Rebirth Turn of the Century

Semi-science single chapter

First, let me say something about the author:

No, it should be the words of the reader.

Book friends who have read the author's words carefully know that I am an old reader who has read books for many years.

Looking back, it has been a year since the book was opened, and it is worth more than one million words. As a regular reader, I feel ashamed of myself!

I have lords, many of them, but they are the hardest lords in history, no updates, no thanks!

I have a book friend who lied to me that there is an idle computer, but ended up buying a flower for a notebook at a higher price, without adding more, and without thanking you.

I have a moderator, Brother Xing, who mailed me two boxes of ham, no updates, no thanks.

I am so ashamed!

Speaking of updating, after the operation, my head is confused. This is not the reason for the slow update. I will never ask for leave, because if I talk too much, I will sell it badly. I don’t want to do this, because I am fine.

I'm in a strange circle now, because I'm pursuing rationality too much, but the progress of the article makes me very unfamiliar, because I haven't experienced that kind of high-end environment, so what is reasonable is extremely entangled.

Xiaobaiwen can no longer get along at the starting point. The pursuit of rationality is not a high-end pursuit. In the final analysis, it is for economic benefits. But the current situation is that the more you pursue, the slower it will be, and the less economical it will be. It is a strange circle.

Still confused.


During the recuperation period, in addition to reading physical books, I also looked back at more than one year of celebration.

Great god-level works, please do not comment, except for the imposed conspiracy, I did not expect the cutest and favorite Uncle Wuzhu to be


So, what is that book?

Alternative history? Fantasy? fear? Science fiction?


Science begins.

First of all, let me declare that the follow-up text is written and recreated by dictation, without reading any materials, so it is a popular text that seems to be popular science but not completely in line with science, but a non-985, 211 undergraduate who has not engaged in this major after graduation. Junior high school physics knowledge chatter homely.

Don’t be surprised if you see familiar text, because I have read it too, so it is considered an excerpt. If you haven’t read it, or even look confused after reading it, don’t panic, because I don’t understand it either.

Even in the lifetime of the greatest scientist Einstein, he didn't figure it out!

For a hundred years, in order to understand this thing, science and philosophy have come into battle one after another, and even idealism has become popular, and it is precisely because of these people that this thing has developed to this day

So, the text begins:

It all started with one of the most famous cats ever.

That's right, this single chapter is talking about quantum mechanics in a bold way.


"Love physics, love to tease girls! During the orgasm, I came up with the first equation of quantum mechanics. After it was done, my wife took care of the child I had with my friend's wife. She fell in love with my friend. I'm in love with the best friend of my gay friend's wife.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not from the entertainment industry, I'm Erwin Schrödinger called the beast, please call me Mr. Schroeder.

The only regret in my seventy years of life is why my cat is more famous than me? "

The non-existent cat is put in the box, and there is a radioactive atom. If the atom decays, excite the ray, touch the switch, activate the hammer, the hammer falls, breaks the poison bottle, and the cat dies.

The life and death of a cat depends on whether the atom is fissioned, as long as the box is not opened, we cannot know whether the cat is dead or alive, and whether the nucleus is fissioned and when it will be fissioned is a random event that can never be predicted.


Are you bored?

What does it matter if the cat is alive or not?

You get a cat out when you're full, and you still have an incident right away?

However, Professor Xue is full from eating women, but playing with cats is not for supporting, but for pissing off a person

"Love physics, love football.

Calculating physics problems while playing football, I am not a football star, nor am I a top student, I am just a genius.

Graduated with a Ph.D. at the age of 26, became a professor at the age of 28, and won the Nobel Prize at the age of 37, one year earlier than Einstein.

I am a winner in life, I am Niels Bohr, and I speak for quantum mechanics! "

Before talking about Bohr, we need to use junior high school physics knowledge to think about a very common question:

Is light a particle or a wave?

More than 100 years ago, in order to clarify this problem, scientists conducted a seemingly simple experiment - double-slit interference, which resulted in a collective "smart score"!

Double slits, two slits are opened on the wooden board, photons pass through the slits like machine gun bullets, and hit the screen.

If there are two bars, the light is a pure particle.

If it is a pure wave, light is a wave.

If it is a hybrid, it is just a mixture of the two.

There is no fourth possibility.

However, the result of the experiment is as scary as Wu Zhushu is a robot, and the fourth situation happened

First experiment, light is a wave.

In the second experiment, light is a wave.

When people breathed a sigh of relief, something frightening happened.

In the third experiment, scientists put a camera, and the result was: light is a particle.

The fourth test, remove the camera, light, is a wave!

When a player shoots on the football field, whether the goal is scored or not depends on whether the player is Messi or Ronaldo, the weather at the time, the performance of the goalkeeper, the hustle and bustle of the fans, and the fairness of the referee.

This is common sense.

However, when someone tells you one day that whether you score or not depends on whether you watch TV or not.

Sabi, right?

This was a moment of schizophrenia for scientists around the world at the time.

So, Bohr came on the field, and the three basic principles of quantum mechanics that he thought were on the field:

The principle of superposition state: Before you watch TV, the ball is in a superposition state of advancing or not.

