Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 504 Synchronization

Time flies, Zhao Song has not changed.

This point, a lonely young man holding flowers outside the crowd deeply understands it.

Two years ago, he used to ride in his black car. Just because there were two young and beautiful beauties in the car, he asked him for 20 yuan more, and he gave it.

He is still the same, there is no trace of greenness on his young face. In the past, he served himself. Now, he has achieved great success, but he is welcoming his long-distance girlfriend who wants to break up with him during the graduation season.

"Don't wait for me, we will have no results, just like the airport will never wait for the train, and we will never meet again in the future."

The girlfriend arrived, straight to the point, clean and tidy, and then left at a high speed, preparing to turn around and head to more distant Europe.

The rose fell to the ground, and the petals fell.

The young man was dejected and silent.

He is not a star, he can win an international architectural award with an idea, he is just a little drawing dog.

A drawing dog who forgot his long-distance girlfriend for three months for the sake of drawing.

The youth staggered and disappeared outside the gate, leaving behind peers of the same age who were surrounded by beauties and attracted much attention not far away.

He, would not have expected:

Ten years later, the train will rumble into Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, and the chief engineer

The above is the story of "Ten Years" fabricated by Zhao Song with his rich heart among the crowd.

He recognized the young man with falling petals. In that black car, there were two beauties Hao Ying and Bai Li.

Xueyuan Road, Huaqing University, a proud male college student.

Originally, Zhao Song wanted to conceive an even more tragic parting story, but seeing the pitiful appearance of the old man, Zhao Song had no choice but to move out the ten-year body and put it on him.

That's it, enough for him to gloat over his long legs:

"Seeing how unlucky you are now, I feel relieved and happier~"

Please forgive Zhao Song's vulgarity, he even spends his time on and off the plane at work, even if the peerless long legs are next to him, he doesn't even have time to fall in love, he just wants to seize every moment and entertain himself Just relax.

"You still have 10 minutes, report first, then ask questions."

When the high-quality crowd dispersed, Zhao Song said.

Chen Ning and Li Pei looked at each other before Li Pei reported:

"According to Daniel Wellington's quotation, Shenzhou can undertake the demanding foundry orders similar to Fantasy Group."

"Then hurry up and get the business."

Li Pei paused when he heard this, and then nodded slowly.

Chen Ning smiled, stepped forward and said:

"Zhao Song, BOE is very interested in your plan, and they are willing to participate in it."

Zhao Song asked curiously:

"Is that boss willing to communicate directly with the upper management?"

It is no secret to Zhao Song that BOE, which has a heavy responsibility, goes straight to the top.


Chen Ning nodded affirmatively:

"What Chairman Liu means is that you have too many requests, and the national procurement team is not sure to get them all. Instead of wasting these illusory requests, it is better to exchange real benefits."

Chen Ning said with a wry smile:

"Zhao Song, you are playing too much with the purchase of tens of billions of dollars. Don't blame others for picking peaches."

"What's your opinion, Mr. Liu?"

"Turn your request into a quid pro quo between South Korea and the island countries, let them raise those demands!"

Chen Ning's meaning is very simple. He changed "I give you the order, come to the flower grower to set up a factory" into "give us the order, and then go to the flower grower to set up a factory."

Just changed a few words, but the meaning is completely different, and the effect is not the same.

Chen Ning spoke very slowly, he spoke while deliberating, and promised to repeat what he heard verbatim:

"Dong Liu said that as long as the conditions for South Korea are sufficient, he can handle it there."


Zhao Song nodded quickly:

"Combining the order from the latecomer Changhong, two batches of 14 million LCD panel orders for the home appliance industry can be sent to South Korea.

In exchange for my request and that of Chairman Liu:

First, South Korea needs the latest seven-generation LCD panel factory to set up factories in the mainland.

Second, all orders must be produced by South Korean manufacturers, and OEMs are not allowed.

Third, BOE acquired the TFT-LCD industry of Hyundai Group.

The above are all proposed by the South Korean side to the national procurement team. Can it be completed? "

"We try our best."

Chen Ning said in embarrassment.


Zhao Song waved his hand, interrupted his hesitation, looked at his watch again, and said:

"I will now answer your questions:

First, DK (Daniel Wellington) quoted for Shenzhou's general-purpose IC is indeed very low, but it still has a gross profit rate of 200%.

