Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 542: The Decisive Battle Begins

"We won the financial war."

In the office, the speech was still going on, Zhao Song's speech was still going on, I saw him staring at the landline, as if he was talking to someone, and said every word:

"No matter what means they use, I can tell you with certainty that we will win!"

In Wanwan Hsinchu, Zhang Jianmou stared at the landline with gloomy eyes.

In Zhonghai, the capital city, Zhao Song laughed a little and continued:

"We will win the financial war and prevent certain companies from raising funds for their counter-cyclical expansion plans. However, their recent industrial alliance strategy wants to go the same way as counter-cyclical expansion-eliminating dissidents, controlling prices, and monopolizing the market. Purpose."

Zhao Song picked up a chapter single watch, looked at it and said:

"Finance to finance, alliance to alliance. In terms of semiconductor production alliance, Mr. He Lao, chairman of Huahong Microelectronics, will take the lead; in terms of semiconductor materials and manufacturing equipment, the two chairman of Jingcheng Electric Control and Youyan Group will lead the integration and Contact enterprises and leaders of all parties; in the field of LCD panels, BOE will be in charge; in the field of semiconductor IC design, Datang, United Semiconductor, Jiutian Huada and other enterprises will jointly lead; in the electronic terminal product industry, Shenzhou Technology, Huaqing Tongfang will be responsible , Huaqi Information, Tesla Technology and other three state-owned and private enterprises jointly negotiated; in the home appliance industry."

Familiar names, shocking industries, when they came out of Zhao Song's mouth, not only Ding Tao, Captain Hong and others at the scene, but also countless people on the other end of the phone could feel this. Amazing energy from young people! If it is said that everything is in response to several industry alliance meetings in Wanwan, no one will believe it. This is a huge chessboard, but now it is being stirred up by Zhao Song, a small chess piece.

At this moment, in the quiet office, next to the silent telephone, Zhao Song was silent for a long time before slowly saying:

"When the U.S. stock market opened, it was when I had money, not much, but definitely not much. For business managers, I can give you an immature advice on how to get money from me. suggestion:

That is to learn Wuming technology.

Under the leadership of President Xu Liangying, now Wuming is not only the world's largest chassis IDM factory, but also has signed hundreds of large orders with more than 20 domestic and international mobile phone manufacturers such as casing OEM and mold processing.

In the field of technology, Wuming Technology has reached a consensus with the NB Municipal Government to participate in the shareholding reform of Kangqiang Electronics. If all goes well, in the near future, apart from the above-mentioned business scope, Wuming Technology will formally participate in the field of semiconductor manufacturing, involving the R\u0026D and production of products and materials such as lead frames, bonding wires, electrode wires and production frames.

In this regard, my attitude is: to do my best to support, to ask people to give, to ask money for money! "


"Wanwan, a province of one island, a small place, has risen relying on the talent training plan of the United States in the late 1970s. It is nothing to worry about (nonsense). To deal with it, I alone is enough (nonsense), and what you have to do is : Manage the company, cultivate (snatch) talents, and research and develop technology.

I understand the difficulty of doing this, and I also have enough patience. If 100 million is not enough, it will be 1 billion, and if 1 billion is not enough, it will be 10 billion; if one year does not make it 10 years, if 10 years does not make it 20 years!

My only hope is that you can make every penny I spend worthwhile; you can do your best to build a whole industry supply chain for Shenzhou, Tesla, and ourselves !


Break up the meeting. "

There is no report or inquiry, the meeting is not like a meeting, and a speech like chicken soup is more like conveying some kind of signal to some people.

Ding Tao put the teacup in front of Zhao Song and asked suspiciously:

"I thought you would be a mobilizer for the decisive battle."

"Mobilize what?"

Zhao Song said angrily, "If Huashi is killed, they still have Gigabyte and MSI. If Acer is killed, they still have BenQ. What's more terrifying is that they have dabbled in everything from optical storage to network peripherals. As for the upstream In the semiconductor industry, there is a gap of more than ten years between us and others, what is the decisive battle? What is the decisive battle?"

Ding Tao didn't understand:

"Then what were we doing before?"

