Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 494 Looking for Clues in the Clouds and Mist, the Prologue Begins Before the Great War (Part

Wearing a blue suit and a pink tie, Bill is still the most admired hero in people's hearts even though he has added a few strands of gray hair to his temples and his figure is a bit fat.

Where this person who once led people into the digital age will lead people is a question of common concern. And for the growing knowledge economy of florists, this is just the beginning.

Therefore, whether it is the cutting-edge fantasy presidents Yang Qing and Zhang Chaoyang, or the veteran classmate Xiao Liu, etc., they all expressed their eager expectations for Bill Gates.

Gates' speech naturally did not disappoint the florists.

He paints an exciting scenario where in the next decade, humanity will usher in a digital age that is both personal and global.

"The computer of the future will be as big as a piece of white paper. It can recognize everyone's voice. No matter when and where, people can freely communicate with the world without online restrictions.

Although Microsoft has only $100 million in sales from florists, which is less than 0.5% of Microsoft's total sales, I see a bright future for the florists market. This is just as Zeng Qiang, president of Shihuakai E-Commerce Company, predicted that in five years, the number of Huahuajia Internet users will surpass that of the United States and become the number one in the world. "

This is the richest man in the world, and he really deserves his reputation!

Interestingly, when the richest man was speaking, Microsoft's color boat to promote Windows XP also "opened" to Shanghai Huangpu River.

Even more interesting:

At the end of this IT industry forum, when the host gave Bill Gates the right to ask questions, he thought for a long time before asking the flower growers and entrepreneurs:

"How do Chinese consumers accept handwriting computers?"

Li Dongsheng, Chairman and President of TCL Corporation, Lu Zhicheng, Vice Chairman and President of Huaqing Tongfang Tongfang Co., Ltd., and Yang Qing of Fantasy Computer answered:

"According to the habits of flower growers, natural handwriting is of course easier to accept than keyboard input, but currently using handwriting computers is not as comfortable and convenient as writing on paper. If improvements are made, handwriting computers should have a good market prospect."

Even more interesting:

The final speech of the florist entrepreneurs is of course the chairman of our fantasy group.

"We Need Strategists"!

He started with a three-minute introduction to Bill Gates, who is so famous that he needs no introduction.

In the venue at that time, global IT giants gathered together. As a leader in the domestic IT industry, Xiao Liu saw the gap between local entrepreneurs and global IT giants from this powerful dialogue—"We lack strategists !"

"These giants present are all called "strategic masters". They stand at the height of global industry development and formulate strategies according to the changing trends of the world economy. Once successful, they often affect the entire industry and even the entire world.

What florists lack the most are entrepreneurs who formulate strategies based on the reality of the enterprise.

In recent years, many domestic companies with amazing words are often short-lived because of their high ambitions. "

Classmate Xiao Liu said:

"Without a strategy, you will not be able to eat tomorrow; if you have an unreasonable strategy, you may starve to death today."

Concerned and impassioned.

The above are all the speeches about the IT industry in this unprecedented summit of business leaders.

The most interesting thing is that if you leave out the mixed-up HP iron lady, all the entrepreneurs who spoke are related to the Venus project that completely failed two years ago-TCL and Huaqing Tongfang are the main participants. And fantasy is Microsoft's Venus Project, the red stick in the flower planter's head!

Even the opening topic of the richest man Gates's speech is: Failed, will you come again?

What next?

The Venus plan is a lunatic strategist's Shabi's strategic plan ten years ahead.

Apart from burning billions of dollars, that thing didn't even make a sound!

This is the business godfather of the flower growers. After so many years, all the speeches are useless. If you have to work hard, it would be good if you talk about how to improve interpersonal relationships and how to form cliques... huh?

The above is the opening of the CEO Summit in this world. Although there are not too many exciting events, it is not very lackluster.

The summit started with IT and ended with Zhao Song's speech, which can be said to have a beginning and an end.

As for what it will be like, for some people who left the venue early, they can only know from the news, but for Lin Benjian, he will definitely know, because tomorrow before Zhao Song, he will lead Zhang Jianmou's speech.


The surging water of the Pujiang River divides Shanghai. People often say that it is a pity not to go to Shanghai Beach when you come to Shanghai, and it is even more regrettable not to visit Huangpu River at night when you come to Shanghai Beach.

