Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 527: The Final Battle (7)

Putting Xu Liangying in the 798 park to work, the Mercedes-Benz team continued to move towards the city hall.

Until now, Ermao, the driver who had been silent all the time, swallowed with lingering fear and said:

"Brother, why do I feel that sister Xu is getting more and more scary?"


Zhao Song raised his head from the document in his hand, looked at Er Mao curiously through the rearview mirror, and asked:

"It stands to reason that you should hate her, but why are you afraid of her instead?"

"No hate."

Er Mao shook his head and said, "If sister Xu hadn't acted ahead of time and let my dad swear for a while longer, who knows what the more serious consequences would be?"

Ermao's father, that is, Zhao Song's old uncle, relying on Zhao Song's rise, can be regarded as the existence of chickens and dogs in Cang City, Beihe. , but was uncovered by Xu Liangying, just because she promised Zhao Song that she must mention that he took good care of the old Zhao family in Cangshi.

She has been doing very well, including sending Zhao Song's old uncle into the four walls. Of course, eating and drinking inside is indispensable.

Zhao Song sighed and said:

"Ermao, you can understand the whole old Zhao family, other people don't necessarily scold me so much."

"Hey" Er Mao looked at the road ahead seriously, and said helplessly, "Brother, I don't understand either, but you are the only one in our family who reads a lot. I believe you must have your own reasons."


At this moment, the convoy drove back onto the airport expressway. Zhao Song looked at Ermao helplessly through the rearview mirror, and said leisurely:

"This road leads directly to Dongzhimen, not far from there is the Imperial College, and next to the Imperial College, there is an alley.

The difference between that alley and many alleys in BJ is that.

It is full of yards with more than two entrances. "


Er Mao scanned the rearview mirror suspiciously, not understanding why Zhao Song suddenly mentioned this.

"A few days ago, all the courtyards in that alley were hung with anti-theft barbed wire overnight, and uniformed personnel were patrolling 24 hours a day."

Zhao Song leaned forward, patted Er Mao on the shoulder, and asked, "All the residents have been replaced by dignitaries. Do you know where the former residents have gone?"

"I don't know."

Er Mao suddenly felt a little cold in his body.

"I don't know either!"

Zhao Song leaned back in his chair and said solemnly: "Ermao, when you don't have the matching knowledge, qualifications, and social status,

Money is the source of disaster! "

Zhao Song still remembers a novel he read in his previous life, the name is also very distinctive, called "Star Smuggling in the 21st Century", it tells the story of a mathematician in contact with aliens, there is a plot in the book Interestingly, when the mathematician relied on his mathematical knowledge and won hundreds of millions of dollars by playing roulette in a Moroccan casino, he couldn't take it out at all, so he had to spend all the money locally.

The reason is very simple, because he has no ability to bring the money back!

In the same way, Zhao Song's rise is too fast, and there is too much money.

"Ermao, send a message to my family, saying that I, Zhao Song, have many enemies, please don't give others an excuse to deal with me, if I can do this, I will thank them."

Be in awe and stop what you do.

What are you in awe of?

Respect everything he should be in awe of!

Looking at the industries he is involved in, which one touches the core interests of the existing classes?

Asset-heavy, manufacturing, labor-intensive, and high-tech are all things that others are too lazy to play and save their own lives.

As for other industries, he didn't dare to enter. Even if he had to be involved, he would just pull the tiger's skin and pull the flag, and drink the poor leftover soup behind.

It's like Liao Yingzhu who is holding the banner of American Capital in Wanwan.

It seemed that he didn't even dare to pay attention to those planes that he didn't know whether they would actually take off. Since the past few days, he has gradually reduced his attention to newspapers and online current affairs news under the pretext of being busy.

Even the date of the upcoming one-kilometer supplier conference was proposed by others, and he agreed with it, the World Trade Center in Dog Day, and the Weiwei Group, which controls Tesla's channel in the United States, otherwise, dragging As for the supplier status of the Weiwei Group, it is good to leave Li Wei alone in the country. As for the others, can he control them? Does he have the ability to manage it?

As for the Wanwan stock market, Zhao Song never regarded that day as a black swan day at all. The foundry industry was just a gift he gave to Shenzhou; the whole industry chain was his goal, and the real black swan...

Maybe the top experts in the world can't predict that a certain lunatic is lobbying the highest level of a superpower to issue a

A Temporary Policy!

On August 28, 2001, in the afternoon, outside the gate of the capital city government.

The Mercedes-Benz convoy slowly stopped on the side of the road not far from the gate.

Ermao glanced at the crowd standing quietly outside the car, turned his head and reminded softly:

"Brother, we're here, they're all waiting for you."

Zhao Song nodded slightly, but did not move, but looked out of the car window.

There, stood a group of top students!

Grandpa Ni, Professor Zhou, Jiang Shangzhou, Li Qiang, Wan Hean, Li Deyin, Wu Ping and Chen Datong from the Spreadtrum team, as well as Li Liyou and Dong Xiaojian who were poached and returned to China soon.

They are all experts, and they are all academic masters. After more than ten years, this is the pillar of the semiconductor industry.

Now, they were all standing there, silently waiting for a young man.

"Ermao, imagine that more than 2,200 years ago, a group of men dressed in black stood on the top of a barren mountain, imagining and practicing the prosperous age that belonged to them with both love and non-aggression~"


Er Mao looked at the rearview mirror ignorantly.

