Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 490 You Have Countless Talents, I Have Unparalleled National Scholars (Part 1)

"One day, Hillary was taken to meet God, and found that there were many clocks of different speeds hanging in God's living room.

So she asked the servant: 'Why does God want so many watches? And go fast and slow? '

The servant said: 'These watches represent people's lives. Everyone in the world has such a piece. If you go fast, you will have more affairs, and if you walk slowly, you will have no affairs. '

Hillary asked again: 'Why not my husband's? '

The servant replied: 'Your husband's watch was taken by God and used as an electric fan in the office. ’”

July 19, 2001, cloudy.

Every July, Shanghai has experienced the unique rainy season in the south. It has not yet entered the midsummer and is hot. The weather is mainly sunny and sunny. There are long white clouds in the blue sky and endless changes. It is the most beautiful city scenery of Shanghai in a year. The season, the color of July, is the most beautiful Shanghai.

8:22 am.

On the Yan'an elevated road leading to Shangri-La Hotel, a Mercedes-Benz with Beijing C license plate and tail number 222 was driving smoothly under the driving of the veteran driver Ermao.

In the car, Sister Da Da stared at Zhao Song bitterly, and said fiercely, "That is to say, you told an old-fashioned joke to the President of the United States in front of the global audience?"


Zhao Song nodded seriously.

"I pooh~"


Sister Da Da twisted Zhao Song's arm in bewilderment, and then reluctantly let him go.

Zhao Song gritted his teeth and rubbed his arms, complaining: "Just pointing the way there, what else can we talk about, boasting about the weather, praising the famous Liao Yingzhu, and telling a non-embarrassing joke at most."


Sister DaDa looked at him with a half-hearted smile: "Tell me a joke about the former president?"

Speaking of this, Sister Da Da remembered something, and sighed: "I heard that in the United States, ordinary people can scold Zipper Don Shabi casually, if this is in China."

"I dare to scold at home."

Zhao Song answered unhappily, and then cursed loudly in Sister DaDa's unbelievable eyes:

"Zip Don Sabie!"


People are scolding their own president, what are you doing?

Sister DaDa held back her laughter and pinched Zhao Song again before continuing with her own question:

"You asked the Ministry of Information to collect so much information on Xiaobu, and let the expert group including me analyze it over and over again for so long, just to tell a joke?

Don't think everyone doesn't know that the No. 17 courtesy car arrives one minute and twelve seconds later than others. "

"Just telling jokes."

Zhao Song gritted his teeth.


Sister Da Da nodded, and then asked, "What do you think of this person?"

"He will be the pioneer of Sino-US business cooperation!"


Zhao Song's sudden change caught Sister DaDa by surprise. Seeing Zhao Song's serious look, she asked curiously, "How do you say it?"

"From the 98 Galaxy, the 99 Embassy to this year's Collider, Zipperton's policy of comprehensive containment of us will be fully released in his hands."


"Then the flower growers pay for the labor, and the United States creates conflicts and fights. When the cannon fires, the commissary will split 20/80!"

Zhao Song knew that this figure would be deepened to 37 points during the time when Comrade Hao watched the sea.

And starting from next year, florists will usher in a ten-year golden decade of "strategic development opportunities".

After that, the flower growers will strive for 50-50 blooming, but they are not happy.

Sister Da Da frowned, and asked thoughtfully: "Is this the large-scale transfer of the low-end manufacturing industry you have been talking about?"

Zhao Song shook his head and smiled:

"Sister, that's a matter for the country to consider. We just want to think about what benefits Tesla can get from it."

Sister Da Da looked at her former student, and the confused expression on her face made her look a little more beautiful, which made Zhao Song's eyes feast for the eyes.

"Zhao Song, you made such a big scene just for Tesla to have bargaining power in purchasing in the future?"

"." Zhao Song thought for a moment before nodding gently: "It can be said that if the goal can be achieved, Tesla can have a lot of bargaining power through strategic alliances, so as to maximize the guarantee for Tesla the interests of shareholders.

This is also the biggest reason why those American investment banks are willing to participate. "

Seeing the Shangri-La Hotel getting closer, Sister Da Da nodded, took out the concierge card from the passenger seat, hung it on Zhao Song's chest, then nodded his forehead, and said with a smile: "Then I will wait and see! "

"Just watch."

