Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 552 Decisive Battle (one more chapter)

Mercedes-Benz on the Lincoln car on the Fifth Ring Road.

Chen Ning's face was gloomy, and the water dripped down quickly.


After hammering the front seat severely, he unwillingly said to Xingsheng:

"That kid invested too much money in some money-losing projects."

Xingsheng glanced at him and said indifferently:

"Compared to the money he earned, it's just a drop in the bucket."


Chen Ning replied disdainfully: "It's a drop in the bucket? Believe it or not, when he invests in a certain amount, even if it's a drop in the bucket, the money will be tied to this industry and this kid. No one else can move it, and don't even think about it!"

Xingsheng spread out his hands, signaling that he knew, but there was nothing he could do.

"By the way, how much money did he make?"

"Aside from the American ones and the unsettled ones on Wanwan, the vast majority of the 14 billion yuan belong to him."


Chen Ning said unwillingly: "If so much money is invested in other industries, if you want to build a house, if you want to mine, you can mine, even if it is the bank's idea, as long as you bring a few of us, we don't care about any hornets' nests." Dare to poke?"

"Hey, you idiot."

Xingsheng, who wanted to sarcastically say a few words, suddenly closed his mouth and put on a thoughtful look.

When Chen Ning saw it, he immediately pushed him angrily, and said angrily:

"Stop acting, talk about it."

"Considering the long-term and continuity issues of high-tech investment, every time Zhao Song invests in a project, his money is equivalent to a large part of the loss, so he cannot be allowed to invest any more."

Xingsheng said while deliberating, "If we wait until November, with the current efficiency, God knows how many more projects he will invest in, so..."

"So all fools know that we can't wait any longer, and we can't let him vote any longer!"

Chen Ning started talking, and said disdainfully, "But with such a loud voice, who can stop him?"


Xingsheng pointed upwards and said with a smile, "Unless someone stops this market war! After all, it will not benefit anyone if it continues."

Chen Ning's eyes lit up:

"How to say?"

"With Zhao Song's cash support, Shenzhou will definitely grow bigger as it continues to fight. The bigger the scale, the lower the cost. The lower the cost, the war will not end in the short term. In this regard, I believe that the old man from Bayji Electric will Mister must understand."

"Then what?"

Chen Ning asked urgently.

"Over there, all the resources are concentrated, and the thunder strikes in one go.

On our side, let's split our efforts and let the higher-ups stop in advance. This will not only prevent both sides from being hurt, but also make Zhao Song give up. "

Chen Ning understood: "That is to say, it is equivalent to telling the boy in advance that there will be no policy support from above, so that he can give up and end this irrational market war as soon as possible?"

Xingsheng didn't answer, and looked at Erha Chen Ning with a smile, that smile became brighter and brighter:

"Heh~, I didn't say that. I won't admit it when my student asks me about it later."

"Your uncle's prosperity is a big shame for you!"

"Thank you for the compliment~"

"The last question, how did the old man over there do what you said?"

"Whether he does it or not, as long as he does it, won't we be done if we try harder?"

"Oh, yes."

This idiot.

Xingsheng pouted in his heart, how could the experienced old businessman over there not think of such a simple question?

Of course Zhang Jianmou wanted it, not only that, he could even think of all Zhao Song's ideas!

But although he is the godfather of Wanwan IT, he is not the father of all IT companies. In the Wanwan IT industry that started in the 1990s, almost all companies are founder companies. Twisting into a single rope is something that Zhang Jianmou needs to carefully consider.

What's more, in the current Wanwan, there is also a UMC that is comparable to Wanji Electric!

On the evening of October 11th, Wanwan Hsinchu.

In the luxurious office, Zhang Jianmou got the financial budget statement after the three price reductions of Wanji Electric.

"Chairman, we still have great potential."

Zhang Xiaowei, Asia's best CFO, said, "If we don't discount Wanji Electric's aggressive equipment depreciation policy, we are still the most profitable FAB factory in the world!"

Zhang Jianmou nodded to the best subordinate and asked:

"How about those terminal manufacturers?"

Zhang Xiaowei immediately continued:

"When Huashi Shi Xuebin answered my phone call, he said he would consider it, but turned around and headed to the mainland. Judging by his attitude, he didn't want to participate at all.

As for the first- and second-tier manufacturers such as Gigabyte and MSI, they can’t match the speed of Shenzhou, which has been prepared for a long time. With 17 production lines in 7 factories in 3 provinces, Shenzhou took over without even giving them reaction time.

Now, Shenzhou is expanding at the speed of launching a motherboard every week and a complete product every half a month, trying to cover all low-end and mid-end product lines.

Chairman, we can't keep going like this, otherwise, this industry reshuffle will create a giant company in the mainland. "

Zhang Jianmou pondered, and asked after a while:

"Director Zhang, do you know anything about three connections and one connection?"

Seeing the chief financial officer nodding, Zhang Jianmou hurriedly asked:

"If you count the three links and one access, and Zhao Song's investment routes these days, how many provinces and cities have his investment in the mainland involved in total?"


A map quickly took shape in Zhang Xiaowei's mind. On it, more and more light spots made his scalp tingle suddenly.

"The mainland is focusing on economic construction"

Zhang Jianmou tapped his fingers on the desk while deliberating, "Now, if Zhao Song has any appeals to the upper echelons, these local governments are basically his backing, or authority!"


