Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 551: Decisive Battle (Countdown)

The bustling Zhongguancun Street goes south and crosses the Sitong Bridge, and it becomes Zhongguancun South Street. Jingcheng University of Technology and Minzu University are located on the west side of this street.

Opposite the two universities, south of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, is the flagship store of Aoyou Internet Cafe, which Zhao Song once served.

Here, no matter morning or evening, no matter day or night, there will always be a lively scene.

Some people are calling for friends, some are playing shemale in a penguin, some are yelling, "Darkness", "Dragon", "Magic", "Red Police" are still lingering, and "Legend" is the main force , looking at the fanaticism and concentration of countless people, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a spiritual opium.

Of course, there is also "A Chinese Journey to the West", which has already started its journey of making money. On the computer screen, two or three rough guys are operating the enchanting Wu Tianji, who is running 40 rings. The guy who is lucky enough to get two dragon scales, Excited like winning the lottery.

Next to the Internet cafe cashier, in the living room with the door closed.

Chen Ning withdrew his gaze from the outside, and introduced to the channel business guests invited by a party:

"All the computers in the entire A area outside use Shenzhou's domestically produced substitute products. It has been a full three months so far, and there has not been a single serious quality problem."

Several big distributors looked at each other, and Xingsheng asked on behalf of everyone:

"That is to say, until now, Shenzhou has completed the product quality testing process for domestic substitution?"

Li Bowei on the side nodded and said, "It can be said that although things were done in a hurry, the result is not bad."

Speaking of this, Li Bowei shrugged his shoulders, his face full of helplessness, "You also know that Chairman Zhao is a quick temper."

Prosperity is noncommittal:

"Invite us over today, what's the matter?"

"Get rich, get rich together!"

Chen Ning smiled and said, "Let's make a fortune together."

Li Bowei glanced helplessly at the second generation Chen Ning, and then sent the information in his hand to several distributors, introducing:

"This is the timetable for Shenzhou's listing on the US stock market."

The distributors all showed expressions of interest and watched carefully.

"Time is tight and there are many contradictions. The biggest contradiction is the issue of Shenzhou pricing."

Li Bowei explained in detail, "This is the biggest reason why the board of directors of Shenzhou fully supports the chairman."

"What's the meaning?"

Xingsheng frowned, and asked unhappily. As a member of the board of directors of Shenzhou, he was very dissatisfied with not knowing the news.

"Cutting down prices to compete for the market is a management decision. What I said just now is the private consideration of representatives of major shareholders. I believe that Mr. Xing also has his own thoughts about the behavior of the chairman in private, right?"


Xingsheng nodded, and stretched out his hand to signal Li Bowei to continue.

"Shenzhou's popularity and production capacity are the biggest conflicts between us and foreign investment banks and stock underwriters."

Li Bowei continued to introduce, pointing to the information in the hands of the dealers, "The second page is the performance of Shenzhou in the four most critical competitiveness indicators after nearly a month of price cuts and large investment in publicity and distribution:

The popularity ranks third in the country, the mention rate ranks second, the quality satisfaction ranks third, and the expected purchase rate ranks second! "


At this time, a channel businessman asked doubtfully: "Can I know who is the first?"

Hearing this, Chen Ning on the side rolled his eyes and replied: "Tesla, the number one is Tesla! If you want me to say, Tesla should be removed from this list, otherwise anyone will let the official media , The party media’s propaganda like this must be number one.”

"If you have the ability to develop a product that sells well all over the world, I guarantee that the official media will also promote you every day!"

Xingsheng choked angrily.

"Hey~ look at my temper."

Li Bowei quickly grabbed the irritable Chen Ning, and after a few words of reassurance, he continued to introduce: "From page 4 onwards, it is the production capacity expansion of Shenzhou Technology in the past month."

"How come there are so many?"

Some people are surprised.

"Because of the price reduction, because of the market war!"

Li Bowei also picked up the information, and said while reading, "As of yesterday, after the third-tier brand Soltek announced its insolvency and since the market war, a total of 13 mainboard brands have declared bankruptcy, and 5 second- and third-tier brands have issued pre-loss reports. announcement."

"Everyone knows that in the field of IT manufacturing, our country has 'exit barriers', and price wars cannot eliminate these enterprises. Even if failed brands exit, their production capacity will not exit. Through asset restructuring and other methods, they will Production has started."

After explaining this, everyone suddenly realized.


"Yes, it is Shenzhou that has accepted the factories of these brands, 7 factories in 3 places, that is to say, within a month ago, Shenzhou's production capacity has doubled. I believe that when Guancheng Industrial Park and Suzhou Industrial Park And after the second phase of the project has been put into production, the production capacity problem that plagued Shenzhou Technology will no longer be a problem!"


Xingsheng glanced at his excited companion and asked suspiciously:

"What are you telling us about this?"

Li Bowei replied with a light smile: "Just like Director Chen said just now, let's make a fortune together."

"What's the meaning?"

"Before the listing of the US stock market, Shenzhou's last major equity restructuring event, are you interested in participating?"

Looking at the happy people, Chen Ning added: "Remind everyone, after the reorganization, Shenzhou will immediately publish the 2001 Q3 financial report, and then it will be the road show for listing. This kind of rare opportunity to make money in a century , but not everyone can encounter it.”


"What conditions do you want?"

This kind of good deed of making money from door-to-door can't help a few people not to be tempted.

"As long as you maintain a fair distribution policy."

Li Bowei continued his efforts, "This is the most competitive market in the world. When some Wanwan brands entered the mainland these years, they would choose wisely to cooperate with powerful distributors like you for win-win cooperation. But these manufacturers, with certain After market influence, they often hope to be weaned and stand on their own in order to further monopolize profits."


Everyone was silent.

"On the seventh page, there are a few first-line manufacturers who plan to wean themselves and become self-reliant this year."

"The eighth page is Shenzhou's brand new agency agreement for everyone. On it, the term and priority renewal rights are clearly marked."

"The ninth page is the request to everyone. It can be summed up in one sentence: Don't believe in the promise of Wanwan manufacturers for the future, just look at the present, whichever company gives you the most rebates, you must promote which product!"

Speaking of this, Li Bowei raised his head and said solemnly: "Now, Shenzhou and Player Kingdom give you the most rebates and commissions."


"The supply price is almost lower than the cost, can you afford to pay for so much?"

"That's our business."

After 10 minutes, roaming the gate, looking at the distributors leaving one after another, Chen Ning came to Li Bowei:

"Just think about the time in one day, will they agree?"

"How about not agreeing? We want to make a fortune, but also want to please both sides. Let alone Chairman Zhao, we will not agree to such a beautiful thing."

"Then I'll wait and see."

Chen Ning patted Li Bowei on the shoulder, "Old Li, go home, take Brother Xing's car and go first."

"Director Chen."

"What's the matter?"

Li Bowei said quietly: "Mr. Zhao is fighting in front alone, so let's just forget that we can't help much, but we can't hold him back either."

Chen Ning smiled brightly: "Don't worry, Lao Li, whatever we want to do, it's for his own good."


This volume will be finished in two days at most.

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