Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 529: The Final Battle (9)

In this golden age, Zhao Song has done a lot of business. Regarding the Internet, Zhao Song always has a feeling of ambiguity and nonsense.

It’s not that he doesn’t look down on that kind of feeling, and he doesn’t have the right to look down on him, although he understands the Internet better than most people (the so-called understanding means telling the experts about his shopping experience in Jingxi Mall , people can extract countless advanced ideas).

If he had to describe that feeling, Zhao Song could only come up with his lack of vocabulary and say:

There is a good reincarnation in the world, who will the heaven spare.

The Internet is invisible and intangible.

But it is a revolutionary industry that is about to bring about earth-shaking changes in the world. However, when it reaches its most glorious moment more than ten years later, people will find that the Internet floating in the clouds, if it does not land, is waiting for it It will be dark, especially for e-commerce.

Although the mouse is good, it is more competitive with cement; the Internet is too floating, and the integration with reality is the future trend in the future.

If you have to add some professional words, then it can be said that after B and B, C and C, B and C, it is.


Zhao Song, on the other hand, his hands are full of cement!

In the convenience store, Zhao Song gently placed his hand on the wall behind the cash register, feeling the thickness and firmness of the concrete wall, and showed an inexplicable smile. Then, he proudly said to Li Wei:

"I have worked as a 7-11 clerk, and I understand the aggregation effect and cost advantages of convenience stores when they scale up.

For us, the advanced experience of foreign counterparts is only a reference at most, and it will take a long time for one kilometer to form its own operation mode.

Item placement, welcome and farewell to customers, rules of favoritism for frequent customers, etc., have all been changed in line with national conditions. "

The three girls were listening attentively, Zhao Song was explaining in detail and patiently, he was telling Li Wei, the same thing, tonight at Aunt Wen Lihua's banquet, he would tell the boss of Jingpi.

Jingpi and Weiwei Group will be the most important partners of One Kilometer in the future, no matter how much Zhao Song attaches importance to it.

At this time, a few Shenzhou employees in bright yellow uniforms came in, said hello to Zhao Song, and got busy.

Zhao Song pointed to them and introduced: "One kilometer's payment and information systems will all be built by Shenzhou Technology, and here, the POS machine will truly return to its essential work-Point of Sales, a point-of-sale information management system.

All data collection and analysis work will be completed in the Shenzhou server data center. "

After finishing speaking, Zhao Song scratched his head involuntarily. He was thinking about the difference between what he said just now and the concept of 'big data'?

Li Wei glanced at Zhao Song with a smile, and then asked:

"The logistics service is three links and one delivery?"

"That's right."

"Beijing Approval?"

"I agreed to Jingpi, and will cooperate with it to expand in several other cities, at the cost of Jingpi's city-wide distribution system in Beijing."

This seems to be fast logistics! ?

Under the inexplicable eyes of the three women, Zhao Song scratched his head again.

This other N seems to be: big data + fast logistics + O2O

What about the platform?

Oh, Qi Qiangdong is still selling CDs in Zhonghai Mall.

I don't know if I'm going there now, is it qualified enough?

The above are Zhao Song's intense inner activities.

"Sorry, I suddenly remembered something."

Zhao Song said apologetically, and then walked out with the three daughters.

"Zhao Song, does One Kilometer accept investment?"

Li Wei still asked with a smile on her face, but anyone could see her serious attitude.

"Accepted, as long as the investor accepts that 1K will adopt a purchase, rather than lease, approach on the property."

"But this store seems to be rented, right?"

"That's right."

Zhao Song nodded and admitted, "Not only here, but also in some business districts, airports, railway stations, bus stations, distribution centers, wholesale markets and other places where properties cannot be bought, the leasing model will be adopted.

But Li Wei, what do you think is the difference between the property you rent in these places and the one you buy? "


Seeing Li Wei's silence, Zhao Song smiled casually: "I would rather share the relevant profits with my convenience store employees than let those landlords take advantage of it!"

Li Wei tilted her head and thought for a while, then continued to ask: "What about the three links and one link?"


Zhao Song's smile became brighter and brighter, "However, before our country's road system is perfect, do you think the three links and one link can be profitable?"

Seeing Zhao Song's fox-like smile, Li Wei blurted out: "We can."


Zhao Song didn't even think about it, so he interrupted Li Wei's words, "It is impossible for these companies to carry out any capital operations in a short period of time, so don't even think about it.

Moreover, the reason why countless suppliers like you are willing to cooperate with me is that I don't want to play capital operations, but can calm down and run the business seriously? "

It seems that what you said makes sense Yazi, but why do I feel that you are praising yourself?

Li Wei opened her mouth, but was finally speechless.

"Okay, ladies, the visit to the convenience store is over, and it's time for Betty, let's go to Yiren and declare war on the pimples on Xiao Yu's face!"

Zhao Song smiled and pulled up Xiaoyu who was pouting, like a bad uncle who was going to buy candy, and walked towards the Mercedes-Benz convoy not far away with the two beauties behind him.

That's right, it's the convoy, and now he is picked up by the convoy wherever he goes.

an hour later.

Sanlitun, Yiren.

Putting on loose clothes, Zhao Song lay quietly on the beauty bed. The room was quiet and comfortable, with fragrance wafting, and pleasant music, all of which made people feel relaxed and at ease.

Of course, he didn't believe in the gimmicks of guidance, maintenance, and restorative beauty. The reason why he was lying here was just to experience the feeling of the beautiful technician's delicate little hands touching his face.

