Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 506 The world is different

"Zhao Songjun, what I want is a detailed story, not an outline!"

"Mr. Takahashi, before signing the contract, there is only an outline!"

A new day begins with the loud rage of two people.

Zhao Song has changed and become stronger.

He has changed a lot in places that others can't see. Last night, he single-handedly faced the second generation of the island nation's elite, and he reached the opponent's bottom line.

Now, the negotiating team dominated by Shenzhou Technology will shine on the stage. They will use the fastest speed to reach a paper agreement with the other party. Short board, portable personal computer - notebook!

In the florist notebook market, Toshiba is still domineering, and Sony is still so domineering.

But Zhao Song knew that for island companies with a prevailing engineer culture and no emphasis on the market, their good days are not far away.

It's a pity that no matter how far away Zhao Song can step in, the only thing left is those who will not come to the flower market if they are killed


What is that? Just use Sony for comparison.

As the world's most talented and brain-dead technology company, Zhao Song really likes Sony regardless of his family and country feelings.

The radio is out of shape; the notebook is out of shape; the electronic paper book is out of shape; even the headquarters building is out of shape!

The Emmy Awards representing the highest peak of audio-visual industrial design have won more than 40 seats.

More than 40.

Tesla's TPOD Classic 1 was completed by more than 30 industrial designers, hundreds of engineers, and more than a dozen countries. A group of seven engineers began to develop similar products.


This stupid company is wasting its engineer resources like this, which made Zhao Song's eyes reddened with envy.

However, such a great company, in the field of notebooks in the digital kingdom island country, 70% of the people on the street who followed up hoped that their first notebook brand would be .


What Zhao Song wanted were the molds of his products below the flagship level, as well as a full set of design materials.


Zhao Song smiled facelessly, "You know what I want. If I am satisfied, I will not only give you a detailed story, but also how many clothes to wear, how big to open your eyes, how long to stick out your tongue, how to call your voice, and what kind of language you use. I will mark the props, the color of the sheets, and even the background music for you!"

"Second brother."

There was a burst of saliva on the phone, "Everyone thinks you are a genius businessman!"

A bright smile appeared on Zhao Song's face: "So you are the only one in the world who knows what my top talent is. Are you surprised or not?"

"Surprised, very surprised."

Masa Takahashi also swallowed hard, "But second brother, you know, I'm just a shareholder of Fujitsu."

Zhao Song's laughter grew louder: "Brother, how about giving all DK's chip foundry agreement to Fujitsu?"

Zhao Song knew that at this time, the chip production lines in the island country had a terrifyingly high yield rate, and only after the manufacturing process became higher and higher and the island country gradually gave up the research and development of lithography machines, Wanji Electric could really surpass them!

The development history of Wanji Electric also told Zhao Song that with its advanced management model and large-scale R\u0026D investment, it is possible to touch the layer of craftsman spirit.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Song glanced at the kitchen, where Li Linna, who was wearing a white shirt, was humming a ditty and cooking, showing two long legs that made people want to move. Tongue, let Garfield climb up and down on it.

With a warm smile, Zhao Song turned around and stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the majestic West Mountain.

This is Wancheng Huadi, the first generation of high-rise flat-story villas in the capital. Due to the success of the Olympic bid and the residence of the richest man who grows flowers, the value of his house is growing to tens of millions. Class was left far behind.

In the distance, that row of dark-colored mountains, open-minded and silent, always stands on the skyline to the west of the capital. Is that Xiangshan, Badachu, Miaofeng Mountain, or Lingshan?

Zhao Song didn't know where he saw, he only knew that it was the land of dragon veins, and at the foot of that mountain, there were countless courtyards where dignitaries lived.

In this life, because of his rebirth, Zhao Song has intersected with that place. There, there are those who cooperate sincerely with him and those who hold back. His heels are too shallow, even if he is the silly Zhao Song that everyone loves, It cannot satisfy the interests of all.

or maybe say

He didn't pay enough!

With a bitter smile, Zhao Song picked up the phone and called Shang Hai:

"Leader, hello"

"Leader, brother!"

In the Shenzhou 798 Park, Li Pei was lamenting to his former owner, Chen Ning:

"If there's anything you want to communicate with me, do you have to go to the chairman for advice?"

With a gloomy face, Chen Ning turned a blind eye to Li Pei who was humiliated: "Since I was a child, no one has ever dared to pull my collar except my old man!"

"so what?"

