Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 528: The Final Battle (7)

The next few days will be some calm days.


What Fengpingjing talked about was Zhao Song's life.

For Shenzhou, which was saving silently, Tesla on the eve of the outbreak, and many suppliers of these two amazing companies, it was a busy day.

There is no day and night, and there is no distinction between before and after meals. They have too many projects waiting to be developed, and they have countless products waiting to be launched. They are fighting for time and competing with competitors for time.

Also busy, there are countless international capitals.

The promising Tesla won the qualification to market globally at the cost of capital opening, but for those greedy capitals, the two-year waiting period was too long until they discovered the Wanwan stock market and saw Zhao Song When the personal representative Liao Yingzhu dominated the situation there, an unstoppable gluttonous feast began!

Especially on September 9, Beijing time, during the prime time of night in the United States on the other side of the ocean, the first episode of the eighth season of "Friends" with an average rating of more than 30 million was broadcast.

When the handsome Joey said 'Tesla' in colloquial terms, everyone knew that the Tesla trend was unstoppable.

9:00 a.m. Beijing time, Jinbao Street, Beijing.

The world's first picnic tent was erected at the Tesla Wangfujing Super Flagship Store, which opened on the second day.

At this time, there are still 24 hours before the global launch of Tesla Tpod classic.

Seven hours later, the No. 1 and No. 27 tents in the United States were set up at the Tesla flagship store on Fifth Avenue in New York.

2 hours later, Europe.

3 hours later, Japan.

4 hours later, the Middle East.

At this moment, for investment managers around the world, apart from cursing why Tesla is not a listed company, they can only turn their attention to Wanwan, and put it on the name of a company called Huashi Group.

Considering politics, economy, geography, and business relations, everyone f*cking knows that Liao Yingzhu's acquisition of Huashi by a company with a DNW skin is just an action to tease you, but everyone f*ckingly believes that he will never It is the last player to pass the flower by drumming.

"The flowers on the roadside are blooming

The fruit on the tree is waiting for someone to pick

Wait for someone to pick it."

Wanwan, Dingxian restaurant on the 58th floor of Building 101.

After morning tea, Liao Yingzhu, who signed a VAM contract by the way, clutched her belly and hummed, bouncing out of the private room like a happy bird.

It can be seen that she is in a good mood. Even in the lively lobby, she did not hide her broken voice, and even amplified her voice deliberately:

"Oh loo oh loo

Cello Cello Class Cello Cello Class

Guests from afar, please stay

Guests from far away, please stay

oh lo oh lo oh lo oh

The plump ears of grain are rippling in the wind

Expect people to cut it off and cut it off.”

The singing of 'Moldy Freeze' sang ambition and spirit, and also made the diners in the lobby frown—thanks to seeing this ugly girl singing, otherwise they would have thought this It's in the duck pen.

But in the lobby, there was an old man in his fifties and sixties who was terrified and frightened by the singing.

"Cut it off, cut it off, cut it off"

"ding ding ding"

Following the lyrics of "Cutting Down", the trembling chopsticks kept tapping on the edge of the bowl, playing a moving rhythm.


Lao Yuan held his right hand with his left hand, "Click." The chopsticks fell, and the rhythm disappeared.

"Liao, Sakura, Bamboo!"

Three words popped out of his mouth word by word, Lao Yuan no longer cared about the expensive morning tea, stood up tremblingly, and ran towards the elevator with trembling steps.

He talked about the picture of the ugly girl.

DNW is really teasing you. In the cold winter of the global IT industry, the high market value of the foundry sector of Wanwan now-do they deserve it?

Not worthy!

Everyone knows, everyone understands, but everyone is deliberately ignoring this point. In front of the wealth falling from the sky, countless people are yearning for an illusory thing-what if it happens?

Can't make it!

Lao Yuan knows better than anyone else, just based on his research on that bastard Chen who just took office in Wanwan day and night, even if DNW realizes the absolute control of Huashi, that fucking thing can mess it up.