Now that he is rich and a little petty, he has to feel that trembling and ecstatic feeling, not to mention his wife is not around.

As an honest man in the new era, if his wife is not by his side, he can spend as much time as he wants.

It has nothing to do with love, it's a man's nature, some men, the more honest they are, the more boring they are, Zhao Song

Suddenly, the background music changed, and a refreshing fragrance wafted in. Before Zhao Song opened his eyes, he heard the familiar melody.

"Bai Suzhen at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain

Cultivate this body in the cave for thousands of years


It's Betty.

The familiar body fragrance and familiar music made Zhao Song resist the throbbing in his heart, and gave up the plan to open his eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

"Get rid of acne marks for you~"

The whispering voice really lived up to her reputation as the best vase.

"Why didn't I know that Yiren, who is popular in the capital, needs the proprietress to fight in person?"

"Isn't there a special guest here?"

Like water like a song, melodious and melodious, people don't need to look at the person, just listen to the voice, and you can know what kind of touching girl she is.

Zhao Song slowly opened his eyes, and when he saw a face with bright eyes and white teeth, he was covered with a pair of delicate hands.

"Close your eyes."


Zhao Song obediently closed his eyes.

"The situation in Wanwan is so tense, why do you feel like you don't care?"

While rubbing Zhao Song's rough face blindly, Bai Li asked softly.

"I have done everything that needs to be done, and the rest is Liao Yingzhu's business."

Zhao Song secretly squinted his eyes, looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, and continued, "Besides, compared to the financial market, I care more about the healthy development of my subsidiaries, the development process of technology and products."


Bai Li patted Zhao Song's big cheek lightly, and said with a smile: "Only you can say such things."



Bai Li chuckled, and then asked seriously, "Zhao Song, if you win, how much money can you earn?"

".a lot of."

Zhao Song closed his eyes again, and said leisurely, "The people over there are crazy, so if I win, I can earn a lot."

"How much is a lot."

"Everyone thought I couldn't win."

"except me."

Bai Li withdrew her tender hand, turned on the beauty machine next to her, and continued to ask, "How much is it?"

"Dozens, or hundreds?"

Zhao Song endured the cold instrument on his face, "I don't know, why, do you want to borrow money?"

"No." Betty took the machine and fiddled with Zhao Song's face, and smiled, "I just think that such a rich and rich man is my friend, so I feel a sense of pride, and tell those in the circle Wake up, there is light on your face, too?"

Well, this is Betty, because of family factors, she has good knowledge, but not much ambition, and she is always trying to play the role of a vase, beautiful and charming.

Perhaps, this is the reason why she has been attracting bees and butterflies.

"Zhao Song, why doesn't Xiao Yu go to school?"

"I asked her for leave. The number of idle people around me suddenly increased these days, and brother-in-law Da Da suddenly sent me some bodyguards, so it's better to let Xiao Yu stay with me to be safe before the matter is over."

"Are you all right at home?"

Betty showed a trace of worry.

"It's all arranged."


Putting back the instrument in her hand, Betty hesitated for a while, and finally said: "

Zhao Song, when you're done, go to my house. My parents have been waiting for you. "

Zhao Song opened his eyes and looked at this girl with icy muscles and bones. In the past, because of her parents, he always regarded her as a big trouble. Now, those troubles are easy for him.

Under Bai Li's bright eyes, Zhao Song nodded solemnly and said with a smile:


Just for the business card you gave me, and for the fate of this life, no matter what the future holds, you can just be a vase with peace of mind, even if your parents are not here, there is still me!

In the evening, when the sun was setting, one big and one small strolled in the 798 Park.

The big one is full of smiles, and the small one is full of depression.


Seeing Zhao Song's happy look, Xiao Yu pouted unhappily.

Gently flicking Xiao Yu's ponytail, Zhao Song said with a smile:

"Didn't your sister Bai Li say that everything in the acne has been squeezed out, don't worry, there will be no scars."

"Brother, I'm humming at you."

Xiao Yu shouted while staring at her cute big eyes.


"Because Sister Linna just left, you are attracting flowers and butterflies everywhere."

"Didn't I accompany you to squeeze the pimples?"

Zhao Song was full of grievances.

"Squeeze the acne and squeeze it on the bed?"

"Is that a bed? That's a beauty bench."


Xiao Yu shook off Zhao Song's hand and walked quickly.

Zhao Song hurriedly chased after him.

"Okay, Xiao Yu, brother, pay attention next time."

"Never again?"

"How is it possible, go secretly, without letting you know, so that you won't be angry."



Zhao Song rubbed his trampled right foot twice, licked his face again and chased after him.

"Xiao Yu, just smile."


"Xiao Yu, where are you going to play tomorrow?"


"Xiaoyu, apart from doing business, my brother's greatest ability has never been shown to others. Do you want to know?"


"Hehe, you're curious, look at it, look at me, no one in the world knows how to use it.

Left foot right foot! "


this sabi

Staring blankly at the independent Zhao Song, Xiao Yu resisted the urge to swear, turned around and left.

"Hey, hey, don't go, I have another trick, do you want to see it?

look at me

Right foot left foot! "


"Haha, Xiao Yu laughed."


Xiao Yu proudly stretched out her little hand to Zhao Song.

Zhao Song smiled and held Xiao Yu, and walked slowly under the setting sun.

"Little rain."


"Tomorrow, I will take you to Wangfujing, and go to Tesla's largest flagship store in the world to see the grand launch of TPOD."


"Little rain."


"The day after tomorrow, let my brother stay by himself for a day."


The day after tomorrow is September 11th.

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