Uncertainty principle: You can never measure whether the ball goes in or not.

Observer Principle: As long as you observe, you will definitely see a result, but this result is random.

Do you understand?

Bohr was saying that it was the great flower planter and philosopher who created quantum mechanics—one day 500 years ago, Ming Dynasty philosopher Wang Mingyang traveled to Nanzhen with his friends, and the friend asked:

"There is nothing in the world beyond my heart. Such a flower tree blooms and falls in the deep mountains. What does it have to do with my heart?"

Wang Mingyang replied:

"You haven't looked at this flower, this flower and your heart have returned to silence, but if you look at this flower, the color of this flower will become clear for a moment."

This is the famous "Heart without External Object"!

Typical idealism, so far, we can still be shocked by the meticulous logic of these idealist philosophers.

So, Boll is indefatigable~

A more accurate description would be:

As long as a microscopic particle is in an environment that can be "precisely measured", it will automatically become one of many possible forms, and there is no need to wait for the "observer" to be in place.


Professor Xue said it was bullshit, so he made a cat.

He said the cat was either dead or alive.

It is absolutely impossible to have a cat in a superposition of immortality and neither aliveness.

The frightening thing is that there is no way to falsify this, the only way is to create the cat.

So, in 1996, more than 60 years after the cat was born, the American Monroe (male) created the cat with a single glass ion (spin up for a while, spin down for a while)-this is the first time in human history. See the quantum superposition state in action for the first time.

Thus, the first theorem in human history that required the use of probability and statistics was born (I'm not sure).

That is to say, the cat is neither dead nor alive, until the moment we see it, it is one of its random forms.

In 2012, Professor Pan Jianwei established an 8-photon superposition state. In 16 years, only 7 photons were added.


Remember Professor Xue's half-dead, dead-and-alive cat?

Putting this cat that is both 0 and 1 into a specific calculation model is called:

quantum computer.

Quantum superposition has superpowers that traditional computing can't even dream of.

for example:

If the woman with a great figure walking in front is beautiful.

Run the A logic - ask for WeChat ID when you come forward.

If she is ugly.

Run B logic - turn around and leave.

Classical computers execute logic only once.

But for a quantum computer, it executes it twice, that is to say, no matter whether the woman is beautiful or ugly, it has to go up to it once!

Switching back to traditional science example:

Increase the qubits to two:

Variable X=00, run A.

Variable X=01, run B.

Variable X=10, run C.

Variable X=11, run D.

With two qubits, a classical computer needs to run four times, but a quantum computer only needs to do it once.

Have you seen the seriousness of the problem?

When the number of qubits increases to 100, all computers on the earth today can simultaneously run the workload of 1 million years, and the quantum computer only needs .

few minutes!

Smoke billows and sparks fly.

The human scientists on the earth are raising their hammers and frantically beating a piece of iron embryo - they want to make the sharpest spears, they want to pierce the sky, and they want to keep the financial secrecy that human beings rely on for normal operation The thorns of the system were smashed!

Therefore, a theoretically absolutely safe shield came into being:

Quantum encrypted communication!


1. Quantum is a mistranslation. The word quantity means small, microscopically small. It can be small particles such as particles and photons.

2. Quantum computers have a lot of professional vocabulary and technologies, which will also be used in the following things. No matter how deep I am, I am confused.

3. Please note that quantum encryption communication, according to Shannon's vision, is theoretically absolutely safe. )

The text continues:

In 1936, Xue Mingshou, who was busy dealing with many ex-girlfriends and cats, discovered something even weirder, but at the time, almost no one paid attention to this problem.

Dear friends, please remember this man named Beast, because whether it is the cat, or the theory and nouns of quantum mechanics he put forward, all are based on this man named Beast.

Thought experiment!

And decades later, the European Nuclear Center (CERN) did exactly this:

They want to use a particle collider to see how many babies are in the big belly of the atomic nucleus, so as to confirm Professor Xue's thought experiment.

Something scarier than Uncle Wuzhu being a robot happened again


One part of the collided particle is two (in most cases).

Become A particle, B particle.

According to energy conservation, if one flies forward, the other must fly backward; if one turns downward, the other must turn upward.

However, no matter how they fly, how they move is random, unless you observe them, they will be stable in one state.

In Professor Xue's thought experiment, this situation is called: twin particle superposition state.

In this superposition state, what one particle looks like when it is observed, the other must be completely opposite. Professor Xue gave the shape of two particles whose destiny is closely connected, a more sexy name: quantum entanglement.

Einstein exploded, the scientific community all over the world went crazy, philosophers began to enter the arena, you come and go, swords and swords, it's so lively.

As the greatest scientific community, Einstein published and perfected the theory of special and general relativity at the age of 35. At that time, he was still a handsome young man, and the image of the old man with exploding hair that we see is that Dude studied the image after 30 quantum mechanics.

What happened to blow up this dude?

Everything starts with "quantum entanglement".