The night is getting darker, looking west at the Bund, there are buildings from all over the world with different styles and full of rich and exotic colors, brightly lit, and Dongkan Pudong, high-rise buildings are rising from the ground, and countless lights decorate the high-rise buildings. The twinkling lights are like stars, the sky connects to the building, and the building connects to the sky, the momentum is very spectacular.

When Lin Benjian came to the Huangpu River, his vision suddenly widened. After admiring the river for a while, he waited for the cruise ship to arrive.

When you board the ship and leave the shore, you will feel that the water is wide and the river is wide, the city is far and the waves are close, and the hustle and bustle is far away.

Standing at the bow of the boat, Lin Benjian took out the exquisite package from the satchel, looked at it carefully with a surprised expression, and then reluctantly opened it.


He stopped suddenly, staring blankly at the first touch of white that came into his eyes, and the red letter 'T' on it.

Silk and embroidery are the most mysterious fashion icons in the world today.

Subconsciously, he wiped his hands on the corner of his clothes before carefully picking up the handkerchief. Then, he saw the milky white player.

"Industrial aesthetics!"

This is the only word that the amazing Lin Benjian can think of.

Milky white player, a large disk integrated touch button system, this design makes people not feel that this is a cold machine, but more like a work of art.

Press the power button, and when the 'T' flashes, Lin Benjian plugs in the soft milky white earphones. The groundbreaking special silicone sleeve makes the feeling in his ears much softer than traditional earphones.

After booting up, turn the disc, and you will see the only music file. The name composed of more than a dozen letters did not recognize a single word, which made Lin Benjian shake his head amusedly, and then he pressed the play button.

The cruise ship has been driving for a while, and the bright moon has risen above the river. It merges with the lights of the city, making people unable to tell which is the moonlight in the sky and which is the underground light. The room is like a dream, as if you are in a paradise on earth.

This is the Huangpu River, the mother river of Shanghai, and the last tributary of the Yangtze River.

Someone once specially wrote for master Qiao Yu: Which river is that song written about?


"But it's not the Yangtze River!"

"Because no matter where you are from, there is always a river not far from your door."

"Even a small river is a big river in a young heart."

As long as your roots come from this Yiyi hometown, you will always think of that river, that big river, that Yangtze River

"A great river with broad waves.

The wind blows the fragrance of rice flowers on both sides of the bank.

My family lives on the shore.


He listened to the song quietly and looked ahead quietly.

On both sides of the strait, the lights are bright, making the cruise ship seem to be lightly rippling in the painting. It is not enough to see the excitement and endless scenery.

What's more beautiful is that the last letter he picked up in his hand, in his opinion, is not inferior to the elegance of the two sides of the Huangpu River at this time.

"This song is the theme song of a negotiation war film. In that negotiation and war, our motherland's opponent was the Eight-Power Allied Forces, and neither lost nor won.

Mr. Lin, the world's major semiconductor equipment manufacturers have invested tens of billions of dollars in dry lithography. How easy is it for them to transform rashly?

Why don't we just make a bet?

If I don't win the next battle, from now on, I will fully support your R\u0026D projects, no matter where you are or what company you are in.

If I win by chance, why don't you come back to this hometown and join me in seeking common development?

This battle is still between me and the coalition forces. Between victory and defeat, can Mr. Lin keep it in mind? "

The song is nice, but the words are ugly.

Putting away the letter paper and taking off the earphones, Lin Benjian shook his head and smiled wryly.

"We are a coalition army, so you are not a coalition army, but there are two or five young people in your coalition army. If you want to win, it will be easier said than done~"

Under the bright moon, the cruise ship was leisurely, and finally disappeared into the silvery blue waves.

At the same time, on the other side of the ocean, it is the beginning of a brand new day.

"Zhao Song said that there are no ugly women, only lazy women!"

Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

In the upgraded business suite, the ugly woman Liao Yingzhu faced the mirror, took out the most expensive lipstick she bought on Fifth Avenue, and applied it carelessly on her lips.

This lipstick is worth $199, and Liao Yingzhu gave it a chic name: Bloody Mary.

After applying it, the lipstick was obviously reduced, but she didn't feel distressed at all. After looking at it in the mirror for a long time, she finally smiled:

The bright white teeth glowed bright white, and the gloomy black eyeballs set off her lips.

is so

Scarlet, Scarlet, Creepy, Chilling

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