Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 508 Untitled 2


at the same time.

Lulu Restaurant under the Ciyun Temple Bridge on the East Fourth Ring Road of Beijing.

The waiter in a fashionable cheongsam pushed open the largest business private room, and there was bursts of laughter, accompanied by the ringing of the phone in the hands of the middle-aged man in the main seat.

"Leader, hello~"

The middle-aged man stood up respectfully and made a hand gesture. The noise in the private room immediately quieted down. Afterwards, the middle-aged man walked quickly to the door, as if looking for a place where no one would be disturbed.

Li Wei glanced at the back of the middle-aged man thoughtfully, then turned her head, reservedly picked up a piece of fruit from the plate in the waiter's hand, and put it in her mouth.

"What do you think?"

Suddenly, a soft voice rang in my ears.

Li Wei turned her head, looked at her handsome fiancé, who was all dressed up, and asked with a smile:

"Look at what?"

"Zhao Song~"

The handsome and feminine guy said angrily, "The curtain will be closed there soon, and the communication that needs to be communicated is over. Next, it's time for the negotiating team to come on stage. As long as Zhao Song still wants to make that bad idea, should I call you?"

"Zhan Liang!"

Li Wei called her fiancé by his name sarcastically, "Why did Zhao Song call me?"

Zhan Liang looked at his fiancée with a half-smile, and pointed around the private room with his fingers covertly:

"The room is full of people who are arguing about Shenzhou's third shareholding reform and Tesla shares. They are all holding him back, or are they all people you know. How easy is it to find you?"

Li Wei shook her head, sadly said:

"He won't fight!

Don't talk about looking for me, he didn't even look for the leaders of the capital city! "

Zhan Liang smiled, showing his blinding white teeth:

"What, regret it?"

"Yes, I regret it, what's the matter!"

Li Wei raised her eyebrows and looked at her fiancé angrily!

"I regret it too!"

Zhan Liang didn't care about Li Wei's temper, and said regretfully, "It would be great if I sold you to him at the beginning. With that money, I can find many girlfriends!"

"It's a boyfriend!"

Li Wei sarcastically pinched him hard along the way.

Zhan Liang immediately patted his clothes in disgust, as if something dirty had gotten on his body.

"soy Mujer!"

He growled angrily: "Call him quickly and tell him that the leader of the procurement team is your neighbor's uncle, and help him achieve his goal at the lowest cost!"


Li Wei was silent.

"In this way, your relationship has been eased. At that time, his girlfriend will not be around. Find a chance to sleep with him, conceive a child, and then we will get married."

Zhan Liang's breathing became more and more rapid, and his eyes became brighter and brighter. Seeing that the people around him were not paying attention, he said quickly:

"When we finish dealing with the family, let's play our own things, and don't bother anyone!"

Li Wei looked at Doubi in front of her in disbelief, and raised her fist angrily:

"I beat you to death!"

"I see you are moved!"

After speaking, Zhan Liang ran away.

Immediately, the two childhood sweethearts who had grown up under the same quilt started to fight unscrupulously in the private room, not caring about the accusing, helpless, and reproachful eyes of the elders in the room.

They have always been the third generation that no one cares about. Above them, there are older brothers and older sisters. If Li Wei hadn't created the Weiwei Group, their fate might still be that no one cares about them.


The reprimand finally sounded, and the middle-aged man who went out to make a call came back with a gloomy face, and strode into the private room, "The person who is about to get married soon, why is it not serious!"

Zhan Liang shrugged indifferently, and said in a neutral tone:

"If Zhao Song agrees to your request, you can all sell the stinky girl, and then my family will not be successful, right?"

The middle-aged man glanced at his son coldly, did not reply, and waited until he walked back to the main seat before saying gloomily:

"Just got the message:

Lao Song no longer participated in the joint procurement negotiation task. "



"how so?"

The house was filled with incredible crowds.

Li Wei and Zhan Liang looked at each other and grinned at the same time.

"These two days"

The middle-aged man looked around coldly, and did not continue until the private room became silent:

"In Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong Province, Guangxi Province, Central Plains Province, Dongshan Province, Jinmen, Beihe Province, especially Beihe Province, the top leaders went to the Ministry to inquire in person, and in other areas, they made inquiries by phone."


When the whole room was shocked by the name of the province and city they heard, what the middle-aged man said next made them tremble even more.

"All top leaders!"


The cup falls.

"They asked, if we follow the ministry's negotiation strategy, can we guarantee that the investment committed by Zhao and Song enterprises to the local area will be implemented smoothly?"

"If not, will the Ministry have an investment compensation of the same scale?"

"Otherwise, what is the significance of this negotiation in the Ministry?"



Someone slumped on a chair.

These words don’t need to be said by the leaders of so many provinces and cities. Just one of Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangdong Province is enough.

But what these people didn't expect was that Zhao Song, who didn't take any action, could make so many big bosses worry

Now is the climax of the reform, and the house full of senior officials has no idea how urgent the local government has reached when it pursues economic development.

For example, Beihe City, until the rebirth of Zhao Song, the place visited by the three prime ministers, had one and only one listed company.

In an era where everything is centered on economic construction, if you dare to block my investment, you will break my official career; if you dare to break my official career, you will kill my parents!

"10 minutes!"

in the sky. The countdown sounded from time to time.

In Cang City, Beihe Province, Xu Liangying, who had just walked out of the city hall, smiled at Weiwei in the direction of the capital, and then got in a commercial vehicle and rushed to the nearest airport.

The industrial park in Guancheng, Guangdong Province is not only at the most critical moment of construction, but also has countless OEM negotiations waiting for her to fight for.

In the past two days, there are many people like her running around, and they want to tell everyone:

My boss is qualified to be willful!

My Wuming (Shenzhou, Tesla, Shanshi, Huahong.) has the confidence to raise conditions with you!

So what if the project has no future?

If it fails, we will earn it for the boss!

"5 minutes!"

New York Oriental Mandarin Trading Room.

Liao Yingzhu stood in the corner bored, drawing circles with her thin legs.

The black man would report time every once in a while, but it didn't affect her bored mood.

"3 minutes!"

On the wall behind her, there are all kinds of information, and she knows all the indexes and data on it by heart.

I don't know why, whenever I see those data, Liao Yingzhu always has a kind of intimacy, as if she was born to do this job.

"2 minutes!"

Black people are getting louder and louder.

Liao Yingzhu stopped drawing circles on her thin legs, and said angrily:

"What's the name, it's over, I'm going to pack up, pay bonuses and go my separate ways."


It's July 2001 here.

It was two full years before a certain professor published the "National Retirement and Democracy Advancement" submission, and the two detonators in the Huahua stock market exploded.

That will be the final piece of the puzzle for Shenzhou Technology, the ladder for high-tech companies such as Wuming and Shanshi to reach the financial market, and the beginning of the three links and one reach to glory.

At that time, Delong and Top will be two big detonators that will make bankers at a loss.

By then, Jingxi Multimedia will be renamed as Jingxi Mall.

By then, Liao Yingzhu had experienced two years in the bloody international financial market.

By that time, more than 40 cities will face the barren software industrial park, and they will cry without tears.

At that time, Zhao Songhui would stand in front of more than forty mayors and shout loudly:

"Open the door, let Liao Yingzhu go!"

And now.

"Open full position!"

A loud order made the black man seem to see the female knight on horseback.

"10 seconds!"

I saw her picking up the sharp sword in her hand, with a face full of veins, and shouting loudly at the thousands of troops and horses in the thick fog:

"Smash me!"

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