Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 505: Different Dreams at the Same Table

During the economic crisis in another time and space, the mainland of the motherland has collected LCD panels from Wanwan twice, 14 million pieces, worth about 4.5 billion US dollars.

Applause, overwhelming applause, applause from different places at the same time.

It seems that they all gathered in the stock exchange hall of Building 101, deafening and deafening, as if they were going to overthrow the tallest building in Taipei.

Some people burst into tears, some yelled loudly, and some yelled ferociously in a certain direction, trying to put all the dirty terms on that genius girl who was far away in the United States.

With such a large scale and such a vicious smash, there shouldn't be so much time for her to leave, right?

It's a pity that the facts disappointed all the tortured Wanwan stockholders - Liao Yingzhu, ran away!

Like a heroic knight, she used the sharp sword in her hand to cut through the layers of fog, and led the many American capitals behind her to fight through the thorns. Finally, she raised the heavy shield again, and waved her sleeves when the American masters evacuated. Go away in style.

And, took away countless clouds

At this point, not only the trading rooms of major companies, but even the veteran stockholders were extremely shocked.

Because, that girl is playing hedging!

The one with the difference.

"A heavy position to go long!"

New York, Mandarin Oriental.

Liao Yingzhu was trembling all over, but she still tried to explain in a calm tone:

"Before the meeting is over, the warehouse must be cleared!"

"Guys, these two days will be easy. In addition to going long, don't forget to maintain the securities lending channels."

"Two days later, either the weather will be calm, and everyone will go their separate ways with their dividends and spend their time drinking; or, we will usher in the last battle of life and death!"

"Everything, we have to wait for news from my boss."

"Yes sir~"

Liao Yingzhu smiled lightly, nodded to his subordinates, and then went to the reception room outside the door, where, besides David from Morgan Stanley, there was also Meiya from Bear Stearns.


With a stern face, Liao Yingzhu handed the agreement in her hand to Shangmei, and said solemnly:

"This is our last equity transfer agreement. By signing it, Tesla has fulfilled its commitment to Bear Stearns."

On the bed, Mei also took it slowly. The number on it is very small, but the value is very high, because it bears the name of Tesla.

He believes that as long as you take this agreement and go outside to shout around, people will rush to double the value. There is no reason, because it is Tesla!

"What's the meaning?"

"We don't believe the Bear Stearns traders are making mistakes!"

Liao Yingzhu said straight to the point, she stared at the wretched Mei Ye with burning eyes, and added unwillingly:

"The boss said he would not hold you accountable for disclosing information to Wanji Electric, but since you are optimistic about Wanji Electric, everyone should get together and disperse, and please don't create obstacles for Tesla's follow-up. After all, Bear Stearns is also Tesla. pull shareholders."


Shang Bian Mei also nodded slowly, and said bitterly:

"Liao, Bear Stearns disapproves of Nicholas's use of Tesla's resources for his own benefit."

"So you got the shares promised by Tesla."

Liao Yingzhu shrugged and said angrily: "It is the fact that you have breached the contract. Moreover, from now on, he will act as the chairman of Shenzhou Technology. Tesla has withdrawn, and there will be no more news for you."

On the bed, Mei also stood up and bowed seriously, at a standard 90 degrees:

"Liao, the American capital behind Wanwan is very powerful, I really don't like you guys, please take care!"


David on the side laughed dumbly, and after the islanders left, he said:

"Liao, if you can control your emotions, you will be a top player in the financial market."

Liao Yingzhu shrugged and said nonchalantly:

"I'm not a genius like the boss."


David interrupted him:

"Liao, everyone who has studied Nicholas all over the world knows that behind each of his work, there is a huge team working together. His genius is with unparalleled foresight, and you are the real genius. !"


Liao Yingzhu blinked her eyes, trying to pretend to be cute.


David took out the file bag and looked at the cute and ugly girl with admiration:

"We believe in Nicholas' foresight, affirm your genius ability, and are unwilling to give up the dividends of the development of flower growers, so Liao, representing South Korea's American capital has no problem, as long as Nicholas can get the island country, then the next big war, you are us The main trader of United Capital!"

Finance, arms, maybe huge profits, but in Zhao Song's limited knowledge, the most profitable ones will always be - America's wool!

The U.S. dollar is the weapon used by the United States to rule the world, and more than 60% of it is in circulation around the world!

It doesn't have to do anything, just say "raise interest rate", it can turn a developed country into a developing country, and let the wealthy people buy vegetables with a sack of money!

Yilala wants oil and foreign currencies to settle, and Nan Mengmeng rushed to establish the euro, so the war came.

The overlord on this planet is not so much a country, but a group of capitals maintaining the status of the US dollar.

Maintain it, follow the rules and you will be invincible!

Especially when you are still very weak.

It seems that Zhao Song, who has an unparalleled forward-looking perspective, deeply understands that his idea of ​​playing Wanwan can also be said to be a confrontation with American Capital behind the Wanwan IT company!

In order to win mutual hatred, on this day, in addition to being forward-looking, Zhao Song will contribute the greatest capital brought about by his rebirth.


Beijing, top floor suite of Jingda Boya Hotel.

The neat and white manuscript paper was thrown in front of Takahashi Masaya, Zhao Song frowned deeply, resisting the pain in his heart, and said bitterly:

"127 stories, both cavalry and infantry!"

While talking, Zhao Song rubbed his aching chest:

"Mr. Takahashi, these are all stories that are destined to be passed down forever. With these, you will no longer be the 'golden left brain', but the godfather of the island nation's human sports!"


Masa Takahashi also stretched out her trembling hands.


Zhao Song pressed the manuscript paper, stared at him, and asked word by word:

"Who do you represent!"

