Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 554: No Victory

"BOE notebooks have been deeply involved in the southwest region for many years, and the two directors of the marketing department and the after-sales department have already visited the front line and are personally responsible for the reception and integration."

In Zhonghai's office, Wen Zhenwen acted as secretary temporarily and reported to Zhao Song.

"The current Shenzhou can be said to have occupied the national market except for the western part of the motherland, and has no shortcomings."

"very good."

Zhao Song nodded in satisfaction, "Please continue."

"The merger and acquisition of Inspur has opened up the market of Dongshan Province in the centralized procurement of government enterprises, but as a condition of the agreement, we will expand the existing Inspur production base by more than three times in the next three years."

Wen Zhenwen glanced up at Zhao Song, and couldn't help persuading, "Zhao Song, don't worry about it anymore. Counting the two days before the Sun Optics Valley Industrial Park, Shenzhou's funds are already so tight that it is unsustainable."

Zhao Song smiled awkwardly: "Isn't it soon that the US stock market is listed?"

Wen Zhenwen choked for a moment, rolled her eyes and asked:

"Oh? Could it be that the listed funds are used for cross-border mergers and acquisitions? Am I wrong?"


Zhao Song scratched his head, looked at Aunt Wen who refused to show her face, and said helplessly:

"Aunt Wen, please continue."

After rolling her eyes again, Wen Zhenwen continued:

"There are a lot of things. Apart from interview invitations, various chambers of commerce, and government briefings, you have to visit Dongshan Provincial Government in person. The leadership of Inspur needs to meet. Mr. Wang from BOE told you to be busy first, so there is no rush. .Finally, you need to pay attention to and pay more attention to"

Wen Zhenwen looked directly at Zhao Song, and said word by word:

"Three days later, the board of directors of Shenzhou Technology will only have one topic: to establish Comrade Zhao Song's leadership.

Good thing!

However, considering Shenzhou's complicated shareholding structure, it is unrealistic to accept your private price reduction subsidy. In addition, Shenzhou's funds are tight, so please be prepared for all directors to object to this matter in the meeting. "

This was expected, Zhao Song frowned and asked:

"What day is it today?"

"Number 16."

Wen Zhenwen replied angrily, "You must be busy and confused, but no one gives you time to rest. You made such a big mess by yourself and cleaned it up by yourself."

Zhao Song smiled bitterly and said, "Aunt Wen, BOE's notebook was delivered to the door by myself. As for Inspur, I just said, 'Consider the prospect of wave of mergers and acquisitions'. I didn't do anything for the rest. Compared with Dongshan Provincial Government, Shenzhou is still actively promoting”

"It's what you said."

Wen Zhenwen stopped talking suddenly, straightened her messy hair, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Zhao Song, I couldn't control my temper these two days."

"Did you sleep last night?"


Zhao Song got up and came behind 54-year-old Wen Zhenwen. While pressing her temples, he said with concern:

"Auntie, take a break."

Slumped on the back of the chair, Wen Zhenwen smiled wryly and said, "Why don't you rest? After checking the accounts of several companies, Shenzhou will have a road show again. Let alone this year, it will not stop next year."


Zhao Song was speechless, so he could only step up his efforts to express his apology.

"Also, Shenzhou Technology will resume trading after the board meeting. You have to be prepared for stockholders to go crazy."

"The public opinion is too hot?!"

Zhao Song frowned, "I don't want to be deified and become some kind of business hero. Aunt Wen, can I contact Zhao Rong?"

"I can't get in touch. Her phone is busy 24 hours a day."

Wen Zhenwen closed her eyes and comforted, "Don't worry, as far as your prodigal investments are concerned, no one can deify you, and that bitch Zhao Rong can also understand it, and won't let you be a hero to seek death."


Wen Zhenwen suddenly lowered her volume and murmured:

"Zhao Song, you are very dangerous now, don't let them make collective opposition on the board of directors, that is a major blow to your authority.

And Zhao Song, you are still young, slow down

too fast……

Everyone can't keep up..."


How slow?

With a wry smile, Zhao Song put a coat on the sleeping Wen Zhenwen, sat back on the office chair and meditated.

In 2001, there is no better opportunity than this year.

The integrated circuit industry is in a cold winter, and the country is vigorously developing its economy; the United States has internal and external troubles, the Internet bubble, and the collapse of the building, and the inland countries in the west are madly mad, the stock market is low, the bond market is low, the futures market is low, and external investment is low, and then Enron , Andersen’s financial fraud, and the bankruptcy and reorganization of the largest treasury bond dealer. There is no time for others, and Zhao Song’s request has not crossed the line. Basically, what SMIC buys is what he buys. He also got in touch with Xiaobu, who was not yet on the rise, and balanced the interests of all parties.

There is no such a good opportunity anymore. If you don't take the opportunity to make your momentum bigger, the upper echelon will not even consider such an unrealistic fantasy!

Amidst Aunt Wen's slight snoring, Zhao Song turned his head to Wanwan, and asked suspiciously in his heart:

"What are you waiting for? Are you still playing?"


Wanwan, Hsinchu, a new financial statement was placed in front of Zhang Jianmou.

Looking at the numbers above, he couldn't help feeling proud of himself.

'This is the company I started, and this is the result of 20 years of hard work! '

"Have you got in touch yet?"

The best financial director in Asia looked at Zhang Jianmou reverently, and said excitedly:

"Yes, Chairman. From the moment Shenzhou accepted BOE's notebook business, those foundry companies understood that company's ambition to intervene in their most important business."

Zhang Xiaowei couldn't help but be excited, because the next step would be a price reduction activity involving the entire ecosystem of Wanwan's IT industry. Only this person in front of Wanwan could do this kind of scale and courage.

"Is there any action on the 14.1 billion on our heads?"


Zhang Xiaowei shook his head and said, "Except for an unidentified private fund shorting Winbond, 14.1 billion has been hanging there."


Zhang Jianmou thought for a while, then chuckled suddenly:

"Now, we know all of Zhao Song's goals: the mainland market, a set of memory technology, an IC design company, and one person."

"Technician Lin Benjian?"

Memory Technology Zhang Xiaowei knows that the IC design company is now clearly Winbond, and that person is the only one left.

"No, that person is in the United States, and we at Bayji Electric are also trying to poach him here."

Zhang Xiaowei suddenly realized, and then hesitantly asked:

"If, no, Chairman, I mean if we lose, what will happen?"

Zhang Jianmou shook his head, expressing that he didn't care, and said with a smile: "The word 'lose' is not very good, but in case of losing, in order to prevent the 14.1 billion on the head of Wanji Electric from falling down, Wanji Electric will invest in the capital of the United States. Under coordination, give up (no longer support) these three items. And Zhao Song will no longer have any follow-up actions."

Thinking of the rising giant enterprises on the other side, and considering the mysteries of that young man, Zhang Xiaowei finally asked uncertainly:

"We won't lose, will we?"


Zhang Jianmou patted the chief financial officer's arm and said with a smile:

"Director Zhang, there is no such thing as winning or losing, let's do something."


In the office, Zhang Jianmou held the financial statement in his hand, moved his eyes to the other side, as if he saw Zhao Song's gaze, and said with a smile:

"You enjoy the scenery for three days first, and now I receive the attention of three days.

After three days, it depends on who is lucky. "



No win or lose?

Zhang Jianmou even attributed the victory to luck! ?

(and ha)

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