Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 493 Book Friends Naming: Leveraging Core Wind and Cloud

Outside the door, as the noise became more and more loud, it indicated that more and more guests began to enter the venue one after another.

He took two exquisite packaging bags from Sister Da Da, and handed them respectfully to an old man and a middle school. No one noticed that the handle of the packing bags handed to Lin Benjian was red.

"This is a brand new TPOD just released by Tesla. The time to market has not yet been determined. Mr. Zhang and Mr. Lin can experience it first."

Zhao Song introduced with a smile that only at his home court can he face the godfather in front of him fearlessly.

"It is a pity that this TPOD Classic does not use a Wanwan accessory!"

"That means we haven't done enough!"

Zhang Jianmou came back to his senses, looked at Zhao Song with inexplicable eyes, nodded and said:

"Thank you Mr. Zhao for the gift."

"It should be." Zhao Song stretched out his hand and made a gesture of 'please', "Mr. Zhang, the guests are almost here, and the younger generation will not bother you to reminisce about the old days."

Zhang Jianmou stretched out his skinny right hand for the first time, shook Zhao Song lightly, and then said softly:

"Mr. Zhao, see you again by fate."


After finishing speaking, Zhao Song nodded to Lin Benjian:

"Mr. Lin, also an expert in optics, our Academician Chen looks forward to discussing with you in Beijing."

"That's my pleasure."

Lin Benjian said gratefully, but when he wanted to say something again, he found that Zhao Song had already taken the beautiful woman to the corner.

"Chairman, why don't you talk about it?"

Zhang Jianmou shook his head and asked Lin Benjian: "You once told me that if there is no breakthrough in technology within two years, then Moore's Law will expire within a few years?"

"At the latest in 2008."

Zhang Jianmou nodded solemnly, and after thinking for a while, explained:

"Call Shi Xuebin and get him ready for the battle."

Lin Benjian paused for a moment before nodding in agreement, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

"Zhao Song, why don't you talk about it?"

In the corner, after sitting down, Sister DaDa asked.

"With his bossy, condescending, slow-moving, nonchalant attitude, what's there to talk about?

Sister, that old man won't give us any chance to develop, because he knows that as long as we develop, the little Wanwan Island will only have a dead end! "

Zhao Song pressed the phone while answering.

When Liao Yingzhu's high-spirited voice came from the phone, she asked:

"Zhuzi, the private placement of rubbish in the United States has a scale of 200 million. Are you sure you can earn it for me?"

"All I can say is, it's possible!"

"Do it!"

"Yes sir!"

Sister Da Da patted her forehead weakly:

"Are you going to fight again?"


"Can't you fight?"

"No! There is no better opportunity than this year. If you miss it, you will never get it back."

"how come?"

Sister Da Da disagreed and said: "The downturn in the industry is cyclical. I missed it this time. I will see you next time."

"next time?"

Zhao Song glared: "Who knows how many years will be the next time? Do you know the R\u0026D expenses of Wanji Electronics in the first half of the year? NT$4.985 billion, how many years later, how much money and how many people will we have to use to bridge this gap? "


Sister Da Da looked at Zhao Song unwillingly. She didn't know how many times she had argued with her student, but she still couldn't pull this stubborn donkey back.

"We... anyone?"

"Are you talented?"

In the venue, there were more and more people. Everyone Zhao Song could call out their names familiarly. It was like a star shining. He dropped his head, and then seriously introduced to Sister DaDa:

"Mr. Xie Xide (female), the first female university president of the Florist, the mother of the Semiconductor, her book "Semiconductor Physics" is still a classic textbook in the semiconductor field of the Florist.

Lin Lanying returned to China with a silicon single crystal worth 200,000 US dollars more than 40 years ago, donated it to the country free of charge, and pulled out the first silicon single crystal of the new flower.

Xia Peisu, from the 107 computer 40 years ago to the current Suguang supercomputer, has shocked the world.

Sister, these three women are the three most beautiful flowers in the florist semiconductor industry. Tell me, are there any of us?

It is because the flower growers have such a woman, others can underestimate us, but we cannot underestimate ourselves! "

". Zhao Song, the first two are gone."

"But their juniors are still there, sister, Mr. Jiang Shangzhou has been opening up overseas talent channels, and soon, you will see unexpected results!"

Sister Da Da shook her head, raised her hand and patted Zhao Song's shoulder, and whispered:

"My shares are there, and I should earn a lot of money. Zhao Song, I feel sorry for you. You earned the money from battle after battle. Just throw it away like this. Don't you feel sorry for you?"

Deputy Minister Zhao Song shook his head in a chic way, with high spirits and fighting spirit:

"For people who have reached my level, talking about money is vulgar!"

"Then what are you talking about?"

"House! Sis, do you have a letter for the courtyard house I want to buy?"

I strangle you!

There was no negotiation and no compromise. From Zhao Song's point of view, Zhang Jianmou came here this time to declare war with a high profile.

Since you want to make a call, you can make a call after the meeting is over.

Seeing that you have old friends everywhere, and you are so sophisticated, it is still my money stick, sugar-coated cannonballs and tyrannical!

Now, first the meeting.

In the corner of the conference hall, Zhao Song looked towards the brightly lit big stage. In seat C above that, was sitting the most popular CEO in the world——HP Iron Lady Carly Fiorina.

Her limelight is definitely greater than that of Zhao Song, a newcomer to the wealth myth, because this girl wants to acquire Compaq despite the opposition of the son of the founder of Hewlett-Packard.

Compaq No. 1 in the world!

And the difficulties she has to face are:

First, the European Commission.

Second, the US Federal Trade Commission.

Third, the boards of directors of two super companies.

God knows how this bitch succeeded.

Anyway, Zhao Song found two consulting companies to collect every word Iron Lady said and everything he did. He believed that they would be his best teachers.

"My husband doesn't think the merger with Compaq is a marriage. He thinks I'm already married."

"Information technology provides unprecedented opportunities to promote rapid economic development. Florist has excellent talents and technology, and has a great future."


In the audience, Zhao Song listened helplessly. He felt that this "the most powerful woman in the world's business world" was not here for a meeting, but more like a flattery for a planter.

He really wished that he was one of the sofas on the rostrum, asking those prominent business leaders his own questions—look at the names in the front row on and off the stage:

FedEx, HSBC, HP, GM, Microsoft, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Mitsui

It's a pity that some people didn't arrange for Zhao Song to attend the forum activities on the first day because they were afraid that Zhao Song would hate others, but asked Zhao Song to end the conference with a speech on the second day.

When everyone is gone, let him finish.

Gritting his teeth for a long time, Zhao Song regained his energy and listened to the world's richest man and a group of flower-growing entrepreneurs until the iron lady who messed up the process stepped down and replaced him with Bill Gates.

Talk about the mountains!

Today, I moved to the warehouse of the unit. I didn’t feel like writing this chapter, so I added three women who pry the core wind and cloud.

The full name of the next chapter: Fight, the prelude to the final battle of a big watermelon.

Because it is too long, it will be abbreviated. Let me know in advance here.

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