Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 502 There is no way to ink the plot, so I feel at ease writing an episode.

Waste screen.

It was only when LCD screens had just begun to exert their strength and were far from being popularized that Zhao Song dared to start with C-level screens that hurt consumers' wallets and eyesight.

Phenomena such as 'dead pixels' and 'water ripples' are purely LCD panel quality problems, not only cannot be repaired, but will become more and more serious as time goes by!

10:00 am.

On behalf of the industry alliance, Shenzhou Technology issued a special procurement announcement to the relevant government departments. In this announcement, Shenzhou Technology introduced the product classification in the field of liquid crystal manufacturing into the procurement field for the first time, and fully adopted the "446" model.

That is to say, no more than 4 dark and dead pixels are allowed in a single set of panels, and the total number cannot exceed six, and they cannot appear in the center of the screen. 'Bright, bad' point made a strict requirement.

As for C-level, if anyone wants to be reported by the richest man with his real name and not punished by the industry and commerce, just go ahead and buy it boldly.

It is worth noting that at the end of this report, Tesla’s detailed procurement requirements are specifically pointed out:

A+ grade screen!

No bright or dead pixels are allowed, and strict requirements are imposed on resolution, refresh rate, brightness, contrast, color, and signal response time.

As Zhao Song said, Tesla will always only provide consumers with the best products.

For this reason, Tesla’s procurement instructions did not mention the budget, which is also a headache for all manufacturers. Flagship products that represent cutting-edge technology are always the most profitable existence, and terminal manufacturers Tesla La's popularity and brand positioning are one of the best platforms to showcase cutting-edge technologies. In the long run, manufacturers can even remove the word "one".

Quantity: 5 million units in two years.

An official in charge of negotiating information collection sneakily took a calculator and calculated it. The number was quickly circulated while being dumbfounded.

At least 25 billion RMB, converted into US dollars, accounted for 2% of the country's foreign exchange reserves last year.

This is the PC industry, an asset-heavy industry that no one can ignore.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why the fantasy of another time and space is becoming more and more powerful.

And now, Zhao Song has issued a procurement standard that is completely aimed at manufacturers in island countries, yes, for island countries!

Not to mention the Gulf, and not to mention South Korea, such a high technical index can only be achieved by the technology and quality control of the island country.

What is the relationship between the two sides of the strait and between countries? Zhao Song is thinking, and the author is also avoiding it in thinking. To weaken politics through complete commercial behavior is not only Zhao Song, but also what this book is always working hard on.

Some people say that this is whimsical, but perhaps the old investors who are far away in Wanwan 101 Building can answer this question better.


This is Lao Yuan's calculation of the rate of return for that ugly girl in the past two days.


This is the old man's benefit.

There is a cost to smashing the market, but the old retail investors are enjoying the rewards. This is also a beautiful answer sheet handed over by the two levels of super masters.

The glare of the sun swayed into the dark trading room, revealing the dust flying all over the sky. In the corner, there were dirty barrel wrecks, and a few flies crawled around.

The old man sat in front of the computer, his hair was fluffy, his eyes were red, and the oil stains on his clothes made him look extremely sloppy.

At this moment, he is reading some paper materials, and he is still looking at the candlestick chart on the screen from the corner of his eyes.

"Tesla Microelectronics."

The old man muttered to himself.

It was a name that had disappeared for a long time. Since the appearance of United Microelectronics, that name had completely disappeared from the public. It was even changed to the foreign name 'Daniel Wellington' on the business registration information in Beijing.

Lao Yuan not only dug up the name 'Tesla Microelectronics', he also found a series of satirical and ridiculing reports on this name in the Wanwan Technology Media during that time.

The obsolete products discarded by major American IC design companies at the beginning were bought back by Tesla Microelectronics at a high price, and because of this, Zhao Song was ridiculed by the Wanwan media as a "kid who loves to pick up rags."

