In 2001, in the cold winter of the semiconductor industry, the vacancy rate of the global FAB factory production line reached more than 40%. In the personal PC field, the largest terminal market, if there is no Zhao Song's messy chess piece, then even in the flower planter, the most potential in the world In China's consumer market, the year-on-year growth rate of its sales is also negative.

This is the cruelest and bloodiest industry. In this industry, there are no outlets and no shortcuts. There is only one way to survive and develop, and that is to spend money!

In the industry cycle, spend money on research and development; in the counter cycle of the industry, spend money to expand production lines.

If you don't follow suit, you can only see the backs of your competitors. If you follow suit, you may not necessarily succeed. Take a look at SRDAM memory. From the current dozens of manufacturers to the three oligarchs of Four Star, Hynix, and Micron more than ten years later, there are always countless examples of killing themselves on the road of throwing money.

But it is these examples that prove that in addition to pursuing more advanced technology, there is another way to success——

What Zhao Song wanted to do was the same thing.

It's just that one is a communications provider doing national procurement business; the other is an electronic terminal provider doing business in the personal consumer market.

No one is difficult or easy, some are just the strength of the opponent.

And Zhao Song's opponent is the weakest, but also the strongest.

On the 17th, the price of Jidian was reduced, and the IC design companies around it gave all the profits to the terminal manufacturers.

The buildings of Huashi, Gigabyte, MSI and many other manufacturers are brightly lit, and it is self-evident what they are doing.

The entire ecological chain system finally showed its hideous weapons.


"What can I do? I have nothing!"

Wancheng Mansion.

Under Xingsheng's gaze, Zhao Song opened a bottle of full-English red wine, poured it into a goblet, swirled it twice, drank it in one gulp, then swung it in his mouth twice, spit it out, and finally, solemnly Take out a can of Coca-Cola and carefully pour it into a goblet.

"What are you doing?"

Prosperity is full of black lines.

"Wash your mouth~"

Zhao Song glanced at Xiaoyu's bedroom, "My sister is only allowed to drink one can of Coke a week, so why don't you enjoy it with a sense of ritual?"

Xingsheng pointed at the red wine bottle dumbfounded: "Do you know that one sip just now can top several boxes of Coke?"

"Man is rich!"

Zhao Song waved his hand indifferently, then shook his head and lowered his voice and said, "I am only rich, from design and manufacturing to product popularity, I am behind in all aspects.

Their price reduction is still a healthy ecological cycle, what about me? When the money I earn in the financial market is gone, when is my death! "

Xingsheng sighed and scratched his head dejectedly. As representatives of several major distributors, they were already tied to Zhao Song. Unexpectedly, a price reduction measure by Jidian brought Zhao Song back to his original form.

"I can only rely on it?"


Zhao Song nodded earnestly, and said as a matter of course, "As long as there is a problem in any industry, we should shout about industrialization and marketization.

Educational industrialization, medical industrialization, and pension industrialization.

You see, as a pioneer and passer-by in the industrialization and marketization of semiconductors, I didn’t ask for a penny, should I give me something in return? "

Xingsheng bowed his head and pondered for a long time before he shook his head decisively and said, "Don't talk about it and stabilize the general direction, how can you make up your mind just relying on one family?"

"Why only?"

Zhao Song pointed to the west angrily, "The first set of equipment is already being shipped. In order to make these production lines run smoothly in two years, I have visited many research institutes and state-owned institutions these days.

place an order! I will place an order for real money. And researchers who have made outstanding contributions to technological progress will be rewarded!

Brother, this is the promotion of the entire industry chain, how can Shenzhou be the only company?

Protect Shenzhou and keep the market opened up by Shenzhou. In the future, we will be able to form a healthy attitude like Wanwan, and we will have more manufacturing equipment and materials than them! "

"Those beautiful ideas, do you guarantee that they will come true?"

Xingsheng interrupted Zhao Song mercilessly.

"You promise it won't happen?"

Zhao Song stared back with burning eyes.


Xingsheng shook his head, "So..."

"So you have to compromise?"

Zhao Song shot back and interrupted Xingsheng, "It involves the employment of tens of thousands of people, do you think this is my decision alone?

My team doesn't know that it is the best solution to get the best of both worlds by having the chips manufactured by Wanji Electronics? But what about the future?

