Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 548: Decisive Battle (3)

White shirt, jeans, beautiful woman Bai Xiaoli; her front is convex, her back is curled up, and her long hair flutters.

"What brand of clothes is this?"

Following Zhao Song's line of sight, Betty lowered her head and extended her orchid finger to the bitch beside her.

"Ah oh~"

In the autumn evening, there is no yellow wind blowing from Mongolia in winter, and there is no torrential rain with hail in the dog days. The sky is so high, so blue, so bright. There is a saying circulating on the Internet: In autumn, the capital becomes Beiping. It seems to be telling people that the capital is so beautiful in autumn.

Beijing Institute of Mechanical Engineering in Peking is not Huaqing University or Beijing University, but it is still beautiful and moving in the hearts of countless students from their alma mater.

In the evening, stepping on the golden ginkgo leaves, listening to the singing of the Eastern Witch on the radio, the blue of the western mountains and the northern mountains in the distance has deepened a little. The golden campus gate is such a beautiful picture.

Suddenly, the students stopped their idle steps and turned their eyes to the gate, where a pair of people walked slowly amidst the singing of the Oriental Witch.

The richest man in planting flowers, a global singer, and a beautiful senior who started a business at school, these are these legendary seniors who made the admission score of Jingji Academy reach an unimaginable height this year; it is these seniors who made Jingji The second college, the college, has become no longer ordinary.

Zhao Song walked beside Bai Li, nodding to the familiar alumni, and said to Bai Li:

"You know, my biggest contribution to our alma mater is not building a library, nor improving the competitiveness of the school in disguise."

Betty turned her head and asked curiously, "What is that?"

"It was today that I taught them the most important lesson in life together with you!"

Zhao Song tilted his head, glanced at the beauty around him, "Tell them, in the materialistic society of the future, wealth and beauty are the best match."

Everyone in the school knows that he has a girlfriend, but when he walked with Bai Meili today, no one gave him a look of disdain

It's nice to have money!


Resisting the urge to pinch people with her orchid fingers, Betty frowned beautifully: "Are you also so unprofessional in managing the company?"

"I don't manage the company, I only manage the managers and the R\u0026D and design department."

Zhao Song took out a PDA and shook it twice in front of Bai Li, "The monthly bill is tens of thousands, just to know the level of each manager, so as to decide whether he will go or stay."


Betty asked with interest.

"You already know about ERP?" Zhao Song rolled his eyes and said, "I'll get you a Tesla internship card later, so you can experience it yourself.

Now, down to business. "


Betty pouted as if she was cute, "You recruited my brother-in-law, did the school agree?"

"Nonsense, otherwise what would I do with you?"

Pretty women seem to recognize godbrothers and godbrothers, and the super-scholar who specializes in robotics at the Beijing Institute of Mechanical Engineering seems to be unable to escape this phenomenon. The shrewd Betty has long tied this potential stock on the spare tire list.

"He has a very clear plan for the future, so he wants to know your plan clearly."

Betty thought for a while and continued, "And today I am his staff."

Ten minutes later, the machine tool workshop of Jingji Institute.


Under the unbearable gaze of a tall young man, Zhao Song patted the stupid robot.


He commented in his heart.

Then, he turned to face the young man and Betty, and introduced:

"Zhejiang Province has plans to participate in semiconductor investment. I made an opinion, and everyone was very interested. This matter became led by the Ministry of Industry to establish a semiconductor equipment manufacturing company with Zhejiang Province as the main body."

Bai Li looked at Zhao Song in surprise: "Didn't you buy several sets of equipment from America?"

Zhao Song rolled his eyes and explained helplessly: "It's chip manufacturing equipment, and many raw materials still need to be imported, so you think the United States will be so stupid and sell it to me so easily?"


The tall young man scratched his head and looked at Betty, the "god sister" again.

"Can you tell me more about the situation?"

"Zhejiang University, Xi'an University of Technology, and Beijing are led by me to pull out all the elites from the 7** factory that originally belonged to the newly established Seven Star Huachuang, set up a research and development team, concentrate resources, and jointly tackle key problems. The goal is"

Under the gaze of Bai Li and the tall young man, Zhao Song raised his right hand to a very high place:

"Single crystal furnace!"

He turned a blind eye to the bewildered expressions of the two, and continued, "The Beijing team will be responsible for the technical research of the quartz crucible, graphite crucible, heater, and heat insulation layer."

