Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 533 One son decides the world (1)

sold out!

Liao Yingzhu in Wanwan 101 stared at the news broadcast dumbfounded, and looked at David who was equally shocked.

They thought the Tpod would be a hit, but they definitely didn't think it would be such a hit!

The whole of Asia is sold out within an hour on average, and the flagship store in Wangfujing, which is heavily deployed, only lasts until noon. They believe that when Tesla retail stores in Europe and the United States open one after another, and when those superstars come out one after another, the results achieved by those retail stores Never smaller than Asian ones!

You must know that there are still seven hours before the opening of the United States, but the length of the line on the Fifth Avenue has reached 300 meters.

". Liao."

David showed a strange expression, as if he saw God descending, and asked, swallowing his saliva, "What did Zhao Song say about the spare model?"

Liao Yingzhu was not surprised by the expression on David's face. If there was a mirror, she believed that her expression would not be much better.

She is not surprised that David suddenly mentioned the backup model, because the establishment of that model also has the credit of Morgan Stanley's chief analyst.

"He gave me an ecological environment for stocks and some trading techniques for over-the-counter financial products," Liao Yingzhu murmured, "then according to all the conditions he gave, we made a backup model, and the results completely conformed to his requirements. expected!


David nodded in confusion, and then Liao Yingzhu said: "So when Fantasia placed an order for Huashi and triggered the activation condition of the backup model, we only thought that he wanted to use this model to make profits with this shareholder style."

"That's right, apart from Tesla, Zhao Song has used almost all means, such as Shenzhou, state procurement, joint business group investment, Long Xiaoxiao incident, etc., to create such a big situation, we can only rely on information monopoly Advantage, earn some profit."

"Only fantasy, Asia's No. 1 fantasy giant order, can burst out such a big positive energy"

David followed Liao Yingzhu's words and said that the two of them seemed to be having a brainstorm, supplementing each other with a hazy train of thought.

Yes, ideas, because they never took the end result of that backup model seriously. However, now it seems

"Tesla has a great future and a promising future, but that's just the future, but the big order of Asia's No. Huashi’s stock price has turned upside down.”

"What now?"

David asked dumbfoundedly.

"Now?" Liao Yingzhu murmured, "The current Tesla is not the future, it is the present."


David suddenly wanted to go to a computer, and said as he walked, "I remember the last time I met Zhao Song. He asked me for two contact methods, one."

While speaking, David walked to the computer, quickly pressed the F5 key on the keyboard, and the news section on the screen was refreshed immediately. Then, he looked at the screen and said stiffly:

"One, it's Interbrand."

Liao Yingzhu followed David's line of sight, and saw a piece of news about Tesla published in a blue highlighted format on the headline of the news section on the screen:

"Sina News: Compared with previous years, the international brand consulting company Interbrand announced the top 100 international brand rankings one month earlier this year.

Newcomer Tesla ranked 58th on the list with an increase of 887%.

It is the shortest time in history to enter the list of companies, and at the same time, Tesla is the only company in the list with a growth rate of 3 digits.

Interbrand uses a proprietary brand value evaluation method to calculate brand value, and based on this, regularly releases the "Global Best Brand Ranking List" every year. Its value evaluation method has been certified by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 10668, and it is also the first brand consulting agency in the world to obtain this authoritative certification."


Liao Yingzhu pressed her undulating chest with her hands, and asked with difficulty:

"Who is the second contact?"

"To be precise, the second contact information is not what I want, but Nancy."


Liao Yingzhu pondered, and then her eyes lit up, Nancy, Time Warner, "Fortune"!


David pressed F5 again, "Here we come."

Liao Yingzhu heard the words and quickly looked at the screen:

“Fortune’s CEO said in an interview with the reporter of this website: Tesla’s performance today, it can be predicted that it will enter the world’s top 500 sooner or later. The difference is this year or next year.

For us, in addition to paying attention to the sales of Tpod in the rest of this year, Tesla's personal PC in the global high-end market, and the country of gamers in the European and American markets are also worthy of our attention! "

"World. Fortune 500!"

Liao Yingzhu's brain has been completely stunned, because she finally realized that in addition to being the financial director of the world's top 500 companies in the future, she is also a moderate shareholder.

"To be precise, it is the world's top 500 by revenue."

David turned his head, looked at Liao Yingzhu and asked, "Liao, what is the cost of Tpod"

"With the continuous investment in the Guancheng Industrial Park, after it forms a large-scale production, David, its cost will be lower than you imagined!"

