Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 517 Untitled

At the beginning of the creek and cloud, the sun sinks into the pavilion, and the mountain rain is about to come, and the wind fills the building.

For some reason, the old man sitting in the trading room of 101 has become more and more emotional these two days, and he always popped out two lines of ancient poems from time to time.

Especially on the morning of July 27, he was very satisfied with the poems he recited, and felt that they fit the current situation very well.

Ten twenty in the morning.

Just 20 minutes after the opening of the market, a huge cross star line was formed in the foundry sector of the Wanwan stock market.

For three consecutive days, this unprecedented long-short confrontation in Wanwan is still in anxiety. Perhaps it only takes a small stone to cause huge waves.

After brewing a pot of tea and a cup of coffee, the old man who had changed into new clothes came to the window full of energy and sipped strong black coffee.

If he was a few years younger, Lao Yuan even thought that he would be an excellent fund manager. He would come to the company early every day, review the global stock market, collect various information, look forward to the Wanwan stock market, and then trade!

Lao Yuan is sure that he is better than most fund managers because he is not greedy!

Having been an accountant all his life, he has resisted the temptation to make false accounts countless times. Lao Yuan believes in himself very much. At this time, the biggest opportunity to make a fortune in his life, he can also resist the temptation!

"Every penny you earn is the realization of your understanding of the world, and every penny you lose is due to your flawed understanding of the world.

The greatest fairness in this society lies in: when a person's wealth is greater than his own cognition, this society has 100 ways to harvest you until your cognition and wealth match. "

Talking about the experience summed up in a lifetime, look out the window at those takeaway brothers, shopping mall waiters, cleaners, taxi drivers, nervous and busy little bosses in small shops, and those who dragged their tired bodies just out of the factory. The off-duty workers, their income is less than a fraction of the fraction of the financial elite in 101.

But is their contribution really that far from that of the financial elite? Are the contributions of those elites really worth so much in return?


Real capital respects the labor theory of value, believes that no pains are reaped, and comes from the sweat and wisdom of hard work.

These financial elites who despise the real economy, industrial capital, and the labor theory of value will eventually return to their original shape one by one and return to the starting point.

It's a very simple truth, many people understand it, but most people can't do it, the only thing that makes the old man puzzled is why those two young people can do it

Tesla's crocodile allies are enjoying a feast of wealth in the international financial market by virtue of their leading information. The old man is sure that the group of crocodiles have obtained the news of TPOD's order volume in advance.

He was even more certain that the two young men hadn't moved, and the funds under the Zhao Song family hadn't been harvesting money around the world.

The old Yuan turned around, and on the entire wall opposite him, there were densely packed materials, which were the materials he had collected from all the previous benefits.

According to his analysis, during this period of time, the funds in the Wanwan financial market have only entered but not exited!

They're still here, they're not gone.

The old man moved his gaze and stopped on several pieces of news information.

"Countercyclical expansion."

"AU Optronics plans to complete the mergers and acquisitions of five small and medium-sized LCD panel manufacturers within this year."

"Wanwan foundry companies have deployed on a large scale in the Yangtze River Delta region of the mainland."

"Huashi Group announced that it has independently established its Heshi Company, which is mainly engaged in OEM, and will deepen its professional field!"


The old man certainly knows about counter-cyclical expansion, but in addition to government subsidies and bank loans, the capital needs of these companies rely more on financial market financing, such as corporate bonds and additional stock issuance.

He continued to move his gaze, and stopped after seeing the news of the past two days.

"'BOE' only spent less than 200 million US dollars, and the absolute assets and technology it bought were worth at least 2 billion US dollars."

"The industrial park of the enterprises under the Zhao Song Group located in Guancheng is progressing rapidly. At present, 24 main factories have been completed, and the cleanliness standards are all above 1,000 grades."

This is not a stock war.

Lao Yuan moved his attention to the list in the middle, which was the list of all the activities of Shenzhou shareholders that he got by chance and at a huge price.

On it, in addition to some well-known corporate names, there are many mobile phone brands that are gradually gaining fame:

TCL, Bird, Amoi, Konka, Southern Hi-Tech, CECT, Kejian, Capitel, Eastcom

This is a business war!

Whether it is LCD panel or foundry industry, or even the integrated circuit industry that has not yet surfaced!

This is Zhao Song's company desperately delaying Wanwan's industry.

This is the crazy expansion of Zhao Song's enterprises.

This is a naked battle for the industry!

Lao Yuan felt that he was one of the few sensible people in the world, and he believed that the godfather upstairs should also understand.

At this moment, he looked at a name anxiously, and the only thing he had to pray for now was that the godfather upstairs must not play tricks on that name, otherwise the huge strategic layout behind those two young people The team may not be able to stop Zhao Song from going crazy

By the way, that name is Huashi.

At the same time, Mr. Zhang Jianmou, who was being talked about by the old man, was also contemplating in the office.

After a long time, he asked the investment consultant:

"We don't know how much leverage Liao Yingzhu is using to fight us?"

"Yes, Chairman."

"The Huashi stock that Liao Yingzhu had opened before has also disappeared, and I don't even know where it is?"

"Yes, Chairman."

Zhang Jianmou crossed his hands, leaned slightly, and stared at the investment consultant with sharp eyes:

"How much money does she have?"

"Unfortunately, Chairman, too many hedge funds have entered the market during this period, and it is impossible to judge without knowing her leverage."

"Tell me your personal opinion!"

Zhang Jianmou asked impatiently.

Seeing his appearance, the blond investment hesitated for a moment before saying:

"Combined with the girl's repeated hedging methods, she is not an adventurous trader."

While speaking, the investment advisor turned his head to look at the huge cross star line, and murmured:

"I think, if there are, there are not many left."

Zhang Jianmou stood up satisfied and said:

"Then get ready"

The "Chairman" investment consultant quickly interrupted him, "Tesla is in the limelight, and now it seems that their purpose is to support the funds of these companies. If the pursuit is safe, maintaining the current balance is the best choose."


Zhang Jianmou shook his head, chuckled and said:

"Henry, get ready, I want you to tell those two young people that we have the information advantage, too!"

"Which one to use?"

"Hua Shi."


"No, OEM!"

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