Zhang Jianmou waved his hand and said confidently: "We need an opportunity to unite everyone, and Zhao Song needs to give this opportunity.

Whenever he makes everyone feel really threatened, that's when we hit him the hardest.

Director Zhang, the Shenzhou is his weapon of attack, and it is also his biggest weakness. The bigger the Shenzhou, the better the future development trend and the more jobs involved, the mainland government will not let him continue to mess around.

Especially when we lowered the price to the bottom and put on a lose-lose attitude!

Director Zhang"

Having said that, Zhang Jianmou raised his head and explained:

"Make the financial statements more beautiful and prepare the business department well. At that time, we will not only receive a large number of orders, but I also want the world to know that in the cold winter of the industry, there is still a FAB factory with outstanding performance in the East!"

This is the godfather of Wanwan industry and the Dinghaishenzhen of Wanji Electric.

While Zhang Xiaowei was in high spirits, he still asked the final question:

"Chairman, the one who stopped Zhao Song's nonsense was the mainland government's order to stop it. In fact, there is another possibility."

"According to his request? Heh~"

Zhang Jianmou chuckled, waved his hands, and stopped talking.

The chief financial officer was determined, and after nodding, he turned and left.

This is an old man who has been immersed in the industry for thirty years, an old fox among foxes, an old oily man among oily people, how could he be baffled by that brat on the opposite side!

However, the financial director of Wanji Electric seems to be unaware that that brat seems to have another nickname, that is Zhong Hai Lao Wang Ba.

On October 12, Jinling.

Another long-term investment agreement, another large-scale press conference hosted by the local government:

Jinling University, Jinda Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., and Zhongguancun Holding Group jointly announced that the three parties have reached a strategic cooperation agreement for the research and development and industrialization of high-purity electronic gases (arsane, phosphine), ALD/CVD precursor research and development and industrialization, and Jointly tackle projects such as the industrialization of MO source's full range of products.

The first batch of funds: 13.5 million.

For the majority of people who grow flowers and eat melons, there are two major things that have enriched their spare time during this period. One is that the United States bombed the landlocked countries in the west, and it is said that the people who crashed into the buildings were there; the other It's also indiscriminate bombing, but it's just that the little richest man is spending money on technical fields that they don't understand.

"How much did it cost?"

On the plane again, Zhao Song asked Wei Fang.

"What aspect are you talking about?"


"Less than 300 million."

"It's so cheap~"

Facing Wei Fang's pretty eyes, Zhao Song sighed.

"What's the date today?"


"There's only half a month left." Zhao Song lowered his head and thought for a while, then asked, "Is Shenzhou ready?"

"All the negotiations have been concluded, the agreement to be signed has been signed, and it's just waiting for you."

"What is the intention of the destination this time?"

"The government of Hubei Province is waiting for you!"

"Oh? That's good. By the way, what's the name of the place planned by Jiangcheng in Hubei Province?"

"Optics Valley, Jiangcheng Optics Valley."

"Good name."

Zhao Song looked far away, looking at the dark sky outside the window, and sighed after a long time:

"You said, what kind of monster will I make?"

"I don't know." Wei Fang shook her head, and glanced at Zhao Song secretly. The admiration and admiration in her eyes were well concealed by her, "I only know that the bigger the Shenzhou, the bigger your troubles will be."

With a large scale, not to mention loss-making sales, even a price cut will usher in opposition from inside and outside the company.

"so what?"

Zhao Song turned his head and said indifferently, "At least before handing over Shenzhou to the country, I made up for its biggest shortcoming. I injected innovation into the genes of this enterprise, and I also pulled down the godfather of the industry. In the future, the largest PC company of flower growers will no longer be a fantasy, but a Shenzhou!"

Wei Fang's eyes gradually became strange, and she couldn't imagine that Zhao Song could say such shameless words: "Boss, Shenzhou may be picked peaches by others, and it may become a ladder for some people to rise, but there is one thing that is always different." It will change."


"Before you died, Shenzhou's surname was Zhao."

"You want me to die?"

Zhao Song looked at Wei Fang in fear, and was greeted with a pair of beautiful white eyes.

Resisting the urge to pinch someone, Wei Fang took a deep breath to calm down, and then asked the final question:

"Boss, do you think that the investment of 300 million yuan and the huge follow-up investment is an advantage?"

"Yeah, I still feel embarrassed."

"Is this industry really a gold mine?"

This question is not only Wei Fang, but everyone wants to ask.


Zhao Song nodded, "Even if it wasn't before, with Teacher Jiang Shangzhou's talent pool, it has become the biggest gold mine.

Wei Fang, they are coming back soon, please keep your eyes open to see what kind of business those people can do on the basis of the industry I have built! "


"Now, in order to welcome these talents, let us prepare the grandest welcome ceremony.!"

The grand welcome ceremony is an occasion for those who are about to show their talents in your country, as well as a huge product market.

October 13, 2001, 9:00.

Due to major events such as the fourth shareholding restructuring, Shenzhou Science and Technology announced the suspension of trading.

In the confusion of the majority of stockholders, there are also two old-fashioned IT companies that have been suspended due to related transactions. They are:

BOE, Inspur.

There is still one chapter left for the decisive battle. I will post the complete plot tomorrow, it may be too late.

There is also a chapter like the epilogue at the back, and a new volume will start after filling the pits.


I just want to remind book friends, don't read books to speculate in stocks!

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