"Anything you wish, I can represent."


Zhao Song carefully looked at Takahashi Masaya's eyes, and after a long time, he slowly let go of his hands:

"drink wine!"

A cup of Erguotou was delivered to Takahashi Masaya.

"Eat vegetables!"

The dish is fried peanuts.

Masa Takahashi was also chewing peanuts, resisting the urge to read the manuscript:

"Zhao Songjun, please tell us your plan."


Zhao Song's head was spinning rapidly:

"Nine PC companies, including Shenzhou, Tesla, TCL, Great Wall, Tongfang, and Founder, produced at least 20 million A-level LCD panels in 2002 and 2003."

"Five categories, more than 20 foundry contracts for chip products."

"All orders for memory, flash memory, and micro drives!"

"Orders for optical storage from Shenzhou, Tesla, Great Wall, and 5 home appliance companies!"

"at last."

Zhao Song leaned down and said softly:

"A complete set of equipment for a 12-inch silicon wafer factory, as well as a staff training contract!"


Masa Takahashi raised his head incredulously:

"How do you convince America?"

"I don't need to convince you."

Zhao Song shook his head and said:

"Dr. Zhang of SMIC relied on the name of the church to obtain a 12-inch factory construction permit. The road has been opened. I don't need to persuade you at that time. Naturally, someone can help you pave the way."

Takahashi Ya also raised her eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Help us?"

"Yes, help you!"

Zhao Song nodded seriously: "NEC has just laid off 6,000 employees, and I believe that this order worth 800 million US dollars will make them do their best."

Masa Takahashi also thought for a moment before continuing to ask:

"Is there any more?"


Zhao Song and Takahashi Ya also clinked glasses, and another cup of Erguotou was poured into their stomachs, and their faces suddenly became rosy:

"KBBF crystal, I will give the island country 1/3 of the quota, which is why I am confident to get the 12-inch fab, because of this, Wanji Electric will never make trouble!"


Gao Qiaoya was also dumbfounded, reassessing Zhao Song's position in the flower planter in his heart. After a long time, he bent down and bowed, and murmured:

"Please state your conditions."

Zhao Song stretched out his finger:

"Flower growers build factories!"

"OEM orders for Wanwan are not allowed!"

"If I get the SRDAM technology in the end, I need the nomination of a manufacturer in your country from an international organization!"

This time, Masa Takahashi raised his glass without any thought.


Another cup of Erguotou.

"Zhao Songjun, the island countries and the United States will not stop you from engaging in SDRAM technology."

He leaned over, looked at the young man sincerely, and said earnestly:

"Wanwan tens of billions of dollars, the 20-year struggle of the island nation, all fell in front of South Korea. If you do this alone, you are looking for your own death!"

"I'm leaving a way out!"

Zhao Song toasted again.


The fourth cup of Erguotou.

"Leave a way out for its Shenzhou and Tesla.

Mr. Takahashi, I believe in the future consumption potential of flower growers. I can't let the supply chain of hundreds of millions of PCs and the terminal market held in the future be in the hands of monopoly companies, especially South Korea! "

Gao Qiaoya also understood what he meant. Although he was not optimistic about Zhao Song's plan like everyone else, he still raised his glass sincerely:

"Then I wish you success!"


fifth cup.

"So, the negotiation was successful!"

"It worked before I came!"

Masa Takahashi also raised her phone and said with a smile:

"According to news, before I came, the ministers of the Ministry of Commerce of my country and South Korea postponed their trips to the flower planters to listen to the reports of various companies. Zhao Songjun, your timing is great!"

"Thank you, Brother Takahashi~"

Zhao Song's face became more and more rosy, his eyes gradually became distracted, and he began to call his brother and brother indiscriminately.

Takahashi Masaya's eyes lit up, and she shouted excitedly:

"Zhao Songjun, my favorite is "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" of your country!"


Zhao Song happily raised his wine glass and shouted:


"Second brother!"


The sixth cup.


"Second brother!"


The seventh cup.

"Big brother!"

"Second brother!"


The eighth cup.

"Brother! Fujitsu notebook is good~"

"Second brother! As long as you are sincere, you can exchange anything."


Ninth cup.

Zhao Song stood up and bowed seriously:

"Brother, please rest early!"

Masa Takahashi also bowed back.

"Second brother, please take care of yourself!"

Zhao Song walked leisurely to the door and came to Daoguo Jinsuo who was standing respectfully. In the suite, only this bright beauty served the two of them alone.

He hugged the golden lock fiercely, wishing he could embed himself in the tall bump.

"You're still so pretty, have a papa when you're free~"

"なんですか (what)?"

Daoguo Jinsuo looked at Zhao Song in bewilderment, confused, and when he saw that his eyes were scattered, he quickly looked at Takahashi Masaya who was not far away.

"Spring tall building (はるこうろう) の花 (はな) の feast (えん)



The one who had already taken off his clothes was knocking on the bowl while humming the little tune "Moon in the Deserted City" by the island nation a hundred years ago.

Zhao Song happily patted Jin Suo on the face, then opened the door and walked out.



The chopsticks were thrown on the table.

Masa Takahashi also regained his composure. He looked at the door coldly, listened to the singing from outside, and said with a sneer:

"脳みそなし (Sabi)!"

"What is the surname from the hundred surnames?

My ancestral home is on the loess high slope, under the big locust tree

Lives in Eastern Shenzhou, also known as Huaxia

The name that will not change when you go to the sky, we are called China Baby! "

On the top floor of the hotel, in the elevator room, Zhao Song stopped talking, looked at the door in the distance, and muttered with a half-smile:


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