Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 501 Hit again, another big watermelon

July 20, 2001.

8:55 am.

Shenzhen City, outside SEG Electronics Mall.

"Why is it called Great Wall G4?"

The bored second uncle lit a Spring City cigarette, and curiously asked a round girl who was also his niece—Tang Yuan.

"Zhao Song said it was originally called G4."

Yuanyuan shrugged helplessly, and replied with a smile:

"However, its Chinese name is still Zhimei. If there are foreign orders, Zhao Song promises that we can change it to a better name."


The second uncle nodded knowingly, knowing that this was another kind of bad taste of that kid, so he didn't bother with it anymore.

"What's expected of that thing?"

Yuanyuan tilted her head cutely to think about it, and then said proudly:

"Last night, we received 2,900 orders!"

"retail price?"



The second uncle looked at Yuanyuan in shock, with his mouth open, and asked after a long time:

"Such a beautiful thing, so he gave it to the Great Wall?"


Yuanyuan suddenly cried and said:

"In fact, it is also called G4, because it changed the draft four times, and our Great Wall exchanged countless promises with him in order to get the final draft, just like this."

While speaking, Yuanyuan pointed at the gate of Saige, "Uncle, one of them, the Industry and Commerce Industry and Commerce Department, will definitely come today to thoroughly check the C-level screen problem. If there is anything at your counter, please clear it quickly."

"It's up to you!"

The second uncle said angrily:

"I came here today to stand for him. Besides business, what else do you have to do?"

"In terms of purchasing opinions, Zhao Song is the only leader in the Great Wall!"


The second uncle blinked, looked at the old farmer not far away who was thinking about moving slowly, and then slowly stood up, still muttering:

"How long has it been? It's so awesome."

Yuanyuan raised her head high and said proudly:

"That's right, don't you look at who that is!"

"It doesn't matter who you are!"

The second uncle pinched her bitterly, and then greeted the old farmer with a smile on his face.

"Master, here we come."

"Well, it's open?"

The old farmer asked unhurriedly.


"Then go in."


This is Shenzhen City and the largest electronic wholesale market in the south. On this ordinary morning, it ushered in a peak passenger flow just after it opened.

The old farmer took his second uncle and Yuanyuan to shuttle through the crowd unhurriedly. All the old buddies and cabinet merchants who saw him shut their mouths and stared at his figure in awe. They didn't let go until he disappeared. tone.

"Little Leopard, I haven't seen you for a while. I heard that you have become a Huaqiangbei dialect?"

"My ancestor, how dare I?"

At the largest counter on the first floor, a burly man bent over and lowered his head, his head almost hit the counter:

"Don't talk about the major channels, just say that you are still there, what am I talking about, which grandson made the rumor, tell me, you can't kill him!"

"Come on! Don't pretend to be a fool for me."

The old farmer waved his hand, and approached the big man and the little leopard unhurriedly:

"Did you see the new product of Great Wall yesterday?"

The little leopard's eyes lit up, and he asked expectantly:

"Are you always able to get the goods?"

The old farmer stretched out his right hand, and the little leopard held it immediately. Not knowing what the old farmer was gesticulating, the little leopard's face flushed immediately:

"What are your conditions for this purchase price?"

The old farmer didn't answer, but still said unhurriedly:

"That wireless keyboard, are you interested?"


Feeling the movements of the fingers in the palm of his hand, the little leopard's breathing became more and more rapid.

"What about the speaker? Although the crystal speaker Vesonic does not retail, the Tesla M2 manufactured by Swans will soon be listed separately."


"Shenzhou is going to release a new special plane."



Speaking of this, the old farmer withdrew his hand with a smile:

"Our brothers have established a business, you know."

I know, Little Leopard nodded quickly:


"Yeah, the hammer can't just hit walnuts, it can also hit prices!"

The old farmer and the second uncle looked at each other before continuing:

"The price given to you is two years!"


The little leopard froze, drank quickly, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and asked tremblingly:

"Ancestor, just tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Good thing~"

The old farmer muttered in his mouth, as if he was chatting with someone:

"It's not easy for ordinary people to earn some money, so they can't be cheated!"

"Yes, yes, that's what you said."

"The products I'm going to tell you are all exclusive."

"Who are you in line for?"

"Those wasteful screens!"