"Prevent them from raising funds through the financial market, and then beat it in the stock market, so that all stakeholders except Zhang Jianmou feel: If I am not allowed to achieve my goal, then this kind of short-selling in the stock market will have no end To continue, let them believe that I can rely on the rapid development of Shenzhou Technology and Tesla, and I have the ability and courage to do this.”

Ding Tao was thoughtful, and finally asked:

"Then today's speech?"

“Send a signal to the top that my attitude and goals have never changed, and the money I earn will be spent there.”

Ding Tao nodded and agreed:

"This can also dispel a lot of coveted eyes from the outside world."

"That's right, and the upper management is encouraging me like this." Zhao Song added with a smile, then raised his head proudly and asked, "Do you know who the chairman of Huahong Semiconductor is?"

"A retired elder."

Ding Tao gave him a covert look.

Zhao Song continued arrogantly: "So let me participate in Huahong, which in itself shows that I have an encouraging attitude towards me."

Ding Tao shrugged and said nothing.

Zhao Song didn't care, and continued:

"In fact, in order to deal with Wanji Electric, I have been asking the country for a policy from the beginning to the end, not a 'purchasing opinion', but a policy!

I know, and Zhang Jianmou also knows that I know that he still has a last resort to deal with us, and once it is implemented, we will be powerless. "

Ding Tao nodded in agreement with a serious face, and six words popped out of his mouth:

"Fab foundry cuts prices!"


Zhao Song said with emotion, "Ding Tao, it's just a matter of trembling for the last time, do what we should do, try to do our best, and let the higher-ups see our determination, our ability, and the height we can achieve in the future. At that time, I believe that the once unattainable good wish will definitely appear."

"Understood, do your best with your best abilities!"

On September 12, 2001, when the U.S. stock market was closed, Zhonghua Shenzhou and the four major electronic product distributors announced that they would abandon Huashi Group’s full-line product agency.

Before finding a new agent, except for free retail channels, Huashi products will disappear in all electronic malls in Huahua Continent.

This is the second time Huashi’s stock price crashed after Chen Erdan’s insane remarks. At the same time, affected by Huashi’s avalanche and the unexpected incident the day before, the share prices of major IT terminal manufacturers in Bay Bay have plummeted.

At 13:30, the Wanwan stock market closed, and Huashi’s share price closed at 187.87. As for Bay Electron

After receiving the news that major state-owned enterprises in the mainland will form various industry alliances, Wanji Electric's stock price closed at 50.56.

Afterwards, Zhao Song's speech began to spread within a certain range. In the words of a certain big shot "Look again", some black hands reaching out to Zhao Song were completely cut off.

This news has indeed played a great deterrent effect on Wanwan and many people who are jealous of Zhao Song's money.

But for the managers of Zhao Song enterprises, these are not what they should consider. As the saying goes, life is endless and fighting is endless. They have grown up from fighting, and they must continue to fight. As for the entanglement of the upper class, of course, Zhao Song, who has grown up, will shield them from the wind and rain.

16:00 in the afternoon.

Organized by Shenzhou Science and Technology, attended by the State Information Office, and participated by many domestic and foreign mobile terminal and ISP manufacturers such as Zhonghua Telecom, Zhonghua Unicom, ZTE, Kejian, Bird, TCL, Panda, Amoi, CECT, Nokia, etc. "Production and Product Quality Briefing Session" appeared in major mainstream media without warning. This move of Shenzhou to compete for OEM orders from Wanwan is particularly eye-catching if combined with two other news:

First, as of September 12, ZTE has obtained PSH commercial bureaus in 9 cities in 5 provinces.

Second, Shenzhou Technology announced that after long-term testing, its 5 PHS smart mobile phones in 10 colors will be launched on September 13 with ZTE Commercial Bureau.

Starting from Huashi, of course it must end with Huashi. Although the time was very short, on September 12th, the Zhao Song family's counterattack across the board included two areas at the bottom of the smile curve:

Manufacturing and sales, OEM!

The decisive battle is fully launched.

Ningbo Kangqiang Electronics 002119. It mainly produces various types of semiconductor plastic-encapsulated lead frames, bonding wires, electrode wires, and special equipment required for the production of frames. The company was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on March 2, 2007.

In the field of semiconductor lead frames, it ranks eighth in the world. Among them, in the field of etching frames, it is the only domestic manufacturer that can supply large-scale supplies.

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