Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 518 Untitled 2

When some people want to play some foreign means.

Beijing, 798 Industrial Park.

798 is a group of boring numbers, which is the original name of the state-owned 798 Electronics Factory in Beijing. However, when Zhao Song redefined it in advance and gave it new connotations and meanings, the three numbers 798 are no longer boring.

After Savills and Shenzhou Technology signed a cooperation agreement in Beijing to form a joint venture property service company - Shenzhou Savills Property Management (Beijing), 798 has completely changed its appearance.

The dilapidated aided workshops and abandoned machine tools are still there, but for many Shenzhou employees, the feeling is completely different.

The redesigned garden, the security guards in red uniforms and tall hats, the property management in suits and leather shoes, and the presence of more and more artists and galleries made them feel out of place in the electronic manufacturing industry.

Yes, they are leaving.

With the completion of the factories in Yizhuang Industrial Park of Shenzhou Technology, the old employees of these electronics factories will leave the place where they were born and raised, and work in cleaner and safer production workshops.

But they are reluctant.

I am reluctant to leave the more and more beautiful 798 Park; I am reluctant to leave this increasingly fashionable, literary and avant-garde place

Several Shenzhou employees who were changing shifts walked out of the factory, wearing bright yellow overalls and looking so energetic.

They talked and laughed and walked towards the gate with their heads held high, but their reluctant eyes drifted past several factory buildings whose outer walls were covered with graffiti from time to time.

On the left is the LeTV Art Museum, which is said to be an open and diverse cultural sharing platform, focusing on discussing art and fashion with cutting-edge young designers from around the world.

After all, it’s just a place to design underwear, so why do you have to be so tall?

The old employees curled their lips, but their eyes became a little more eager. According to the gossip, their young chairman is there now

It's a pity, except for the group's high-level executives, no one has anything to do with the chairman. I heard that he doesn't care about favors for the future.

They believed this, because the chairman really dared to fire someone, it wasn't unkind, it was ruthless!

As long as you enter Shenzhou, you will not be able to change the old problems brought about by state-owned enterprises in a short period of time. You have no other choice but to be fired.

This happens not only in the front line, but also in the middle and high-level, no matter who is standing behind you, no matter who you ask for intercession!

Even if you have a good relationship, it's useless to find the big boss of Jingcheng Electric Control. I heard that he is the teacher of the small chairman. Who can have a relationship like a master and apprentice in an old state-owned factory?

But this is good, as long as people treat everyone equally, not only will no one complain, but they will also give them great support.

An old employee with half-white hair glanced over there gratefully, and then followed the workers to continue walking. While listening to their chat, the old employee thought of getting up early and showing him something:

It was on the third-level page of the official website of Shenzhou Technology, and the 23rd name in the drop-down list was him. Up to now, the old employee still remembers every word that the little grandson read with his immature voice:

"Shan Gang, the former workshop director of 798 Electronics Factory, with 32 years of industry experience, is now a P7-level senior electronic engineer of Shenzhou Technology, and the person in charge of the 13th line of quality control in Shenzhou Technology 798 Industrial Park. The good rate of U disk produced by this line is 98.87%. The repair rate is 1.98%."

Craftsman signed!

The name of the craftsman is not only in front of every consumer, but also in the heart of every craftsman.

The old craftsman knows that as long as he maintains his current performance, he will be able to raise his salary by another level next year, but he will not be satisfied with this, because all the front-line engineers under the Zhao Song Department know that there is a man in the north of the capital. The legendary Factory No. 1 produces the most sophisticated mainboard products. There, a Tesla TPOP employee named Dumb Liu is in charge. The yield rate is 99.9%, and the repair rate is 0! In the recent global electronic market, the motherboard product named by that person has a 20% premium, and the price is out of stock!

As for why, let’s take a look at the global overclocking certification website. In those websites, Dumb Liu products occupy 65% ​​of the boards!

In the words of the little chairman, that is a "fantasy-level achievement"!

Although he didn't know what Xuanhuan meant, he could hear the tone of admiration and pride.

"Old Dan, look over there, there are another group of foreigners."