Li Pei stopped persuading him, turned around and sat back on the office chair, and asked indifferently:

"How can you get back the place?"


Chen Ning stared at Li Pei angrily.

"One Shenzhou has revived nearly 100 state-owned enterprises under Beijing Enterprises, and completed market-oriented reforms. If you want to find a place, I guess the old man will not let you go!"


"But did you see who gave advice to the chairman?"

Li Pei interrupted Chen Ning's complaint, blushed and said:

"Everyone knows his purpose is impractical and hopeless, but so what?"

"Tesla was built by him!"

"Shenzhou was developed by him!"

"United Semiconductor, Great Wall Hard Disk, Wuming, Shanshi, Wesonic, One Kilometer, Three Links and One Da, LeTV, why is my name so long, these are all his!"

"Brother, he didn't ask anyone, he did things with his own resources, who has the right to question him?"

Chen Ning was silent.

"The big boss of Beijing Enterprises called two days ago and asked if he needed to come forward. There are many calls like this, and the chairman refused!"


Looking at the speechless Chen Ning, Li Pei sighed and continued:

"Brother, the chairman once asked me, if I become the president, can I guarantee that Shenzhou will not favor the Chen family?"

"I said the university was provided by the Chen family, but I can't guarantee it."

Chen Ning opened his mouth, but still didn't speak.

"Brother Chen, in order to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange, Shenzhou is about to undergo a third share reform. In addition to the gambling agreement between the chairman and the shareholders, all the shares released are his own, and what those troublemakers are asking for is not enough. Is this something too?

The chairman doesn't care about these, as long as those people dare to ask for it, he dares to give it! "

"So, even if we can't help, we can't hold back, right?"

After saying this, Li Pei stood up and walked out.

"What are you doing?"

Chen Ning finally spoke.

"Let's negotiate!"

Li Pei turned around and said angrily:

"Get the best notebook mold for Shenzhou, the chairman bought it for us with private goods!"


Isn't that just a comment?

I also did it for the good of Zhao Song, so why did it become a heinous crime?

Chen Ning scratched his head, thought for a long time, then gritted his teeth and picked up the phone.

The bosses who influence the country's negotiations, I can't afford to provoke them, but the younger ones can't afford to provoke them?

"Where is the money? I report with my real name. makes SQ calls in the suburbs every day. You don't check it. If you keep an eye on the Shenzhou Mengwang project, I stole the door of your house!"

At the same time, in Wancheng Hua Mansion, Zhao Song was also making a serious and respectful phone call:

"Leader, I understand that it is difficult to change the negotiation plan, but the investment of the island countries and South Korea seems to be very stable now, do you think this is good, let them mention it first, let's push the boat along the way, and get the best of both worlds."


As if he heard the hesitation of the big leader on the phone, Zhao Song gritted his teeth and said again:

"Leader, in two or three years, if the country opens up aviation, I will come out of the entire state-owned enterprise. At that time, the purchase of 50 aircraft will be no problem!"


On the phone, the big leader obviously paused before asking slowly:

"Xiao Zhao, which company is it?"

"Three links and one reach!"

Before being reborn, Baldy Bei, the richest man in the world, repeatedly regretted that Amazon did not add UPS, so the whole world was watching the flower planter's Jingxi Mall.

It's a pity that Qi Qiangdong didn't give an answer until Zhao Song burped his fart.

In this life, I don’t know what Amazon+UPS+convenience store will look like.

When I put down the phone, the sunlight outside the window finally broke through the barrier of the morning mist and cast a radiant light, illuminating the entire ancient capital of the East.

A new day begins, and a mighty army of bicycles rushes onto the roads.

The workers of Mingzhu Decoration started to work in neat and fashionable uniforms, busy in every corner of the capital for a chain convenience group called "One Kilometer".

In the new landmark Zhonghai Electronics Mall, the bells are also ringing to welcome guests.

Among all kinds of fashionable and open counters, there is one that is so different.

Just talking about its signboard - white characters on a blue background, if Zhao Song looked at it, it would be ugly.

At the counter, a young boss is diligently cleaning the signboard. This farmer's child seems to have endless energy.

Putting down the rag, he took two steps back, and only after he found that there was no dust, he turned around to treat the guests in satisfaction.

Behind him, the five big characters on the signboard are so dazzling:

Jingxi Multimedia!

The notes of time and space stand quietly on the staff, and a reborn person gently plucks them, and the notes dance, forming a unique aesthetic feeling and playing a completely different chapter

This world, after all, is different.

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