Let me predict for you what will happen in the future. The market seized by DK unexpectedly will trigger the collective price reduction of those Wanwan IC manufacturers. Because they are backed by Wanji Electric, they will suppress DK through cost advantages. Waiting for DK to die, this market It's still theirs.

Therefore, I want to injure them financially, so as to get enough time for industrial development.

Second, in the LCD panel industry, all Wanwan manufacturers get is technical authorization, which means that South Korea and island countries can benefit from equipment purchases and licensing fees for orders placed to Wanwan.

With such a picture, they will not be so active in setting up factories in our country. After all, the industrial recession will always pass. "

"Zhao Song!"

Chen Ning suddenly interrupted his speech.

He opened Li Pei's blocking hands, took two steps forward and said helplessly:

"Tesla will be listed on the New York Stock Exchange two years later, and Shenzhou will be listed in China and the United States. By then, you will be an industry giant. Who dare not give you a face? Which company dares to defy your will?"

"In terms of the power control IC alone, there are more than a dozen playing in Wanwan. Can your family DK afford it? Turn it off, don't bother, can't we take it easy?"

What a new century of universal values, don't care about what you have or what you don't have, as long as you can make money easily, as for the others, what does it have to do with us?

It's a pity that Chen Ning didn't know that he had already earned enough money!

Zhao Song tilted his head and looked at the irritable Chen Ning curiously.


Zhao Song stretched out his hands, carefully arranged Chen Ning's neat collar, and said calmly:

"I can even give up the shares of Shenzhou. In the future, if any memory or LCD factory catches fire, or the production is reduced due to the tsunami, you can ask the country for subsidies to live on."


Suddenly, Zhao Song grabbed Chen Ning's collar fiercely, his veins were popping out, his eyes were red, and he growled ferociously:

"However, take back the Tesla shares from those American investment banks and those evil puppets like you!"


Li Peicheng stepped forward in fear, took Zhao Song's hands, and said nervously:

"Chairman, South Korea is fine, we promise it's fine!"

Hearing this, Zhao Song laughed easily. He let go of his hands, helped Chen Ning tidy up his collar carefully, and said:

"Then you two have worked hard."

At this time, the luggage carousel not far away slowly started, and passengers flying from the island country Tokyo also appeared at the entrance of the passage.

"Brother Chen, I'm sorry, I've been under a lot of pressure recently and lost my composure."

Chen Ning shook his head with a wry smile: "Zhao Er, Brother Chen just wants to persuade you, so what if you win?

With those broken technologies, the country has no money to invest, and others dare not invest. Are you going to play alone?

billion? Ten billion? 100 billion? How long is that a head? "

Zhao Song paused for a moment when he heard the words, and then answered irrelevantly and said:

"You attack South Korea, and I will find a way on the island country."

He pointed to the exit passage in the distance. Over there, his old friend Gao Qiaoya was patiently picking up his luggage:

"Let's work hard together."

Chen Ning sighed helplessly, patted Zhao Song on the shoulder heavily, and then led Li Pei away.

This kid has paid such a high price and thrown countless benefits, even his own family is the beneficiary. Since he is still persisting, let's try to do his best.

"Long time no see, Zhao Songjun."

On the 21st, at 18:00 sharp.

The "golden left brain" in the island nation's competitive world, the president of the SOD otaku welfare club, the president of the most dynamic entertainment company, the shareholder of Fujitsu Co., Ltd., and the heir to the core member of the Quanyin Foundation, one of the six island nation consortiums - Takahashi Masaya, in Beijing International The airport bows and greets.

At the same time, the Organizing Committee of the APEC Ministerial Summit held a press conference. In addition to announcing the meeting process, the Vice Minister of Commerce announced to the reporters that the flower planter intends to cooperate with large and medium-sized enterprises in the home appliance, PC and other industries in the country, and to all friendly countries , Regional enterprises purchase LCD panels, central processing units, SDRAM memory, flash memory, micro-mechanical hard disks, optical storage, and more than 30 categories of chip products.

The valuation is more than 20 billion US dollars.

I was unwell yesterday, sorry.

The stall is a bit big.

No more digging.

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