Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 507 Untitled 1

Since Shenzhou was founded and went public, Zhao Song has completely put aside the mentality of being rich and safe.

From then on, apart from Qi Qiangdong at Zhonghai's small counter, there were two other people who were brought into his sight.

One is Liao Yingzhu.

Every once in a while, the expert group of Tesla Holdings, no, it should be called Zhongguancun Holdings, will evaluate this ugly girl and put forward some professional and psychological suggestions.

This down-to-earth girl with extraordinary abilities in her previous life has been cultivated regardless of the cost. In the future, she will be the ultimate "nuclear weapon" in Zhao Song's hands!

The other one is called Song Hua.

It's a very common name, but in the land of China where there are many trends, before the heroes of the Warring States Period on the Internet have yet to appear on the stage, this one is the trendy person of today's era!

Bold and nonsense, but he is the boss of a private listed company.

And this boss is telling people: If you want to stay safe, even the smartest bankers can't find out your company's capital structure!

By the way, his company's name is Top, and I heard that it is also making computers and mobile phones. It is half of Zhao Song's peers, although there are no products of this brand in the market.

The biggest joke in the circle this year was that at an industry conference, Mr. Hua Weiren asked Song Hua beside him:

"What exactly does your company do?"

Song Hua didn't answer because he didn't know either.

If Zhao Song had been present at that time, he would have answered for him: bragging!

Qi Qiangdong, Liao Yingzhu, Song Hua, Zhao Song.

Of the four, except for Zhao Song who was born in a well-to-do family, the others are all from poor families.

In another time and space, there are two successful people, one has been a loser for fifteen years, and the other has failed miserably.

In this life, they may be Zhao Song's collaborators, companions, successors, teachers, and stepping stones

Everything is just for landing safely!

Yes, Zhao Song just wanted to land safely, because there was too much money!

Because of money, the old Zi family in Jinmen is slowly becoming domineering, and the old Zhao family in Cangshi is gradually becoming domineering.

The small cloth family in the United States has created today's family glory for a hundred years.

What about florists without aristocrats?

With these relatives who have never seen the world, there is no need for others to push the flames, and there is no need to wait for the next generation to grow up. Sooner or later, the family will disappear.

Watch him get up from Zhulou, watch him entertain guests, watch his building collapse.

Zhao Song didn't want to do this, so from the moment he got up from Zhulou, he was always thinking about the day when he landed safely.

A new day begins.

As soon as the sun emerged from the horizon, the largest floor-to-ceiling curtains in Building No. 7 of Wanchenghua Mansion opened slowly and automatically.

The red sunshine warmly sprinkled on a handsome face, and then I opened my bright eyes.

I'm Nicholas Zhao Song.

Wake up every day from the bedroom of 89 square meters.

Beside him lay beautiful tall long legs.

I smoke and drink, but so what?

Even if I smoke firecrackers and drink dichlorvos, my long legs will love me to the bottom of my heart.

After showering and cleaning, I start my delicate day.

Every morning, I go to the wine storage room to open a bottle of red wine. The 82-year-old Lafite is just a common variety here.

When I'm in a good mood, I'll listen to the big long legs play the piano for a while, and the music cleanses the soul.

When eating, you will look out of the window, the majestic West Mountain, and the crowds running for life at your feet.

Occasionally, I go to the company to have a look. The market value is 500 billion, and it is a family business. I go there just to show my sense of existence. At other times, I just need to be my second generation.

Noble and open-minded, elegant in heart and exquisite in shape.

Perfect me with perfect together.

I'm Nicholas Zhao Song.

Now, the dream is over.

The curtains opened automatically, and under the warm sunlight, Zhao Song opened his eyes and let out a long breath of foul air, as if wanting to vomit away everything in his dream.

Sensitive smart homes immediately adjust the air volume of the fresh air system in an attempt to suck away the stale air.

The background music softly plays Bandari's "Moonlight", which can make people fall asleep, and it can also make people wake up in a good mood.

Kissing Li Linna's forehead lightly, Zhao Songcai gritted his teeth, climbed out of bed with sore waist and legs, and then walked slowly to the window.

"20 minutes!"

There seemed to be a countdown sound in the air, coming from the trading room on the other side of the ocean.

Shaking his head, throwing away the countdown in his mind, Zhao Song looked out the window with deep eyes.

The silk nightgown, the head shape of a successful person, and the calm face, no matter how you look at it, it looks like the richest man who grows flowers, but at this moment, no one can find the annoyance in his heart.

That's right, it's annoyance!

Two days had passed, and he hadn't received a single call during the two days, which meant that the work of his company was going smoothly, and everyone had completed their tasks step by step.

At the same time, it also means that the national procurement negotiations are also proceeding step by step, and all his previous efforts will be in vain.

"It's still a matter of ability~"

Zhao Song was annoyed, no matter how much effort he had put in and how much training he had received, he still let everyone guess his ultimate goal and let them know his urgency.

"18 minutes!"

Another countdown sounded in my heart.

Zhao Song finally frowned, resisted the urge to urinate, and continued to look out the window.

"Why don't you just give up?"

Give up the semiconductor dividends of the future flower growers, and then make a fortune step by step, and then retire with money that will never be spent in a lifetime, and live a happy apartment life?

Zhao Song is fascinated

At this moment, it is July 24, 2001, at 9:42 in the morning, and there are 18 minutes before the opening of the Wanwan stock market, and 18 minutes before the closing ceremony and press conference of the APEC Ministerial Meeting.

Zhao Song did not attend the entire meeting, but led by Tesla's new CEO Ding Tao, represented by Zhao Rong, Wei Fang and other high-level executives, and conducted all procurement negotiations on the platform.

The sun is shining brightly outside the window, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, the elderly are walking and chatting, and the children are running and dancing. It is a leisurely picture of a high-end community.

Inside the window, the phone was still silent, and the long legs were silent and pretended to be asleep, as if they couldn't bear to disturb the depressed richest man.

"Then give up."

Zhao Song finally sighed, his face was gloomy, he turned around and moved slowly towards the bathroom.

Suddenly, the moment he turned around, white clouds drifted past, blocking the bright sunlight, leaving only a beam of light swaying down through the gaps in the white clouds, shining on a tree at the foot of Lou Wang in Wancheng Huadi.

The 300-year-old ginkgo tree is huge and overwhelming, just like the rising Zhongguancun Holding Group, with luxuriant branches and deep roots.

This is 2001, an era when A-share listing was only available to some state-owned enterprises.

In order to achieve his goal, Zhao Song used almost all methods, such as exchange of interests and supplemented by other commercial means.

In addition to flattering!

Because he felt that if he owed that thing, he would pay it back; if he gave it, he would not be able to get it back!

But he didn't know that at this point, some favors were not so easy to please.

He even ignored the influence of his enterprises!


Li Linna jumped out of bed, grabbed her phone and ran towards Zhao Song.

Time stands still.

The one was placed on the handle of the bathroom door, and the veins popped out!

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