Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 532: The Final Battle (12)


The street was silent.



On Wangfujing and Jinbao Street, even all the large screens in the entire capital and all the super-large cities in the country suddenly flickered.


Among the crowd, the digital enthusiasts from the advertising company cheered up and stared intently at the big screen closest to him.


Countless cameras with red lights flashing, facing the crowd, the screen, and the super flagship store, transmitted the images to all over the world in the first place.


The world's major investment banks, major leaders, David, Liao Yingzhu, Zhang Jianmou, Shi Xuebin and countless veterans looked at the TV screen with anticipation, solemnity, or interest.

They know that Tesla Tpod classic's super-large publicity plan, the last advertisement created by Zhao Song himself, will be staged soon!



Outside the Tesla store in Wangfujing, the queue is 1,100 meters long.

What is an ad!

The literal meaning of advertising is to advertise widely, and word of mouth is the most basic form of advertising communication, and it is also the link in the marketing chain that is most likely to cause explosive effects. Advertising is an important part of today's brand marketing chain, occupying a large market budget of international brands and the lifeblood of brand budgets of emerging companies.

On a larger scale, the original intention of advertising is a thinking system that covers marketing.

However, in this world, there is a peerless genius who does not agree with this explanation. If there is no reborn person, that peerless genius will tell the world that the highest state of advertising is to redefine a company!

Mr. Steve Jobs, a peerless genius who made the reborn fearful and trembling, devoted all his energy, countless money, and united countless corporate organizations to stop it.

On September 10, 2001, on this day, the blockade reached its climax.

That subversive advertisement was taken out by Zhao Song in advance!

Apple is too old and too complicated. Before the peerless genius is not fully in power, it can only move forward.

And Tesla is very young, so young that it can be ruled by a young man, it can rebel at any time, and go to extremes at any time, because these methods have been proved by the peerless genius Steve Jobs!


The words of Jack Kerouac, the author of "The Beat Generation" and "On the Road", after 44 years, are once again recited by a young man in this world.

The difference with Apple is that this classic advertisement has been artificially lowered. The former historical figures no longer appear, but are replaced by people around them, which is the most sincere tribute of a tech nerd.

At the same time, in the Pingchang Industrial Park, the assembly lines gradually stopped running, and the data display screen above the head showed the scene of Wangfujing.

In Zhonghai, Jingjiyuan, Shenzhen, and Tesla retail stores around the world, all the clerks stopped their busy movements and raised their heads expectantly.

"This advertisement is not only for consumers around the world, it is also dedicated to each of my partners, everyone who has worked hard for that product."

In the island country, Yan City, Xinyan County, in a corner of the folk house in the middle of the field ridge, there is a family business with a grinding and processing history of more than 90 years.

The wind whistled through the gaps in the walls. In this old and dim wooden factory, five grinders and technicians were seriously processing the mirror surface of the metal backplane.

Seeing these scenes, I am afraid that no one can believe that a metal mirror luster that is about to shock the world will be processed from the hands of these five technicians.

Turning off the specially ordered TB polishing cloth wheel, Xiaolin stood up, stretched tiredly, took two steps, and then turned on the only shareholder TV in the workshop under the watchful eyes of his colleagues.

His name is Xiaolin, the chairman of this company, and the name of the company is Xiaolin Yanye. He vaguely remembered what the young man said to him when he took the order:

"Grinding out an 800-grade mirror surface, the name Tesla will be licensed to you for free."

He still remembers that today seems to be the day when the color version of the product in his hand will be launched.

In the dark, it seemed that there was a kind of inspiration that made him stand up and turn on the TV.


Muffled drums, a dark screen.


The technicians all looked up.


They were dumbfounded.

"That's Kobayashi-kun."

The first still photo on TV is Kobayashi!

Accompanied by the young voice reading aloud, the other four craftsmen and technicians stood up one after another. They patted the metal dust on the tooling, and then stood respectfully.

"Here's to the crazy ones.

Salute to those crazy people again!

They go their own way, rebellious and troublesome.

Like a round peg in a square hole.

They view the world differently. "

On the TV, photos flashed non-stop. Except for Xiao Lin, countless people who were giggling, laughing, and at a loss appeared on it one after another, and they appeared there in conjunction with Zhao Song's young voice reciting, or praising.

No one laughed at them, no one dared to laugh at them, and no one was qualified to laugh at them.

Xiao Lin, dumb Liu, Li Qiang, Professor Zhou, and even David. And countless engineers from Wesonic, Wuming, Texas Instruments, Global Semiconductor, Foxconn, and Intel.

Assembly line workers, quality control supervisors, EDA design engineers, chip manufacturing engineers, craftsmen, design masters, and top experts and professors who pioneered various manufacturing processes all appeared one after another.

In Wanwan 101, David tremblingly looked at Liao Yingzhu, his slightly red eyes exuded doubts.

Liao Yingzhu Weiwei smiled:

"The boss said, you are the top financial engineer, as long as you are willing, this company destined to be great will always have your share!"


David was silent, nodded solemnly, and said hoarsely, "Thank you!"

After finishing speaking, they continued to look at the TV, where the young voice continued to recite:

"They don't follow the rules,

Uneasy about the status quo.

You can support them, disagree with them, praise them or belittle them.

But you just can't ignore them.

Because they change things.

They push humanity forward.

Some consider them madmen,

And we see them as geniuses.

Because, only people crazy enough to think they can change the world,

are the ones who do.

Only then can we truly change the world! "

“Think Different!”


This is Tesla, the maverick Tesla, just that cool, that's just that wayward.

We serve the geniuses who want to change the world, and you? Love to buy, buy, not to buy.

Get out~~


At 8:40, the super flagship store opened to welcome customers, and the first-generation Tpod classic was officially launched.

Twenty minutes later, all Tesla retail stores in Asia opened.

An hour later, the first batch of 400,000 cars in Tesla Asia was delivered.

sold out!

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