Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 531: The Final Battle (11)

Everyone who has lived near Wangfujing has his own Wangfujing in his heart.

Ups and downs in life, complicated society, people or things, joy or sorrow, all have personal experience. People and things have the imprint of the times. The landscape of Wangfujing has undergone reform and opening up, and the streetscape has changed dramatically. It is as spacious and beautiful as a world-class pedestrian street, and its prosperity and civilization are comparable to those of the same kind in the world.

With the demolition of Dongdan No. 2 and No. 3, the modern Oriental Plaza stands erect, and Wangfujing seems to be always on the way to keep pace with the times.

Pedestrians on the street wear a variety of clothes, changing from the monotonous dress of either blue or gray. The vicissitudes of the sea, the mausoleum relocation and the valley change, what you hear and see, will move you with no matter how much emotion you feel.

So, on this morning of September 10th, colorful flags fluttered, billboards were displayed, Tesla side brand promotion and product announcements were made, and the first street for planting flowers on the screen - Wangfujing Street.


Two people, one big and one small, walked through the crowd holding hands.

They walked through the long queue, avoiding the inquiring eyes of interested people, and came to the opposite side of Tesla's super flagship store.

"There are so many people!"

Xiao Yu, who was wearing a sun hat, praised.

"of course!"

Zhao Song raised his head proudly, revealing his chubby chin, with two folds of flesh looming, his arrogant appearance, like a portrait of Erha who finally bit the sofa to pieces, triumphant.

"For such a product, 4,377 full-time Tesla employees, more than 5,000 sales staff around the world, and more than 2,000 interns all participated.

136 companies, scientific research institutes, and colleges cooperated in operations.

There are 97 patents, 19 integrated scientific research achievements, and 7 derivative products, forming an ecological chain of online music copyright.

The cost of research and development was 273 million US dollars.

The estimated publicity cost is US$112 million.

All of these add up to form this perfect product - Tpod classic! "


Xiaoyu tilted her head cutely and thought for a while, with her limited brain capacity, she couldn't think of what Zhao Song said was so great, so she could only nod her head seemingly seriously, and said to Zhao Song seriously:


I pour!

Seeing Xiao Yu's appearance, Zhao Song's head was full of black lines.

At this time, there was the sound of footsteps approaching behind him, so he had no choice but to hold back the helplessness in his heart for the cow playing the piano, and continued to pretend that nothing had happened.

Now, no one can approach him at will, unless it is someone who has already arranged. So at this moment, possessed by a powerful acting school, I saw him gently pulling the ponytail under the brim of the light rain hat, and said deeply:

"Xiao Yu, all of the above are nothing, do you know what makes me most proud?"


There was the faint sound of starting up digital products from behind.


Xiaoyu blinked her big eyes, looked at the serious Zhao Song in doubt, thought for a long time, and then reluctantly praised:

"What is it?"

"It's the world premiere!"

Zhao Song raised his finger, slowly thinking about the large Tpod billboard not far away.

"It is I who keep 50% of the output of the No. 1 assembly line for sale in our motherland!"

The finger continued to move down, pointing to the long queue.

"There is no differential treatment!"

"It is I who will let the best consumers in the world enjoy the best products in the world, and the most sound and fastest after-sales service!"

Tpod classic is the best gift for consumers in this country, or .

A Love Song at its best.


The store door opened and the crowd surged.

Armed police soldiers and Tesla employees joined hands to form a human wall, trying to maintain order on Wangfujing Street.

At this time, two young and beautiful female shop assistants walked out of the retail store and dragged the first female customer to the center of the spacious pedestrian street.

"I'm Xu Xinfei, please get ready for the welcome ceremony performers, please get ready for the welcome guests, and open the store immediately after the ceremony is over.

Please pay attention to all departments. We are the first Tesla retail store to open a store in the world. Please be prepared to maintain order and ensure customer safety! "


"Please prepare for the music, the countdown begins."







Three handsome handsome guys walked out of the store step by step in a triangle shape. They held a bright blood-red rose in their hands with their left hands behind their backs and their right hands in front of their chests. Exhibiting a modern British style.

The female customer who was standing in the middle of the empty pedestrian street, enjoying the attention of all the people, changed from bewildered to unbelievable. She covered her hands, her eyes were red, and she looked at the three handsome men in surprise.

The young woman who was not pregnant, took the three roses, and the female customer looked at the three handsome men surrounded by her incoherently, and was about to say something, but the exclamation and the dynamic music prelude came from her ears.


"My God, that's the Firebird."


Electronic music, rock and roll, supplemented by ethnic elements are interspersed in it. Even if they have been retired for many years, the music of the Firebird trio is still at the forefront of this era.

They are youthful, passionate, singing and dancing. They have traveled to Xiangjiang, Shenzhen, Hainan, Fuzhou, Shanghai, Beijing and other places in order to survive. They have suffered and tasted the taste of wandering. They were once very popular For a while, his net worth did not skyrocket, but he never gave up his dream of music.

The godfathers of flower electronic music are not self-proclaimed, but the affirmation of the three young men by the insiders!

This is Tesla, the Tesla of the florist, and it should be the singer of the florist!

"Which youth is not passionate

Who is not pregnant with young girls

hurriedly walking in the vast crowd

The colorful world is colorful

With passionate eyes, I look left and right

In the distance is your flowery face"

The singing stopped, the volume of the electronic music increased, and the dynamic rhythm became faster and faster.


Suddenly, the doors of shops on both sides of the pedestrian street opened wide, and female college students from the Beijing Dance Academy in national costumes ran out one after another.

Time seemed to stand still. All the media finally reacted to this sudden advance performance. The cameras were set up and the large crane was lifted into the air. A sense of a super-large performance image immediately appeared in front of all the audience.

They looked enviously and jealously at the teary-eyed female customer in the crowd, wishing they could step forward and replace her.

"The rocks of Osaka Castle are hard and flat.

Watermelon is big and sweet

Girls in Osaka City have long braids

two beautiful eyes

If you marry, don't marry someone else

You must marry me."

Singing and dancing together, like the singing of one person, the neat dance, the strong visual impact, shocked everyone's heart and mind.

For this effect, countless late nights have left behind the sweat and pain of this group of youthful girls on the pedestrian street below.

This is Tesla, the Tesla of the world, and the Tesla of florists. It is dedicated to florists and consumers. In addition to perfect products, there are also perfect performances.

This is the most perfect "Love Song" given to all flower growers by a reborn person.

"Put her wish in song

Close your eyes and reach out to hold you tightly

quietly waiting for your answer

But wait and wait for a warm wind."

In the eyes of everyone who was still interested, the singing ended.

The three young men took the female customer's hand, and surrounded by female college students from the dance academy, they slowly returned to the forefront of the line, and then entered the flagship store one after another.

The female customer opened her mouth wide, just about to say something, suddenly


The deafening drumbeat sounded again.

Another chapter, please read what the author said.

Up to now, a large part of my achievements are supported by old readers.

So because of the update relationship, I try to avoid the annoying problem of broken chapters.

Write as much as possible when the plot is big.

The timeline of the ad in the next chapter is wrong, and it is also the only ad in the VIP chapter that has a large gap with the real time. It serves the plot, please understand.

It takes a lot of energy. There are not many chapters in this volume. I can’t guarantee the speed. I can only say that I need to use my brain more to ensure the quality and try to make the plot logical.


Thank you for still reading.

at last:

Please stay safe during the Chinese New Year!

Everything is safe.

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