Walking in the spacious and tidy golden aisle of Zhonghai Electronics Mall, there are fashion-forward walk-in counters on both sides, and the white marble floor under your feet is wiped by the cleaning lady so that the color of the underwear of women in skirts can be seen. On the north and south sides of the Golden Passage, 14 passages extend east-west, thus forming the largest single-floor electronic store in the country.

The case with metallic luster, the assortment of PCB board products, and the neatly arranged packaged CPU are illuminated with colorful brilliance under the dazzling lights.

Here is Huahua Capital, Zhongguancun Zhonghai, and the largest electronic product hypermarket in the north. Rows of customers, shop assistants rushing back and forth, and red-faced bargaining voices are not uncommon in this era in stores across the country, but it is a unique scene in the world.

This is the florist, the astonishingly powerful 1.3 billion consumer market, a market that makes countless merchants jealous to the bone.

There are too many disasters happening in the world every moment, so instead of describing the bloody stock market that is happening in Wanwan 101, just look at Zhonghai, how prosperous it is, how depressed it is in 101; how colorful it is, 101 is just as bleak.

Today, in this dazzling array of electronic hypermarkets, what is different from the past is that the signboard of "Huashi quality, rock solid" can no longer be seen. Countless counters and shopkeepers in the walk-in counters are busy giving a A beautifully packaged Huashi board card, optical storage, display and other products are boxed and packed, and then sent to their respective cooperative channel vendors. After that, it is a matter of the upper channel, which has nothing to do with them. They only know: Be sure to find all Huashi products in the counter, the more the quantity, the more hot-selling products from Tesla and Shenzhou Technology they can get, which also means that they can earn more profits and commissions!

Rock solid high quality? Known as the king of stockpiling, the motherboard of the Tesla Gamer Nation is no worse than it; high quality and low price performance? Shenzhou Technology launched a new motherboard in almost a week, from low-end, mid-range, to mid-to-high end, covering almost all product lines except the player kingdom field. As for accusing Shenzhou of copying the best layout products on the market? I'm sorry, since Qingyun Board won the lawsuit against Tesla for plagiarism, it is equivalent to the flower planting government and the law endorsing Shenzhou Technology's plagiarism. Moreover, this is a weapon personally given to Zhao Song by the Wanwan manufacturer—plagiarism, nothing No need for extreme plagiarism, shameless plagiarism!

That's right, this is naked malicious business competition with partners and friends under the protection of extreme local protectionism!

The target of competition is the Wanwan manufacturers who consider themselves high-ranking citizens; the scope of malicious competition is the entire mainland of the motherland, including Suzhou City, where the Shenzhou Third Industrial Park, which has invested more than Huashi, has begun to break ground.

This is a very interesting thing: since the opening, it seems that only Zhao Song, a young businessman, dares to tear his face and do such a thing.

Young and inexperienced is the excuse that most people in the upper class find for him. However, the ongoing industrial structure adjustment experiment of Zhao Song's department is the reason why he can act recklessly. Zhao Song is spending money and mobilizing social resources by himself. The bottom end of the smiling curve of the semiconductor industry chain - production, manufacturing and sales are climbing to the top. Many people are waiting to see how much social benefits his experiment can bring.

Zhonghai, mall management and Tesla channel office.

At this time, the most unsafe conference call line in the world has been dialed. God knows how many people have cut into this line to eavesdrop through various technologies, but Zhao Song doesn't care. The whole world already knows what he is going to do. , what he is doing is what all entities in the world want to do.

Following Ding Tao's nod, Zhao Song realized that all the executives of his subsidiaries were online, so he drank his saliva, cleared his throat, and prepared to speak.

There is no way, except for Wuming Technology, none of his companies have serious office and meeting places, which is also a sequela of too fast development.

"At 8 o'clock in the evening on March 17 last year, there was heavy rain in New Mexico, USA, with lightning and thunder. The lightning caused a sudden increase in voltage, and sparks from nowhere ignited the workshop of Philips No. 22 chip factory. A fire broke out, but the losses caused by the fire could not be recovered. Plastic crystal lattices were thrown all over the ground, and 8 rows of wafers enough to produce thousands of mobile phones were burnt and stuck to the electric furnace. Water flooded the shop floor, destroying millions of chips that were being prepared for production. A senior Philips manager said that between the sprinkler head of the fire hydrant and the floor, almost all the bad things happened."

The office was very quiet, and there was no sound from the speaker on the landline. Ding Tao also looked at Zhao Song in surprise. He originally thought that Zhao Song should congratulate him on his victory in the financial market first.

"This fire that lasted for 10 minutes actually affected two of the world's largest mobile phone manufacturers in Europe thousands of miles away. Because 40% of the chips in this factory are ordered by Nokia and Ericsson, in addition to more than 30 Small factories also ordered from this chip factory. What is even more unexpected is that the fire helped Nokia and hurt Ericsson. Because after the fire, the RFC chip that processed radio signals lost its source.

The takeover of the matter is: Nokia has found an alternate supplier, and Ericsson announced its withdrawal from mobile phone production on January 26 this year! "

Ding Tao suddenly realized, and the executives on the phone also understood what Zhao Song was going to say.

"supply chain!"

Zhao Song knocked on the table and said loudly:

"For such a thing, we have suffered, been deceived, beaten up, and even wept for a few broken hard drives in the Pacific Ocean opposite!

For such a thing, my teachers and I have fought against each other several times, and we have fought against all the big channel dealers in China; even those complete machine companies of fantasy bullied us several times!

For such a thing, I gave up a lot of shares and money in various companies, and even endured the humiliation and humiliation, and then launched a commercial war, a financial war, and offended almost all my colleagues who could be offended! "


Standing in front of the desk, Ding Tao seemed to be thinking of something from the past, his eyes were slightly red. For him who has grown up, it seems that he can't control his emotions as long as he is in front of Zhao Song.

"Recently, some people have been analyzing my behavior at the national and national level. I just want to say that they think highly of me. I am just working hard for all my companies, all my employees, shareholders and personal interests. Down a supply chain!"


"Because of the country we live in, because of the ideological differences between the East and the West in the world, and because of the nature of our high-tech industry, almost every political, military, economic, and trade event can become the one that happened in New Mexico. The blaze has been devastating to our supply chain."


"So, we have to stand on every level of the industry's smile curve to look at the problem!"

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