The bubble must burst!

Like Zhao Song, the old Wanwan shareholder was very sure of this, but the difference was that he attributed the black swan to political risk.

"Xiao Li, don't ask, listen to me."

Lao Yuan was on the phone while running, "Clear! Clear all!

In five minutes, I will be in the trading room, and I hope that when I open the computer account, I can see all my money there. "

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone and walked quickly into the elevator.

‘The old woman has served me all my life, and when she gets old, I want to take her around the world, open a flower shop for her, enroll in a painting class, and realize all her dreams when she was young!

As for the others?

I control them to death! '

September 9, 10:30 am.

The Wanwan stock market opened, and the quotation of Huashi shares: 931.33.

At the same time, Beijing 798 Park ushered in the acceptance of the decoration of the 107th branch of Beijing One Kilometer Chain Convenience Group.

"Chaoyang Jiuxianqiao, the warm and humid monsoon blowing from the Pacific Ocean, the workers are growing wildly, and it is the busiest season for engineers - the product launch season. The large amount of carbohydrates brought by breakfast can maintain the body's needs after heavy labor. sucrose."

This contagious narration spewed out from Zhao Song's non-stop mouth, making people feel like walking into a documentary filming scene.

This is a large facade of the 798 Park, with full floor-to-ceiling glass windows, the unity of the sky, the ground and the wall, the warm white tone against it, the pure white double-tube fluorescent lamps, and the one-kilometer unified LOGO, making this a unique fashion convenience store .

The working group is doing the final inspection and acceptance in the replenishment room of the rear-entry refrigerator. At the cash register of the convenience store manager, Zhao Songzheng is frothing.

He looked left and saw Xiao Yu; looked right and saw Betty; looked in the middle, oh, that's Betty.

Although he didn't know how the three girls got together today, it wouldn't hinder his interest in showing off in front of the beauties.

Pointing to a steaming hot iron pot, Zhao Song said in a low voice with his family member Zhao Zhongxiang:

"In the huge iron pot, strings of meatballs are spinning and jumping in the soup. The gluten and tofu strings fully absorb the soup. All kinds of ingredients are simmered in a pot, and there is a trace of delicious harmony."

Betty tilted her head, with a bright face, flicking her specially tied ponytail, and asked with a smile:

"Kanto cooking?"

Zhao Song nodded, imitating the way of the islanders, and bent slightly towards Baili, "I found some national special chefs and improved the formula you gave me.

Betty, Arigatuo (thank you). "


Betty shook her head, holding back a smile in return:

"Zhao Song, what do you say thank you?"

"Hey, one more tacimethasite."


Several beauties looked at each other, apart from admiration that the buddy in front of him could speak Mandarin, they all felt that it was a bit weird for him to say this.

"Zhao Song."

Li Wei spoke, she knew Zhao Song too well, if she followed this topic, maybe this buddy would say something weird, "Can this thing make money?"

"Steaming hot, boiled in broth, rich in nutrition, available at any time, do you think that in business centers such as Guomao CBD, Financial Street, Zhongguancun, Shangdi, Shanghai Pudong, Nanjing Road, etc., for those white-collar workers Is it attractive?"

Li Wei nodded thoughtfully.

"In the next year, One Kilometer will implement an intensive site selection strategy for key areas in first-tier cities. In addition to deepening public awareness, it will also improve delivery efficiency and strengthen the effectiveness of advertising and promotions!"

Zhao Song looked at Li Wei, showing an unfathomable expression, and said leisurely:

"My goal is that in the next two years, in the first-tier cities across the country, no matter whether it is a commercial residential or commercial real estate project, I will use my project to settle in a one-kilometer convenience store and use it as a selling point to promote it!"

Internet+, hehe~

I hope that in more than ten years, those e-commerce giants will not stare red-eyed when they look at the one kilometer spread across large and medium-sized cities.

Strive to update every day, and then strive to update twice a day.

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