Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 503 The return to the capital is still the same, and the road ahead remains unchanged.

Li Bowei, wearing a white hard hat, was standing at the speed of planting flowers in Guancheng.

Amidst the roar of machines, the construction vehicles passing by quickly, and five assistants each holding two mobile phones behind him, gave Li Bowei a special style in the middle of the construction site.

This veteran director who has worked in public affairs for more than 20 years never thought that he would have such a bright day. Here, he is responsible for the construction of a huge industrial park, huge cash expenditures, more than a dozen The boss of the construction company bowed his knees in front of himself, the recruitment of tens of thousands of assembly line workers, and the contract negotiation with the Great Wall Group, coupled with the complicated management team behind him

The committee is facing difficulties, sincerely and fearfully, and is in a state of desperation.

"Hey, can you hear me?"

Li Bowei yelled loudly into the phone:

"Ding Tao, I'm from Shenzhou Technology, not from your Tesla, and the devil knows what you want the 10,000-level dust-proof workshop for. Send me a person in charge!"

"Lao Li, wait a minute, there's no one there yet."

Ding Tao's unhurried voice came from the phone. In Li Bowei's impression, this handsome young man seemed to always look like this with ease.

"Wait, wait, I have been waiting day after day, how long will I have to wait?"



"One week later, Yuan Wu will bring 300 people there, one-third of them are from Shenzhou Technology, Lao Li, those are the assembly line management team who have figured out the Wanwan way!"


Li Bowei was overjoyed.

"of course it's true."

Ding Tao's expectation is still so mild:

"Old Li, the boss is returning to the capital today. From now on, he will act as the chairman of Shenzhou. Call him if you have anything to do, and don't call me again!"


"Also, how is the progress of the plant?"

"Each company has a trial run, and then three large factories will be put into use every week."

"Very well, Lao Li, we have to hurry up, especially the negotiation with Great Wall's foundry, the result must be reached within a week."

"Are you going to fight?"

Li Bowei asked curiously.

"Already fighting, Lao Li!"

Ding Tao's tone finally fluctuated:

"You helped Tesla build in Guancheng, but we, Tesla, negotiated OEMs for you Shenzhou all over the country and around the world. So, complain less and do more. That's it, hang up!"


Li Bowei looked at the phone in a daze, and suddenly realized that everyone was so busy that even that gentle young man forgot his dignity.

"I'm 20 years older than you, you fucking dare to hang up on my phone~"

"How dare you hang up my phone"

Beijing, Capital International Airport.

Mr. Zhao Song, the richest flower grower, held the little hands of his long-legged girlfriend and sister with two ponytails, strolling around like no one else, while talking on the phone with an earphone cable:

"Bamboo, are you fat?"

"How dare I, boss!"

Liao Yingzhu cried out:

"It was only two minutes before the market closed, and we had 15,000 empty orders to sell, so I didn't even look at the caller ID."


Zhao Song nodded awkwardly to express his apology, regardless of whether Liao Yingzhu could see it or not:

"Sold out?"


Zhao Song frowned and said angrily:

"Zhuzi, the investment bank is the main force. Your role has been exaggerated by those financial media. You can't be complacent!"

"Don't worry, boss, I can tell the difference between good and bad, but I haven't seen you for so long, I just miss you."

"Come on, the ghost knows which handsome guy you want!"

Song Guanyi once told Zhao Song that someone in Tesla was chasing Liao Yingzhu. God knows why there are so many people chasing this ugly girl in two time and space. This is a question Zhao Song can't understand.

As for who?

He didn't bother to worry, if he wanted to pursue his dull financial director, he had to be mentally prepared for the eight-year war of resistance.

"Boss, considering cross-strait relations, is the joint procurement of LCD screens a part of the Wanwan manufacturer?"


At the airport, Zhao Song's face was gloomy, and he was about to drip water, "I will try again in the next two days, and try to bring things back to the track we planned, even if it fails."

Zhao Song took a deep breath, saw the Shenzhou staff walking towards him, and said quickly:

"Remember, we are businessmen, don't think about those messy things!"


I believe you ghost!

Putting down the phone, Liao Yingzhu, who was extremely angry, saw a group of subordinates looking at her, and shouted angrily:

"What are you still doing in a daze? Quickly sell securities, open positions, and go long LCD panels. No matter how much leverage, as long as someone dares to make OTC financial products, we dare to take it!"

"Yes sir!"

At this time, if you look at the reception hall of the Capital Airport, you can find that in an instant, the flow of people suddenly tends to concentrate in one place.



The sound of shutters, the sound of footsteps, Zhizhi retreated to the corner next to the bathroom in the hall, the Shenzhou employees in bright yellow uniforms blocked the crowd, Zhao Song stood still.

He bowed slightly to the crowd, made an apologetic smile, and then signaled that he had something to do before he heaved a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Zhao, is the microphone delicious?"



Suddenly, a mocking greeting sounded, causing the crowd to burst into laughter.

"It's not tasty, let alone the biggest one!"

Zhao Song also couldn't help laughing, stepped forward two steps and clapped the hands of the young man who asked the question before retreating.

"Mr. Zhao, let me say a few words. The media is full of expert comments. It is really difficult to listen to your speech."

An old man shouted, one look is a retired employee, another look. That's right, stockholders!

Zhao Song pondered for a moment, then said loudly:

"The original intention of the stock market is not speculation but investment. All the companies under my umbrella are working hard towards listing, not for making money, but for financing, so as to better promote the development of enterprises.

I can assure you that as long as you don't speculate in the short term, whoever invests in the stocks of my company, you will enjoy high dividends and a rate of return far exceeding inflation! "



The waiting hall suddenly remembered warm applause, which made Zhao Song's blood surge.

But fortunately, this bastard restrained his impulse uncharacteristically, pressed his hands down, and said in a harmonious voice:

"Everyone, I will pick up an international friend later, please be considerate."


As soon as the voice fell, the crowd dispersed!

Zhao Song looked at Chen Ning and Li Pei who came to him in a daze, and sighed:

"The quality of our flower growers is really high."


Can it be high?

Who are the people who can afford to fly these days?

The two looked at Zhao Song carefully. They haven't seen each other for such a long time, but this buddy hasn't changed much.

Seeing that the two did not speak, Zhao Song looked at their uniforms and asked displeasedly:

"Who designed the Shenzhou uniform, why is it so ugly?"


"It's so energetic to wear!"

Zhao Song nodded appreciatively.


It really hasn't changed!

At this time, it was July 21, 2001, at 3:05 p.m.

2 hours and 55 minutes.

My son scored 78 points in the first grade Chinese test, 94 points in English, and 11 double hundred in the class.

It can be seen that the child lacks a father. No way!

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