"C-level screen?"


The old farmer nodded, and continued:

"Wanwan motherboard, isn't it just a pile of materials? If Tesla drops to Huashi's price, will you still sell it?"

"Not for sale!"


"Old Ancestor~"

At this time, the little leopard interrupted the old farmer for the first time, and said solemnly:

"This price is still two years of huge profits, can you just give me a deadline for doing things?

If the time is not long, I will never say anything! "

"Up to two months."

"make a deal!"

The little leopard bent down and held the old farmer's right hand respectfully:

"In the past two months, I have listened to your greetings. As long as you order the products, I guarantee that the entire southern lower-level market will not sell any of them!"

Not only could they not be sold, but Zhao Song copied them all over the country!

There is Shenzhou in the north and the Great Wall in the south.

These are not two simple companies, this is the combination of two largest state-owned enterprises in the PC industry

The second uncle sighed and patted Yuanyuan on the shoulder. The old farmers had completed their task. Next, it was time for the Great Wall and Shenzhou.

At 10:00 Beijing time, the Wanwan stock market opened.

In the Oriental Mandarin Hotel in New York, Liao Yingzhu skillfully pressed the keyboard. After she finished typing 2330.TW, a familiar name appeared—Wanji Electric’s share price opened at NT$86, with a total market value of 1.153 trillion yuan. New Taiwan dollars, second only to Formosa Plastics and Four Treasures, account for nearly 10% of the weight of the Gulf stock market.

Open the details page of the stock software, and see that among the shareholders of Wanji Electric, 7% of the Industrial Research Institute and 1.45% of Zhang Jianmou, the other 90% of the shares are all controlled by foreign capital!

This enterprise is not the original stock Wang Huashi built on the sand, but an ultra-high-tech enterprise with core intellectual property rights and a profound background.

If you want to manipulate it, you will not only face resistance from the power of the whole province of Wanwan, those foreign capitals will also make you pay a heavy price!

That is one of the four Asian tigers. In its heyday, its GDP reached 45% of that of the mainland, which is only the power of a single province.

"Wanwan stock market fell below 5,000 points on Thursday, an important psychological level. The market's concerns about the company's profitability made buying by government funds in vain. Government funds have entered the market to try to maintain the broader market index above this important level."

The black information officer's hasty report interrupted Liao Yingzhu's thoughts, and then she raised her head and listened carefully to his words.

"The weighted stock price index rose in early trading due to the closing of the Nasdaq market in the United States on Wednesday and the whitewashing of corporate accounts at the end of the quarter, but the bleak outlook for the chip industry made investors quite anxious."

"Turnover value rose to TWD 81.74 billion on Thursday from TWD 30.54 billion on Wednesday, with brokerages predicting the index will test the next support level at 4,944, an intraday low set a month ago.

Brokers predict that the fluctuation range of the market on Friday is expected to be 4,840-5,040.

Boss, you are amazing. With a 200-point fluctuation in a single stock market, no trader with a lot of skills dare to say that he has this ability. "

Liao Yingzhu shook her head modestly:

"This is all due to the hard work of my Boss, and it really has nothing to do with us."


The black information officer thought for a while, then nodded reluctantly, and then reported:

"Affected by external factors and investment institutions, the stock prices of AUO, Innolux, and Chi Mei are expected to bottom out in the short term.

Analysts pointed out that AUO will face a strong challenge at last week's support level of 48.75 yuan today. "

After speaking, the black information officer gestured to indicate the end of the report.

Liao Yingzhu nodded, thought for a moment, then raised her head and said with a smile:

"48.75, that's too much."

"Jack, where is our long position?"

Hedging is a means of reducing risks, but in the manipulation of the Bay Bay stock market, it is used by Liao Yingzhu to increase the weight of benefits.

"48 yuan positive."


Liao Yingzhu said seriously:

"Using this as a benchmark, the main force is to short AUO, and the remaining funds will suppress the LCD sector!"

While talking, Liao Yingzhu looked at the time and added:

"Guys, you still have 40 minutes. After that, the Wanwan C-level screen will disappear in the two major electronic wholesale markets in the north and south of Huahuajia. From then on, it will become a brand new term-waste screen!"

Big bad!

"Yes, sir!"

There is still suspense, explain bit by bit.

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