In the quiet workshop, only Zhao Song's sonorous and powerful voice returned:

"Silicon wafers, strategic-grade material materials, because of the technical threshold of this industry, the degree of monopoly is the highest in the semiconductor material industry, lithography machines are difficult, only three manufacturers are doing it, silicon wafers are also few, and there are only five major manufacturers.

The island nation Shin-Etsu, the island nation SUMCO, Wanwan Global Wafer, Germany Siltronic and South Korea LG Siltron, five companies monopolize 92% of the global silicon wafer materials. "

The tall young man glanced at Bai Li again, and asked dully:

"What can I do?"

"You're a catfish who can bring those old engineers to life!"

Zhao Song pointed to the top student of the Beijing Institute of Mechanical Engineering. His name was Li Junfeng. Although he didn't know his future achievements, Zhao Song needed such a top student, this kind of young R\u0026D personnel.

"There will be a team of academicians from Zhejiang University. Among them is Cao Jianwei, a doctoral student majoring in mechatronic engineering. He will take on the responsibility of overall planning. A doctoral genius no less than you!"

Li Junfeng only graduated with a master's degree.

"Mr. Zhao, you know, I just want to be a robot"


Under Li Junfeng's distressed gaze, Zhao Song tapped the fool again twice:

"Sony has abandoned the companion robot project, any idea why?"


"Until the software algorithms are developed to a certain extent, your robotics plans can only be dreams.

In two years, if you can make achievements in the R\u0026D team in Beijing, I can give you the chance to realize your dream. "


"Don't worry."

Zhao Song pressed his hands down, smiled lightly and said:

"My investment strategy is to invest in people. This time I invested in Cao Jianwei. For you, these two years are just a preliminary inspection."

Betty frowned and asked dissatisfiedly:

"What's the meaning?"

"Two years of research and development of single crystal furnaces, get a doctorate, and then enter the real inspection period - industrial robots. Ten years later, I hope that the production workshops of Shenzhou, Wuming, Shanshi and countless other Zhaosong enterprises can use us. Own industrial robot."

Zhao Song stared at Li Junfeng sharply, "If you can pass this long investigation period, then you can start your dream - the intelligent robot project. At that time, all the software engineering departments under the Zhao Song Department will be backed by you !"

"Words of Industrial Robots"

Betty continued to be dissatisfied, "Why is there no Tesla purchase?"


Zhao Song smiled lightly, shook his head and walked out the door:

"It's not to underestimate Senior Li, but Tesla must use the best machines on the planet.

Senior Li, you only have one day to think about it.

Betty, goodbye. "

At the same time, an investment of 3 million yuan was remitted to the special account. In Zhejiang Province, a Jingsheng Electromechanical company officially entered the intense preparation stage.

In this way, the most elite forces in the single crystal furnace projects of Xi'an University of Technology Crystal Technology, North Huachuang, and Zhejiang Jingsheng Electromechanical in the previous life were artificially integrated together to concentrate resources and launch the first wave of impact on semiconductor manufacturing equipment. .

An hour later, a Boeing 737 took off from Beijing Capital Airport.

Under the attention of countless people, Zhao Song, the richest flower planter, officially started his journey of layout of the entire industrial chain with the first batch of gains in the financial market.

The second goal - Shanghai Xinyang.

Zhao Song disdained to tackle key problems, lobby, and rely on relationships. He just wanted to prove to the higher-ups with practical actions that he would keep his promise and move forward, but...

"One person is too little, and one person is not enough. I can do it alone, but I need real support to let me know that what I am doing alone is meaningful."

An hour later, "The Lonely Retrograde", written by Ms. Qiu Shan of the big volleyball team, was published on major online media.

The article tells the story of a young rich man who is lonely and retrograde in the siege of half sea water and half flame.

15 hours later, at 9:00 on September 19th.

Shenzhou price reduction.

The counterattack begins!

Single crystal furnace manufacturers: North Huachuang, Zhejiang Jingsheng Electromechanical, Xi'an University of Technology Crystal Technology, BJ Jingyuntong Technology.

Shanghai Xinyang, the second largest shareholder of Shanghai Xinsheng (silicon wafer manufacturer), will be introduced later.

In the field of silicon wafers, China is launching a full-scale attack on 8-inch and 12-inch mass production and supply targets.

Finally, to remind readers:

Don't read books to speculate in stocks! Don't read books to speculate in stocks! Don't read books to speculate in stocks!

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