The combination of the design unit and the FAB factory can promote the development of technology. As far as the attitude of Jidian is concerned, can it be expected that it will promote each other with us in the future?

So in the future, will the supply chain of my enterprise be stuck by Jidian? "


Looking at the silent prosperity, Zhao Song patiently explained, not knowing if he was explaining to him or to the people behind him:

"We're going to fight. It's not my decision alone, it's the whole team.

Because we have to look at it to determine the level of investment in the integrated circuit industry in the future. "

Speaking of this, Zhao Song took a sip of Coca-Cola before sighing, "This industry is too special, and we can't do it alone. After all, what we have to consider is the life and death of tens of thousands of employees behind us."


Xingsheng leaned over, leaned in front of Zhao Song, and asked solemnly, "I mean, what if, what if you don't come down?"

"Brother, can a living person be suffocated by urine?"

Zhao Song pushed Xingsheng's big head back with a smile, "Then let's make a compromise, let Jidian OEM in the future, and terminal operators will compete in a fair and just market.

However, all the money we earn from the financial market will not be invested in this industry. "

Xingsheng's eyes were fixed: "Where are you going?"

"Dig sand, dig mines, build houses, engage in finance, I heard that some commercial banks are going to reform the shareholding system?"

Xingsheng looked at Zhao Song dumbfounded.

"By the way, in order to prevent Tesla and Shenzhou from being stuck by manufacturers like Wanji Electric in the future, I will dig rare earths. Because there is a lot of money, the scale may be larger..."


Xingsheng glared and gritted his teeth: "Do you want to poke a hornet's nest?"


Zhao Song responded, baring his teeth and shaking his sore right hand, roaring angrily:

"Then tell those hornet's nests, if you want to prevent me from stretching out my hand, you can fucking find me a relationship!

Tell them that there is no way for me to lower the price of Wanji electricity! I have no choice!

I want policies, because I want to keep the results of the battle, and I want Shenzhou Technology to survive more brilliantly! "



Of course a living person cannot be suffocated to death by urine. Zhao Song is an adult, so of course he knows how to live if one road fails, let alone running a business? How can you give up on yourself and become a rich man.

Tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of property and lives are on the body, which is quite unreasonable.

Although he is not the richest man Wang, Papa Ma, etc. with super personal strength, standing behind him is a team, each with extraordinary abilities.

If this road fails, they still have countless ways to go, because he is a reborn person.

Those who observe the trend are wise, those who grasp the trend are wise, and those who control the trend are unrivaled in the world

After seeing off Xingsheng, Zhao Song withdrew his blushing expression, drank Coke and listened to songs contentedly, and then picked up Xiaoyu's English homework.

Immediately, there was another rush of blood.

"Wei Mingyu~"

"What are you doing?"

"You're in high school, how can you even do simple English grammar wrong?"

".Bad foundation."

Seemingly unreasonable, Xiao Yu lowered the volume.


Zhao Song took a deep breath and strode into Xiaoyu's bedroom:

"I am married to your sister-in-law, it is the prerogative.

After getting married and giving birth to you, you are the subject, the predicate, and the guest.

Later, another one was born, which is the subject, the predicate, the guest, and the guest.

When you grow up and get married and have children, you are the subject, the predicate, the object, and the object complement.

Many years later, your sister-in-law was getting old and decrepit, so I found another young woman named 'Couple Verb', and gave birth to a baby named 'Biao', which is Lord, Department, Biao! "


Xiaoyu blinked her cute big eyes, and it took her a long time to realize it. Her eyes lit up, and she clapped her hands and called out:

"Brother, I'm going to sue Sister Linna, saying that you want to find the younger one!"

".I beat you to death!"

Around Shanghai Huahong, there are many IC design companies, among which Shanghai Lingxin Microelectronics Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in power management IC, and its founder is the descendant of the first generation of semiconductor people in China.

Interesting fact: In 2007, in order to seek domestic alternatives, Huawei asked Lingxin to copy a chip from a famous company in Wanwan for it. It is a power supply chip for DDR2 power supply. When semtech company defined one for intel, only because intel did not accept a single supplier, so semtech informed onsemi of the definition. As for when the Wanwan manufacturer started to copy it, I don’t know.

. . . . . . .

PS: I am a layman, majoring in accounting at university, I will introduce what I know, please forgive me for any inappropriateness.

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