David nodded lightly. After Zhao Song's incessant explanation, he understood better than countless European and American entrepreneurs the absolute advantage of flower planting and manufacturing in reducing costs.

"Liao, we."


Suddenly a ringtone interrupted David's words. Liao Yingzhu looked at the caller ID and quickly pressed the answer button. Then, a deep voice came from the phone:

"Have you seen the news?"

It's Zhao Song!

Looking at David, Liao Yingzhu quickly agreed:


"Tell me about your holdings."

"Except for the initial 5%, everything else is options, and options need the stock price to fall to make money."

"Huashi share price?"

Liao Yingzhu glanced at the big screen in the room, "jump up."

"Bamboo, don't wait, operate according to the backup model, and adapt to the rest."

"But Zhao Song."

"No but! Bamboo, I know what you have understood at this time, I just want to say that Tesla's 5% is nothing, if the people of Wanwan can unite, if they can find other flashpoints If you don't, the scene you want will not appear.


On the phone, Zhao Song said gloomyly, "Unless they seek death themselves!"

But that was a stock market crash! ! !

That's a stock market disaster that can leave corpses everywhere! ! ! ! !

Under David's gaze, Liao Yingzhu's body was shaking like chaff, and she asked palely, "Zhao Song, did you foresee the situation today?"


Zhao Song replied calmly, "The only thing I can do is to make Tesla on an equal footing with Huashi, Acer, and countless Gulf companies, and let Tesla change from a trader in the Gulf stock market to a I became a manipulator, and I didn't do other things, as for who contributed to today's situation, I believe you know better than me."



"Nicholas, I'm here."

Hearing Zhao Song calling him, David hurriedly stepped forward and spoke into the microphone.

"If Ms. Liao Yingzhu hesitates, or if her performance falls too far, I will give you full authorization and you will take over her duties."


Glancing at the pale Liao Yingzhu, David agreed blankly:

"Do not worry."


"Thank you too, Nicholas, I believe that for many European and American investment banks, Tesla is the best gift we have received this year!"

"Hehe, David, according to our agreement, it is not easy to get the shares you expected."

"We will work hard, please wait and see."

David said confidently that now, he has extremely strong confidence in Zhao Song, and understands the full meaning of the second phase of the agreement-Tesla does not want cash investment, because it is not short of money, what it wants is countless software The company, what it wants is to enter the most difficult and costly software engineering aspect at full speed!

If you want shares, you can only exchange them with some software companies with unique technologies.

"I hope so, David, I will wait for your good news in the capital, goodbye."


Liao Yingzhu hung up the phone in a daze, opened and closed her mouth, closed and opened again, and didn't say a word for a long time.


David, who has fought in the financial market all his life, did not show any expression of pity. He asked calmly, "Do you need me to take over?"


Liao Yingzhu said in a hoarse voice, "Give me 5 minutes, David, you know, the current situation is not caused by us!"

This ugly girl who is at a loss seems to be constantly looking for some excuses for herself, and it seems that only in this way can she calm down, "Since entering the Wanwan financial market, we have been making compromises, whether it is the domestic or the Wanwan stock market, We kept compromising, but David."

Slowly, Liao Yingzhu raised her head. Under David's gaze, she regained her composure, and she said expressionlessly, "They asked for everything!"

Some things, the kind of heart-piercing pain that you really give but can't get, is like this for first love, love, and the stock market!

In the Bible, God says to men and women: "Breakfast together, but not in the same bowl; and joy, but not in the same cup. Like two strings on a harp, You are separate and inseparable; like two pillars of a temple, you are separate and not separate."

This is like the distance between countless people and the stock market!

On the bustling streets of Wanwan, the sun is shining brightly, just like the extremely hot stock market.

The old man in a suit and leather shoes walked leisurely among them, his slightly aged face was radiant, his beard and hair were all white, like silver threads, shining with crystal silver light.

I don't know why, but since the morning, the old man has become very obsessed. He first washed himself carefully, put himself at attention, and then came to the trading room 101, under the sluggish gaze of the trader Xiao Li , Spent all 80% of the funds on Huashi stock-short!

"The remaining 20% ​​is the money to cover the position. Before it explodes, throw the money in for me!"

Then, half an hour before the stock market closed, Lao Yuan walked out of the 101 building and strolled on the busiest street in Taipei.

He heard that there is also a Tesla retail store here. It is said that it has nothing to do with Tesla. It was opened by some American capital and local wealthy families, but it can enjoy all the support of Tesla.