Zhao Song ignored his gaze and continued talking to himself:

"They study mechanics, geometry, pinhole imaging, and space-time concepts; they expound on levers, inclined planes, and pulleys; among the eight great masters in the pre-Qin period, they are the only school that emphasizes the spirit of science and technology and science and engineering

That was more than 2,200 years ago! "


Ermao, who graduated from junior high school, really couldn't understand Zhao Song's brain circuit at this time.


Patting Er Mao's shoulder fiercely, Zhao Song ordered heavily:

"When my niece is born, if you dare not let her study hard, I will beat you!

If anyone dares to preach the theory that reading is useless in front of you, you can beat him!

Ten years from now, if these people don't become billionaires, everyone can smoke me! "


The car door is punched.


The doors close.

The messy Ermao was left alone, staring at Zhao Song's back with gritted teeth:

"Why would I have a daughter?"

In the largest meeting room of the city government, leaders and super leaders' secretaries gathered in it.

Today, they didn't have mouths, only eyes and ears, and a pen in their hands, quietly listening to a group of experts, professors, academic masters, and an undergraduate's scientific research report.

Two hours later, when Professor Zhou finished his last sentence and turned off the microphone, everyone at the scene turned their attention to the youngest person.

This is an internationally accepted meeting site arranged in accordance with "Robert's Rules of Procedure". Everyone can see Zhao Song, and Zhao Song can see everyone.

Putting down the manuscript, clearing his throat, and turning on the microphone without looking sideways, Zhao Song spoke unhurriedly:

"Leaders, the above is the presentation report (redefining foreign chips) by the chief scientists of the five companies Shenzhou Technology, Huahong Microelectronics, United Semiconductor, and DK Corporation.

Let me make a brief explanation: According to the reports of the scientists, I definitely assure the leaders that at this stage, the main board of the personal computer, except for the north and south bridge chips and the CPU, will start today. We can completely replace domestic products! "


The sound of air-conditioning came from the on-site meeting recorder.

"In Shanghai, the national negotiating team is negotiating with chip processing manufacturers in the United States and island countries, and is striving for the lowest batch processing fee for us."

"That's right, as everyone thinks, these chips will be processed abroad in the next two years until Huahong Microelectronics meets the technical requirements."

"Leaders, this briefing is not about asking the country for money, but about explaining to everyone the fact that for such a simple chip, we need at least two years of cultivation if we want to form a healthy industrial cycle!"

"How to cultivate?"

Finally someone spoke.

Zhao Song raised his head and glanced in the direction of the head of the conference room, and replied seriously:

"In the next two years, in the field of personal computer sales, under the premise of ensuring product quality and after-sales service, China will not make money, and will use it to cultivate several IC design companies."


Another burst of cold air.

"As compensation, Tesla will transfer the Guancheng Industrial Park to Shenzhou Technology at a low price before the second share reform.

In the next two years, Shenzhou will make profits in OEM, mobile phone products, wireless value-added services, and enterprise business customization services. "

Having said that, Zhao Song turned to the rostrum again: "Leader, we don't want money, we have money."



Several leaders at the rostrum glanced at each other and asked with a smile, "What's the problem?"

"Wan Wan!"

Zhao Song said solemnly: "There are many local fabless IC companies around Wanji Electronics, and they have absolute advantages in product quality and product cost."

"What do you suggest?"

Finally someone asked the real question.

However, Zhao Song shook his head and said, "I don't know."


In the silence, Zhao Song said softly:

"Leader, there is a lack of domestic semiconductor market, I use Shenzhou and Tesla to cultivate the market;

Short of talents, we have started to contact many universities such as Beijing Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing University of Science and Technology, Huaqing University, Shanghai Tongji University, and five major universities, and hired QS International Education Group as a consulting party, in microelectronics, computer engineering, mathematics, etc. In the professional field, let those college students participate in the production and development ecological chain of several major IC design companies to a large and high degree during school;

Lack of time, five years is not enough, ten years is not enough, ten years is not enough, twenty years, we have time, we are willing to wait, we can wait, as long as we can leave a small spark;

Lack of money? The shares of those companies under me, whether they are transferred or listed, I am willing to invest all the money I get. Leader, I have money, although it is not much, but it is not much. I don’t know how powerful the so-called national power is. , but what if my little money is enough? "

Yes, what if it works.

That is a trillion-level market!

For this market, regardless of success or failure, I dare to smash that Moore's Law to pieces!


What is a semiconductor?

In today's venue, if there must be a unified answer, then there is only one-money!

Unfortunately, the country has no money now.

In the silent venue, everyone looked at the young man seriously and earnestly!

No one would have imagined that a young man in his early twenties who is willing to settle down and devote everything to this bottomless industry.

And when the meeting place in the capital fell into silence, Liao Yingzhu, who was in Wanwan, used her coquettish operation to complete the acquisition of all Huashi's sell-offs, without spending a penny except for options!

A reborn person messed up time and space, making certain industries in this world chaotic.

Zhao Song is willing to be a chess piece, but as long as someone can place him where he should go, he will let everyone know that even a chess piece can

One word determines the world!

"Zhao Song."


"Go ahead and do what you have to do."


Found some logical errors.

I need two or three chapters.

do not guarantee.

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