Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 547 Decisive Battle (2)

In the room, the confrontation scene has reached a fever pitch.

Xiao Yu stiffened his neck, Zhao Song stared, and the brother and sister refused to give in to each other.

"What's the use of learning English?"

"I will use it when I go abroad with me in the future."

"You translate for me."

"What about when you communicate with foreigners?"

"No communication, they smell too strong."

"How about reading books in foreign languages?"

"I don't have time, I can't even read Chinese."


Zhao Song took a deep breath, put down his raised right hand, and said earnestly:

"Student Wei Mingyu, with the popularization of the Internet, you will receive more and more information every day in the future. Learning more now is to build your own knowledge system, which will serve as a firewall for your thoughts and help you identify the truth of online information. Fake, good or bad!"

"I am on the Chinese website, what does it have to do with English?"

Wei Mingyu did not back down.

"Because we are copying foreign experience in everything except ZZ, and there are many outdated, outdated, conservative, and even retrogressive experiences. If you don't learn a foreign language well, how will you know what is true or false, good or bad?"


Seeing that Xiaoyu's attitude was a little loose, Zhao Song quickly made persistent efforts and said:

"In 1769 when Venus approached the Sun, the British wanted to use trigonometric functions to calculate the distance between the sun and the earth, and sent fleets to various parts of the world. In order to calculate more accurate values, they sent a huge fleet to the South Pacific.

Yu, do you know what they got in return? "

Wei Mingyu tilted his head and looked at his brother boredly. He really couldn't think of the relationship between the distance from the earth to the sun and her, so he responded:

"Did they figure it out?"

"They got Australia and New Zealand!"


Xiao Yu's eyes widened.

"Do you know how big those two islands are? Do you know how many minerals and wealth are there?"


"Admit ignorance, dare to explore the unknown, and you will get unimaginable rewards!"

Zhao Song rubbed Xiao Yu's ponytail, "Maybe knowledge won't make you rich, but at least it won't make you a fool!"


"Xiaoyu, this is for you, and it is also for myself, we

mutual encouragement! "

After finishing speaking, Zhao Song walked out the door dejectedly.

The industry he wants to enter, knowledge is the most important, but unfortunately, it is the area where knowledge is the most backward... (industry)

September 18.

The panic selling of US stocks is still going on. If there is no accident, this tragic process will last for a week.

Of course, Wanwan will not stay out of this big event that caused an impact of 1.4 trillion yuan.

At 10:30, the Wanwan stock market opened at 3330 points, once again creating the lowest point since 1990, and marching bravely towards the lowest point in history.

At 10:45, David, president of Morgan Stanley and chief representative of DNW Capital, said at the media briefing:

After repeated failures to communicate with the Wanwan authorities, DNW announced that it would completely abandon the Huashi Group's acquisition plan.

Five minutes later, the mirage of Huashi shares built by all kinds of beautiful lies collapsed, and the benchmark price of 89.99 was ready for more violent smashing.

DNW's acquisition accounts were all liquidated, and what it lost was the highly leveraged hedging made by the genius Liao Yingzhu with more than 13 million.

But this day is the 18th, the option delivery day, Zhao Song's life was only American Capital.

At 10:15, Wanwan Heli Capital declared bankruptcy!


At 10:46, seven Wanwan-listed investment banks fell below their issue prices.


At 12:40, DNW completed all the liquidation work at the fastest speed regardless of cost, and the funds arrived in the account one after another.

At 13:15, 14.1 billion US dollars were collected in one place. At this moment, no financial institution dared to undertake any financial product transactions with this fund.

At 13:20, under the eyes of everyone, DNW opened a brand new stock trading account.

At 13:29, 1 lot of Wanji Electric stock was traded in this account.

Declare war!

This good show, which took more than half a year, finally ushered in the duel of two final bosses.

One, wily; one, young and fearless!

"Reduce the price? Come! Let me see the power of your 200 billion-level ecosystem. I'm waiting!"

Come on then.

14:00 is.

Gigabyte, MSI, Qingyun, Biostar, Elite, ASRock, ADATA, Kimbang, Apacer and other first- and second-tier board manufacturers, Acer, BenQ and other complete machine manufacturers have screened major media in mainland China, and 815SE motherboards from first-tier manufacturers below 1,000 yuan , P4 machines below 10,000 yuan have appeared one after another, which has shocked countless eyeballs, and at the same time, it also represents that this unprecedented marketing campaign for the school season has reached its climax!