There are many people in the retail store, but the clerks wearing Tesla red T-shirts are busy in an orderly manner, and they can tell that they have undergone rigorous training.

Lao Yuan stood at the door of the store, watching everything calmly, looking at the price tags one by one, with the intuition of an old accountant, he can probably calculate the cost and gross profit of those products, and then look at the crowd in the store, and Tpod for an hour With the sold-out news, he knows better what kind of gold-swallowing behemoth the company in front of him will become!


Suddenly, a familiar prelude to music came.

Lao Yuan, like all the customers, looked up at the same time.



A group of girls in Wanwan national costumes rushed out, smiling, standing among the customers, clapping their hands and dancing to the music.

"Boom boom boom~"

Along with the dynamic music, Lao Yuan suddenly clapped his hands. He had heard this song before, not only from Liao Yingzhu's Napogong voice.

"Sing the time of harvest

sing about the prosperous motherland

We want to sing for happiness. "

44 years ago, Mr. Fan Yu paid 10 cents to sit in a teahouse by the Kunming Lake in the Summer Palace in Beijing, and filled in Chinese lyrics for this song while drinking tea. Since then, this song has been sung in the Chinese world.

If there is no accident, this song will not only be sung in Wanwan Tesla today, but in 2008, it will also be performed in the National Stadium "Bird's Nest", the closing ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games, performed by Jackie Chan , Andy Lau, Zhou Huajian, Karen Mok, Nicholas Tse, Joey Yung, Stefanie Sun, Sun Yue, Wang Feng, Liu Yuanyuan, Bai Xue, and Feng Ruili led the representatives of the 56 flower-growing families, and joined forces to complete the luxurious chorus of 68 singers - "Guests from afar, please stay" , which symbolizes the great integration of the world's nations, appeared as the finale program.

Yes, 56 nationalities, including Wanwan!

Zhao Song doesn't have any prejudice against this place. Like countless flower-growing children in mainland China, he is willing to uphold the greatest sincerity and goodwill to the people here. If he wants to come back, he can do whatever he wants. He can talk, compromise, and make concessions!

Any concessions! No matter how big the loss is!

Our mainland sons and daughters are willing to bear it!

Because the hardworking index of our people here is 100%!

Because the hard work index of our people is 100%!

What a pity~

This afternoon, at the moment when Wanwan Tesla's singing sounded, Zhao Song, who was located at 798 in the capital, looked to the southeast.

There, there is a city where Huashi and Fantasy are discussing the deployment of a factory expansion plan.

In that city, there are sweatshops of Wanwan businessmen all over the place. These factories have won the title of local outstanding enterprises for many years. The plaques are hung at the gate of the factories, and the bosses are often awarded the title of honorary citizens.

Most of the workers in the factory are between 12 and 30 years old. They work 365 days a year, with half a day off during the Mid-Autumn Festival and one day off during the Chinese New Year. The rest of the time is a normal shift of 12 hours a day, and often 14 hours a day. Only after the products produced by the workers are exported abroad with a price tag of US$14.99 can they get 0.01 yuan in RMB. They can produce 1,000 pieces in 12 hours a day, and the workers can earn 10 yuan a day.

What is the concept of 10 yuan? A volume of 5 comics is already 11 yuan. Just add another piece and you can get a roll! You only need to work 12 hours a day and work for 10 consecutive days, you can buy all 9 volumes and 45 copies of Saint Seiya, and you can get a piece of it, which is really a huge sum of money...

A monthly salary of RMB 300 is enough for you to buy three sets of Saint Seiya, and I will give you another 3 yuan. Just the 300, and one month's payment will be owed.

When workers get burnt out due to high-intensity labor, the mantra of the factory management to care for workers is: Don’t want to do it? I don't want to jump off a building!

Nine years later, the thirteen consecutive jumps entered the public eye.

In that city, the hospital's amputated limb replantation technology is the world's number one. Just like this, countless workers were born without being healed.

On the deep visible bone wound of cousin Zhao Song, only a band-aid given by the supervisor of the assembly line was pasted!

Zhao Song understands the pain of development!

But leaving aside small factories and certain private enterprises, you are a Fortune 500 company!

But can we stop treating mainland workers as dogs?

It was wild dogs who returned his M!

Mazu's dream?


Why didn't Mazu let you die?

"Cello cylo cylo oh lo oh

Guests from afar, please stay

Guests from far away, please stay

oh lo oh lo oh lo oh

singing the harvest time

sing about the prosperous motherland

Let's sing for happiness"

Wanwan, see you tomorrow!

Two in one today, more than yesterday's Doha.

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