV above the head is still on, and countless students are looking up and watching intently.

Li Yong was also there, and when he saw Xiaobu's bitter and bitter face on TV, he curiously asked Xizi beside him.

"I have to ask what chair he's sitting on?"

"What do you mean?"

Li Yong asked curiously.

"What else can you mean?" Xizi glanced at Xiaoyong pityingly, as if looking at a pure Xiaobai, "Think about it, I heard that everything in the White House has a history and cannot be changed casually.


Seeing Li Yong's more and more strange eyes, Xizi shrugged and continued: "That's Zhao Song's original words, but I don't think he will ask this question on the spot. As for what the two of them are saying now, I guess no one knows. .”

After finishing speaking, the two looked at the TV together. On the screen were only the backs of an old man and a young man walking side by side. From the gestures they made from time to time, it could be seen that the two had a very pleasant chat. Unfortunately, no one knew what they were talking about. .

Xijiao Hotel.

The two photographers followed them from a distance, and the instructions from the producer came from time to time through the earphones:

"Don't step forward, don't slap sideways, and don't slap your mouth."

On the red carpet.

Like the previous ones, Xiaobu praised the weather as usual before changing the topic:

"I have to say, Zhao, you fought a good battle."

Zhao Song smiled, but breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. It seems that through the relationship with those investment banks, this classmate Xiaobu has already received goodwill from Zhao Song, otherwise the topic would not have turned in this direction.

"Sir, that's because I have a talented subordinate." Zhao Song looked at the expressionless classmate Xiao Bu, and said modestly.

"Tesla was not built by your geniuses."

Classmate Xiaobu looked at him with great interest, and said regretfully, "Unfortunately, when it goes on the market, I might not see it in this position."

"You will be re-elected, sir." Zhao Song replied firmly: "At that time, if I am lucky enough to invite you to the platform, Tesla's listing will definitely be smoother."

"Heh~" Xiao Bu finally changed his expression, he grinned lightly and said with a smile: "That's too far away, Zhao, things have to be done one by one, I heard from my staff that you need my help , can you tell me?"

"Yes, sir." Zhao Song nodded, wiped the sweat from his palms on the corner of his clothes without any trace, and then said solemnly: "Tesla is still far away from being listed, but Shenzhou is very close. I hope that Mr. It gives me some advice on the selection of underwriters for listing on the New York Stock Exchange."

How long does it take for a family to reach its peak?

The family represented by the person in front of you will tell you——100 years.

The hundred-year-old Bu family has now accumulated a lot of accumulation. The family members are all over the banking, investment banking, energy and other major industries, and they are only one step away from their heyday.

"Shenzhou? Listed on the New York Stock Exchange?"

Surprise flashed across his face, Xiao Bu shook his head expressionlessly and said, "I can't give you any advice, and from your choice of investors in Tesla, you don't need anyone's advice. "

"Thank you, sir."

Zhao Song responded with a smile. The cold sweat on his back made him feel extremely uncomfortable. The stairs were in front of him. He quietly slowed down and said softly, "I have another request."


Student Xiaobu stopped.

"AWxx Investment Bank has launched a new private equity fund. I heard that it is extremely difficult to buy. Please sir, please say hello to the manager. I hope to use all the proceeds I got this time to buy the fund."

For Zhao Song, it is impossible to buy that kind of private equity that is hard to buy. For the newly entered fund manager of the Bu family, hard to sell is the real performance.

"Zhao, I'm the President of the United States. I can give you the contact information of my relative's manager. You can just talk to him directly."

Student Xiaobu was still expressionless.

"Okay, Mr. President." Zhao Song said with a smile: "Business is not a game of chess. The process can be a game, but the result must be a win-win situation. Sir, everything I do is in the interests of the United States and can make both of us win-win!"

Hearing this, classmate Xiao Bu laughed and patted Zhao Song on the shoulder:

"Zhao, you have to do things one by one. Goodbye."

"Yes, Mr. President, do one piece at a time, and you will see the results!"

After finishing these words, student Xiaobu just disappeared at the gate of the reception hall.

No one knew that under the watchful eyes of the whole world, the daring Zhao Song actually completed a secret transfer of benefits on the short red carpet.

In 2014, Alibaba Papa went public with a yield of 250%, preferred shares worth 6 billion US dollars, and underwriting fees worth 400 million US dollars, most of which were divided up by foreign investors.

In 2001, the king of A-shares, Xinxing Shenzhou Technology, if it were to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange, the value created would not be as exaggerated as Ah Li, but it would definitely not be less.

Open the door, say hello, accompany, chat.

Until the last guest walked into the reception hall, Zhao Song also completed all his work on the 15th.

The success of any project can only be accomplished through the joint promotion of multiple stakeholders. A businessman who puts on a posture and talks with politicians under the watchful eyes of the public, is there any other purpose besides showing off?

Zhao Song has never abandoned conspiracy theories, and he dared not even think about asking him to talk to the leaders of various countries like the future Papa Ma.

Although there was nothing about Zhao Song after the car door was opened, but in APEC, the elements about Zhao Song did not end.

16th, 15:00 pm.

The ultimate oriental aesthetics, the mysterious auspicious cloud pattern, the magical letter 'T', what is the relationship between them, and who is its designer? Where is its factory? Why do more and more stars wear their silk scarves and gloves? Why would the oriental princess wear her full custom attire?

It has attracted the attention of countless people in the fashion industry, and the nameless specialty store on Fifth Avenue has gradually become famous~

For this grand event, Zhao Song really put in a lot of effort, not only the custom-made Tang suit with auspicious cloud patterns, but even the Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara appeared in the dinner on the first day.

16:00. It also represents the successful conclusion of the APEC Informal Leaders' Meeting.

Zhao Song took off the work card on his chest, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

The next CEO summit will be another battlefield for him.

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