17:00. In the Zhonghai electronics market, even if Zhao Song also holds the title of director of Zhonghai’s management office, the management staff of Zhonghai had to pinch their noses and took down two products from Shenzhou Technology from Zhonghai’s sales list and replaced them with Wan Bay brand.

At 17:30, half an hour before China Shipping closed its business, under the witness of several media, the number of customers received by China Shipping once again created a new record.

The Wanwan department finally showed its due strength in front of everyone

At the same time, Xiaohe West Road.

As soon as the luxurious Da Ben stopped on the side of the road, Ding Tao hurriedly got out of the car, and then walked towards the three 2 Audi A8 ahead.



Seeing the sweat on Ding Tao's forehead, Zhao Song frowned:

"It's the boss, what is it like to be in a panic?"


Ding Tao smiled wryly and shook his head, too lazy to talk to the boss who was running around, and reported the business directly:

"The most elite financial personnel of Zhongguancun Holdings, Tesla, and Shenzhou have gathered together, and Aunt Wen is in charge."

Ding Tao glanced at the document in his hand, and continued, "Aunt Wen estimates based on the existing information, whether it is Wanji Electric or those terminal factories, there is still a lot of room for price reduction."

"I am very sure of that."

Zhao Song nodded affirmatively, "I need to know how big that space is tomorrow morning."

"It should be about the same time."

After Ding Tao finished speaking, he put his hand on the doorknob. Everyone in the Zhao Song Department was very busy on this crucial matter, "That's right."

When I opened the car door, I turned around and said, "The directors of Shenzhou asked me to tell you that before the board products are reduced to the cost price, your personal subsidies will not be needed, and all losses will be borne by Shenzhou!"


Zhao Song asked with interest, "Are they so kind?"

Ding Tao looked at him in surprise: "You don't know?"

"What should I know?"

"The PHS is selling like crazy, and I received another big order this morning."


Zhao Song pondered for a moment, and then let Ding Tao go after he whispered something in Ding Tao's ear.

Ten minutes later, the official website of Shenzhou Science and Technology Group released a simple announcement. There was no official resignation or promotion notice, just a simple announcement.

At this time, there were only 15 minutes left before Zhonghai closed.


"The CPU needs to be a Pentium 4 800, and the motherboard is 815 SE. Dude, are you sure you don't have Huashi?"

In Zhonghai, in Lao Feng's shop, a young college student seriously explained to the clerk.

"No, even if Huashi does a lot of promotion, if you look for it in the national market, you can't find it."

"Let's go for Gigabyte, a top-tier manufacturer and an old brand, so you can use it just because the name is there."

After finishing speaking, the college student confirmed to the buddy again, "Are you sure that Gigabyte is also at a promotional price of 990?"


Helpless, the buddy nodded for the fifth time at this question.

"The memory needs to be 128M, Wanwan ADATA, are you sure it is the same price as Shenzhou Red Bar?"


"That's it"

Before the college student could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Lao Feng who stepped forward.

"Little brother, look at this."

The monitor in front of Lao Feng turned to the direction of the college students, and there was a blood-red announcement on it, which made it impossible not to pay attention.

"In order to protect the rights and interests of Shenzhou consumers, and in line with the responsible attitude of a large company, we hereby announce that Shenzhou Technology Group will guarantee the price of all consumers who purchase domestic replacement boards and complete machines!"

The college student raised his head and asked in a daze, "What does this mean?"

Old Feng smiled and replied casually:

"During the memory war a few months ago, Zhao Song made such an announcement. As a result, in the next few days at that time, the price reduction of memory reached a maximum of 150%!"


The college student swallowed his saliva, and it took him a long time to react. He stared blankly at the buddy, and said loudly with red eyes:

"Change Shenzhou!"

"Which one to change?"


The business war may kill a few Wanji terminal manufacturers, but it will never win the compromise of Wanji Electronics.

Zhao Song is not wandering around, he feels at ease with those strong partners in the business war, but he needs to start from another side, the two-pronged approach is the kingly way.

The first goal is the Jingji Institute.

Xiaohe West Road, outside the gate of Jingji Institute.

Tingting's figure was approaching slowly, Zhao Song got out of the car, smiled and waved over there:

"Hello, Betty."

I didn't write about finance and political struggles, and I didn't mention the risks. Just those things, I have written many rebirth articles, so I don't need to mention it.

PS: The first target is not Betty.

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