As soon as Zhao Song finished speaking, the Mercedes-Benz stopped steadily.

Outside the car window, the red carpet leads directly to the lobby of Shangri-La Hotel, with guns and short cannons lined up on both sides, surrounded by reporters and countless melon eaters.

The APEC CEO Summit is also a grand event for global business leaders, where the world's richest man Bill Gates, HP Iron Maiden, Fantasy, Changhong, TCL and other domestic and foreign business leaders gather.

Anyone who pays a little attention to this news will not miss this opportunity to watch various business leaders at close range.

In the Mercedes-Benz car, looking at the old and the young standing in the middle of the red carpet at this time, Zhao Song gave the driver Ermao a dumbfounding look - he didn't expect such a coincidence to run into the old and the young here.

From the passenger seat, he took out two exquisite handbags and put them into Sister DaDa's hands, and then straightened his tie. Then Zhao Song opened the car door and got out of the car amidst the flashing lights.

"Sister, let's go."

"Zhao Song~"

"Mr. Zhao, look here."

"Chairman Zhao, Guancheng has just made an official announcement that Shenzhou, Tesla and other joint business groups will invest 8 billion yuan. Is the news true?"

"Zhao Song, Zhao Song, Zhao Song."

"Mr. Zhao, Shenzhou's price limit is one word at the opening of the market. What do you think of it?"

"Mr. Zhao, after the Backstreet Boys signed with Shengtian, why will they release their first digital album?"


My ears are buzzing, and my eyes are turning white.

It wasn't until Zhao Song held his tender hand in his arms that Zhao Song regained his clarity.

On the red carpet, all eyes were on, amidst the flashing lights and heart-piercing shouts, Zhao Song turned his head in a daze, and looked at Sister DaDa who was beside her with a bright smile

If possible, he really hoped that he would be surrounded by the elf from his previous life, or that Li Linna who was willing to give birth to him, so that they would know that he would have such a bright moment!

"Zhao Song~"

Sister Da Da gently pulled Zhao Song, "It's time to go, the two in front seem to be waiting for you."


He shook his head slightly, straightened his chest, nodded and smiled to the crowd on both sides, and then walked forward with Sister Da Da on his arm.

At the same time, Zhonghai Electronics Mall, a new landmark in Zhongguancun, Beijing.

Brand-new modern decoration, walk-in counters, young and beautiful shopping guides, and endless customers.

At this time, there was no noise in the entire shopping mall, and countless people raised their heads one after another, watching the pictures that suddenly appeared on the big screens.

Haihang gray, Haitian auspicious clouds.

Zhao Rong is elegant and charming, wearing a celadon-colored cheongsam, with a standing collar and a slanted lapel. The graceful arc is fashionable and elegant. Every step is showing what is the oriental beauty of a woman who grows flowers.

Zhao Song is as tall as a pine tree, his face is like the moon of Mid-Autumn Festival, his color is like flowers of spring dawn, his temples are cut like knives, his eyebrows are like ink paintings, he smiles when he is angry, but he looks affectionate when he looks at him. The man in international gray clothes and black leather shoes , born with a romantic charm, he is naturally a handsome guy - the above is Zhao Song's brain-filling picture.

In fact, in the eyes of countless people, he is not very handsome. Standing with Zhao Rong, he is such a golden boy and jade girl.

Because, what he is stepping on is not leather shoes, not a red carpet, but money on his left foot and status on his right foot.

In the counter of overclocking three, Old Wang next door, Old Fu who counts tencents, Old Niu who sells mobile phones, and several old friends who are familiar with each other get together.

Looking at a man and a woman, handsome men and beautiful women on TV, Lao Wang muttered with blurred eyes:

"They came from Zhonghai!"

"That woman is Zhao Rong!"

"That kid is Zhao Song!"

"Hello, Zhao Song!"

"Hello, Mr. Lin Benjian."

Shang Hai, Shangri-La Hotel, on the red carpet.

Zhao Song interrupted the behavior Lin Benjian wanted to introduce, stood in front of Zhang Jianmou, bent slightly, and said softly, "Hello, Mr. Zhang."

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