Next, let the most important character in our elementary school textbooks appear—Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming grew up and couldn't find a wife. One day, his mother brought two brides in red hijabs to Xiao Ming. One of the two women was beautiful and the other ugly. Then she gave one of them to him and asked Xiao Ming to bring her to him. Lead a woman to the end of the universe!

According to quantum entanglement, which is the principle of quantum mechanics, the beauty and ugliness of the woman in his mother's hand is not decided by his mother, but at the end of the universe. Traveling through the entire universe, it came to his mother's mind in an instant, telling her that the woman in your hand is ugly.

How fast is this?

Infinitely fast.

What is it called?

Super distance!


If applied to the field of communication, what kind of scenario would it be?

This is the quantum mechanics of the microcosm. If everything was true at the time, it would challenge Einstein's macroscopic general theory of relativity, and the physical system of the entire world would collapse.

In Einstein's view, there is no such thing as an immortal cat, and everything is black and white. That is to say, when a woman is handed over to Xiao Ming, she is destined to be a beautiful woman.

The reason why we don't know is that there must be hidden variables. As long as we find hidden variables, then this world will have no secrets for us!

Einstein denounced this situation as: spooky action at a distance.

As I write this, I am extremely proud. It turns out that I am a normal person just like Einstein!

What is dead and alive, what is half dead, what probability, what statistics, all die!


Are there hidden variables?


There are only two words - entanglement.

30 years later, Einstein's follower, ultimate hacker, and engineer Bell dug out a cosmic bug that had been hidden for 30 years——Bell's Inequality.

I don't understand this inequality for conversion from 2D to 3D.

But its birth announced that the dispute over quantum locality has changed from philosophical speculation to a scientific theory that can be verified by experiments.

20 years later (1982)

The Frenchman Azipector was the first to successfully verify Bell's inequality, and concluded:

Quantum mechanics wins, spooky action at a distance, for real!

However, isn't this a kilometer that violates the theory of relativity (any information and matter cannot exceed the speed of light)?


Although the information is transmitted instantaneously, in order to remove the garbled characters and extract the real content, the image must be sent again in a traditional way that does not exceed the speed of light.

This involves more advanced, messy professional terms such as entanglement, fault tolerance, and error correction.

The superluminal problem that made Einstein worry about it turned out to be unfounded worries!

Superposition, quantum computing; entanglement, quantum communication.

They also intersect with each other, regardless of each other.

As for the realization principle, I am still confused. If I can understand even a little bit, I will invite Daoguo Jinsuo to give you a few words.

Therefore, when you play Doudizhu and see the 'K' (the founder of modern cryptography, Julius Caesar), don't worry about the security of our modern financial system.

Because of quantum mechanics, the whole world is in a state of confusion.

Bohr: "If anyone is not surprised by quantum mechanics, he must not understand quantum mechanics."

Einstein: "I have been thinking about quantum mechanics for a hundred times more than general relativity, but I still don't understand it."

Feynman: "No one understands quantum mechanics!"

Pan Jianwei: "If I can figure out why there is quantum entanglement, I can die now!"

The future is far away.

The future has come!

Write at the end:

1. In the 21st world, mathematicians are on the scene.

In the established mathematical theoretical model (please note, it is a theory), the entire universe is filled with quantum entanglement, and when it disappears, the universe collapses!

2. Please imagine a number '8', then turn it sideways, and pull its two eggs hard, you will get the symbol of '∞' infinity, which is the mathematical model (theory) of quantum entanglement.

What does it look like to you?

Einstein Rosen Bridge.

That is, wormholes (two unreachable black holes can be connected by channels in space and time).

If this is true, then the most mysterious phenomenon of quantum entanglement, "Action at a Distance", does not actually exceed the speed of light, but, like a wormhole, transcends time and space!

Mathematicians speculate that quantum entanglement may be a miniature wormhole.

3. Today is December 12th, the shopping festival. But even more memorable than the shopping festival, Marconi received the first radio signal across the Atlantic Ocean on this day in 117 years.

And in August three years ago, the world's first quantum communication MSI, Micius, was launched into space.

Now, even though some people say it failed and was a product of funding fraud, I don't agree with it at all, because at least we are participating in it.

Professor Pan Jianwei is an applied scientist. He may be far away from the Nobel Prize, but among the popular science books I read, he is the only Chinese scientist who appeared in our land!

4. Some people say that quantum computing and communication need hundreds of Nobel-level awards to lay the foundation. Talking about it now is just the tireless pursuit of human beings.

So, what is sensational, shocking, and nonsense on the self-media!

I was thinking, if there is such a genius born who understands what quantum entanglement is, maybe

The universe will open its doors to humanity.

5. Happy Shopping Festival!

It's almost Chinese New Year, save your wallet!

6. Regarding the update:

Most people, in order to avoid real thinking, will do anything!

——Wang Xing!

I wrote the 5,000-word chanting all morning, and the 2,000-word update took me a day to write.

7. Why am I talking about this?

It's because personal PCs are still in the mainstream, and Zhao Song's efforts are not in vain. Cloud computing, big data, and 5G don't use human brains.

Some book friends don’t think about these profound things, let’s take it honestly in the urban rebirth category, don’t grab the fantasy jobs, until

The day of the 404.

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