Little did he know that it was that kid who got the full set of production layouts for those general-purpose ICs.

Little do they know that the reason why the United States abandoned them was not because they were outdated, but because the gross profit margin of those ICs was lower than 60% after Wanwan manufacturers stepped in, and they had newer products with higher profit margins to make.

As everyone knows, the PC motherboard as a carrier needs stability, and a stable motherboard needs those general-purpose ICs to show their talents. The motherboard is a pile of materials, not a motherboard that piles up technology. The main board of the Player Kingdom knows that he piles more materials than anyone else!

Have you made it?

Old Yuan didn’t know, what he could find out was that most of the large-scale tape-out team that went to the island country returned to the flower planter’s home, and most of them became employees of United Semiconductor, and Tesla Microelectronics or Daniel Wellington was never heard from again.

"He didn't come to Wanwan just to collect money!"

This is the only thing that Lao Yuan just affirmed.

Backed by a superpower and the only supermarket in the world that has maintained growth during the industrial recession, Zhao Song must do something!

Just like the four-star Li Jian and Zhang Jianmou of Wanji Electric, they are the world's most eye-catching industrial powerhouses who increased production crazily during the recession.

And through long-term research on Zhao Song, Lao Yuan is sure:

Zhao Song will never be weaker than them!

"What if it's done?"

The old Yuan tried his best to think, and his expression was a little sluggish because he hadn't slept for a long time. Only a pair of old eyes were rolling around. Suddenly, his eyes stopped and stared at a name: Wanjidian!

Aggressive equipment depreciation plan, 90% good product rate, combined with surrounding IC design companies, are the reasons why Bayji Electronics can still achieve a gross profit rate of more than 20% during the recession.

What if Zhao Song made it?

This is not high-tech, and it is not in the ranks of restrictions. Even if he has no talents, no one can say anything about him after copying it, because this is what people in Wanwan do. If he can do it, why can't he do it?

made it

Based on his relationship with the island country, what if he doesn't give it to Wanji Electric for production?

If there is any policy in the mainland

Suddenly, Lao Yuan felt shuddering.

He is gaining momentum!

The old man suddenly understood.

Zhao Song is gaining momentum, just like Soros swept Asia and finally set his goal on Xiangjiang. Zhao Song is gaining momentum by relying on the advantage of information monopoly. He wants to sweep the IT industry in Bay Bay to save funds. The purpose, then... is Wanji Electric.

If you don't give it to me, I will call you to give it to me!


The computer prompt sounded suddenly. It was the target prompt sound set by the old man. As long as the target price was reached, he would clear the account without hesitation, no matter whether it rose or fell afterwards!

Lao Yuan quickly sat upright, frantically manipulating things before he slumped on the back of the chair and relaxed.


This is Lao Yuan's income. After that, no matter how much he fiddles with the LCD panel, it has nothing to do with Lao Yuan. Next, he will be busy again, because he wants to find Zhao Song's next target.


Another beep, the beep for new mail.

Rubbing his old face and taking a sip of coffee, Lao Yuan opened the email, and then he saw a list of construction companies and countless photos, and then...

The old man was dumbfounded:

"How many construction teams does the fuck have?"

"How many fucking people are there?"

"How long has this fucking been for?"

"The fuck is Guancheng?"

"The fuck is that the industrial base that just signed?"

When the whole world is still shocked by the development speed of that eastern country, the florists in the new century once again declare to the world:

There is a speed called .

Chinese speed!

I checked the information and wrote it, which caused many book lovers to be confused.

Let me explain here, and look at that time regardless of the context of a strong country, you can know why it is Wanwan, because the gap between flower growers and other regions is so desperate that Zhao Song can only make a circle against Wanwan to reduce the Only the strength of Wanwan, a direct competitor, can have subsequent development, which will be described later.

This chapter describes the plot of Guancheng, filling and digging holes, which one to play after hinting at the LCD.

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