Don't look, come every day!

Following the workers' fingers, Shan Gang, an old worker, saw a group of blonde foreigners, but they didn't feel anything new.

Here, what can keep them fresh is always the group of young people wearing Haitian Xiangyun. Working with them in the same park, the old Dan feels that his knowledge and level have improved a lot—not because of Haitian Xiangyun, not because they are Tesla employees, but

The eyes of Lao Dan and the workers moved with the group of foreigners until they entered the gate of a factory building, and then they saw an art plaque:

Tesla Global Art and Design Center.

The famous industrial designer Amit said: "The greatest contribution of Tpod is that it proves that you can become a billionaire by selling emotions, and that design is also an effective business model."

That is the most mysterious place of Tesla. No one can enter there casually, including all Tesla executives. There, Mr. Dongfang Jian, the chief designer of Tesla, has the right second only to Zhao Song. Unexpectedly, Song is the only person who can fully mobilize the cooperation of all departments of Tesla.

Artists, engineering (structural) designers, architects, car designers, etc., are the ones who get in there.

In the past two days, the story about the design of Tpod has set off a frenzy of public opinion in the global media.

The "Scroll Wheel" mechanical turntable control was developed by Synaptics. "

"The closest global collaboration, a magical 38 drafts!"

"Advanced aesthetics, it is rumored that Zhao Song is interested in the ninth draft, let us see the outflow of the eighth draft that is infinitely close."

"Mr. Dongfang Jian talked about the design concept: Easy use and stylish design!"

"Zhao Song emphasized: Tesla is standing in the direction where computer technology and consumer electronics will converge in the next 20 years, so it's not that we're going to the other side of the river, but the other side of the river is moving closer to us."

"In the digital field, most equipment manufacturers have not noticed the 80/20 rule. In contrast, Tpod focuses on integrating the 20% of the functions that consumers want into an attractive product with beautiful design!"

"Presidents of Sony and Apple have said: We are confident that we will launch products that are more competitive than Tpod before the end of the year. We must develop a software that makes our products easier to use."

Lao Dan didn't know that it was not a frenzy of public opinion, but a large-scale publicity strategy before Tpod went public.

In this world, there is no love for no reason, and Tpod, which dominates the screen all over the world, is just a product of money, including those foreign designers who come to communicate.

Money clears the way, and there is no disadvantage.

Tesla is rich!

798, LeTV Art Museum,.

Zhao Song is holding his long legs, walking in the design hall of retro industrial style, he seems to have forgotten the ups and downs of the outside world, stripped away all the intrigues, and is happy and focused on accompanying his girlfriend:

"young married woman."


"It seems that the two of you have never been in a relationship before, and you fell in love after meeting a few times."


"young married woman."

"Let's go soon?"


"young married woman."


"I will send you a song back, a love song."


Li Linna smiled.

At this time, the text message came

The hole is almost filled.

Let me say a few more words:

The so-called "History of Blood and Tears in China's Liquid Crystal Industry" and other articles on the Internet are all copied from a report on the LCD industry compiled by Professor Lu Feng and Dr. Cai Yingying in 2010. Industry Daily Serial".

The most authoritative interpretation of BOE's development history is: "Light Change - A Company and Its Industrial History". The road is windy.

Second, in the development route of the enterprise, the main reference is "Industrial Chain Conspiracy III: The Truth About New Imperialist Mergers and Acquisitions of Chinese Enterprises" and other works, and the relevant book list will be listed at the end of the article.

I didn't read intensively, because I didn't have time to read intensively, and those authors didn't comment, because they couldn't tell good or bad. Everything was just to find a reasonable explanation for the family's words in my article.

Third, Mr. Bai Yansong has recently made a different interpretation of Xiao Liu’s retirement than the majority of netizens. Let me explain here that Mr. Bai is fine, but this is a cool article (bending head down), I am too lazy To understand Xiao Liu's positive role, I want to DISS him!

I am here to promise the majority of book friends, I am not afraid of WJ, so what if I am 444?

I have backbone, 444.

I deleted the rewrite (proud)!

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