Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 526: The Final Battle (6)

On this day, for everyone at the Capital International Airport, after watching the pop-up commercial of "Don't Blink", watching the richest flower grower who fled before being surrounded by the crowd, in their subconscious, A conflicted mood suddenly arises spontaneously:

Such a creative advertisement should not have been created by such a yellow-skinned, black-eyed flower grower

But no matter what, that's what Zhao Song's Tesla did, and no one can deny the influence this advertisement can have.

This is an ad that was released simultaneously around the world. Fifteen minutes after it aired, on the Internet in the United States, someone posted a strategy for queuing up to buy Tesla's first-generation Tpod, and within the fastest speed, it became A hot post in that forum.

Moreover, the impact of this ad did not stop there. In Wanwan 101, it gave a huge assist to Liao Yingzhu who was negotiating!

Wanwan 101 Building, eighty-fifth floor.

The 101 fresh food and beautiful scenery restaurants here are located between the mortal world and the sky, where you can overlook the Tamsui Estuary and watch the clouds and mist flow under your feet.

It has a top team with a history of more than 50 years, and spent 250 million to build the world's highest table-style seafood restaurant. With its luxurious, fashionable, comfortable and 5-natural dining environment, 101 Dingxian Restaurant has attracted many gourmets.

At 12:30, Dingxian is among the most luxurious private rooms.

David looked at the re-closed door, reminiscing about the refreshed look of those fund managers after watching the "Don't Blink" advertisement just now, and sighed to Liao Yingzhu who was directly opposite who was eating Hesai:

"Liao, this is the power of the world's number one advertising master. We talked for two full hours, but the effect of the 107-second advertisement was not as good."

Liao Yingzhu nodded in agreement, the flash of admiration in her eyes was well concealed by her, she swallowed the Wanwan sausage in her throat, and said proudly:

"Because he is Zhao Song, and the Tesla he founded by himself is the reason why I come here.

David, you can imagine what it will be like once the acquisition is successful, with Tesla’s design and Huashi’s workmanship.”


David interrupted Liao Yingzhu's bewitching words, only to see him say helplessly, "Liao, the option agreement you signed is to sell it when it expires.

So, stop talking to me about the acquisition of Huashi! "

The old fox is really not easy to cheat.

Liao Yingzhu pouted in her heart, shrugged her shoulders without speaking, and began to attack the big lobster in the middle of the long dining table.


David didn't care about Liao Yingzhu's impolite behavior, and said patiently: "We can't think of any reason for Huashi and the foundry sector to plummet, and all of our analysts no longer support continuing to hold DNW shares, so"


Liao Yingzhu was not surprised, she ate the lobster with relish, and said a number by the way.



Liao Yingzhu looked at David and said seriously:

"The shares can be withdrawn, but each of you must hold this number of shares!"


"Because if the Wanwan stock market really plummets, we must have the means to safely take the money out of Wanwan!

To put it bluntly, Liao Yingzhu must hold the tiger flag of American Capital.


David also instantly understood Liao Yingzhu's meaning, he was thoughtful and remained silent.

"David, if it really falls sharply, keeping 5% of the shares will make you a lot of money!"

"What if it doesn't fall?"

David asked sullenly.


The thick agreement was slammed in front of David, Liao Yingzhu raised her head and said arrogantly:

"Bet! My chips are Tesla shares!"


The number of times David was speechless in his life was not as many times after seeing these two young people.

The thing he doubts the most is that they are so bold, do they really take Tesla shares as money?

"I need to make a call."


Half an hour later, David re-entered the room.


"very good."

Liao Yingzhu stood up and held David's hand.

"Liao, as for the other shares, as long as there is any movement from Wanwan, we will immediately sell them to you at the real-time price."

"no problem."

Liao Yingzhu agreed without hesitation, "As long as you don't want cash."


David replied affirmatively, "After all, we are allies, and we will not do that kind of thing that would add insult to injury anyway."

Hearing David's words, Liao Yingzhu showed a bright smile, and took out another agreement and handed it to David:

"That's good, then let's call the lawyers of both parties and sign it?"

What is this?

David looked at the second agreement in bewilderment, and then looked at Liao Yingzhu in confusion.

"Just now," Liao Yingzhu pointed to the big back in the room, and said with a half-smile, "Huashi announced the fulfillment of the investment agreement with Suzhou City in mainland China, all in cash.

David, taking advantage of the current price, Huashi sold part of the shares and obtained the funds they most needed! "


at the same time.

On the drop-off platform on the second floor of the Capital Airport.

The administrator removed the roadblock, the driver got into the car, and the 3 Mercedes-Benz convoy with full tiger head was in place.

With a bang, the door closed.

As soon as Xu Liangying got off the plane and sat in the back seat, Zhao Song patted Ermao in front, signaling the convoy to stop.

"Sent away?"

Xu Liangying stared at her bright eyes and asked with great interest.


Zhao Song replied casually.

"Same as the previous ones, broke up?"

Hearing this gloating question, Zhao Song turned his head, stared at Xu Yujie's profile, and asked with a smile:

"Do the first few you mentioned include you?"


Xu Liangying coquettishly pinched him by the way.


Zhao Song rubbed his arms and complained, "You girls don't know anything but pinching people?"



Zhao Song's head was full of black lines, and after a while, he replied helplessly:

"We didn't break up, it's just a way of saying to the outside world, so as to save people from finding trouble with her family.

However, it is true that she will not return to China in the short term. "


Hearing this, Xu Liangying nodded, then restored her serious expression, and asked:

"Zhao Song, I heard that there are several shells that Wuming Technology has put into production. In a small factory in the island country, you secretly ordered another one?"

Zhao Song looked at Xu Liangying in surprise, and then admitted generously, "That's right!"


Xu Liangying was puzzled.

"In addition to the ultimate curve, that product also has an 800-level mirror finish," Zhao Song replied blankly, "The all-steel back shell polished by the islanders is almost the same as a mirror, can Wu Ming do it? "

"...I can't." Xu Liangying said sadly.

"So, don't complain, just improve the production process honestly, and strive to reach the level of the island people as soon as possible."

"But the quality rate of the casings we are making now is 100%!" Xu Liangying said with an air.

At this time, the Daben convoy had turned off the airport expressway and was approaching Jiuxianqiao Road.

Zhao Song withdrew his gaze from the window, showing a mocking expression: "The reason why Wu Ming is 100% is because Tesla gave you the tolerance (the difference between the maximum error and the minimum size within the allowable range)!"


"Whenever you can do what the islanders do, not trying to make products within tolerances, but to hit the bull's-eye and make plastic products with zero tolerance -- not a micron of error, I'll put that For the final order, hand it over to Wu Ming for OEM!"

Listening to Zhao Song's words, Xu Liangying stared out of the window in a daze, but in the dirty and messy Jiuxianqiao area, there really wasn't much good scenery to see.

After a long time, she changed the subject and said:

"I saw the ad, it was really well done, and after watching it, I have the desire to buy another one."


"How about Wanwan?"


Zhao Song nodded, "Hua Shi has made another move."

"Can you handle it?"


"But everyone doesn't understand. I have consulted many financial experts, and they are not optimistic that you can win in the strategic direction."

Zhao Song shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently:

"But regardless of strategy or tactics, I can remain undefeated, and under Liao Yingzhu's command, I can at least make a profit."

Xu Liangying shook her head and asked puzzledly: "Why? Zhao Song, if you lose, you will offend a lot of people besides earning some money."

"who cares."


Seeing Xu Liangying's concerned and angry expression, Zhao Song put away his anxiety and patiently explained:

"First, in addition to making money, I want to open up the entire industry chain, which is not just the foundry industry, you should know this!"

Xu Liangying nodded.

"Second, it is to issue a warning to some flower growers!"

"Warning?" Xu Liangying looked at Zhao Song curiously, "What warning?"

"Sister, do you know that compared to the private capital of flower growers, I expect European and American capital to participate in my company."



Zhao Song said with far-sighted eyes, "American Capital, if it is exhausted, it will only lie on the manufacturing industry and suck blood.

However, the current and future flower-planting financial industry will eat up the manufacturing industry, chewing up even the bones. In the end, he turned his head and spat, and shouted disdainfully: 'Bah, low-end! ’”


Seeing Xu Liangying's shocked look, Zhao Song smiled, and solemnly said word by word: "Fantasy jumped around a few times and didn't clean it up, so everyone thinks I'm talkative, but it won't be long before everyone will be in Wanwan Seeing mountains of corpses and seas of blood, corpses scattered everywhere!

I want to show everyone who dares to think about me, what will happen if they mess with me! "

Thank you big brother tiangfhf for the huge reward.

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