Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 555 Rolling

In the morning in Taipei, there is a slight azalea style.

Taoyuan Airport is full of people.

Some people were full of reluctance, saying goodbye to their loved ones.

Some people burst into tears and sang a warm welcome song for their friends.

At the airport, you can always see all kinds of people, but there is such an old couple who are carefree, comfortable and leisurely, as leisurely as walking in the evening, but it is rare.

Departing in the morning, it was almost ten o'clock in the morning when Lao Yuan finished his boarding pass.

But Lao Yuan was in no hurry, the plane took off at 11 o'clock, leaving enough time, he could still take the yellow-faced woman at home for a stroll down the airport, that old woman had never been on a plane in her life.

"Let's go, take a walk around."

Picking up the backpack and putting it on the shoulders, hanging a satchel full of snacks for the old woman, the old couple packed lightly and walked towards the security check.

"What's wrong?"

Feeling a burst of tearing, Lao Yuan turned his head to look at the old woman.

The wrinkled right hand pointed to the big screen. She is dumb, not only has she never made an airplane, she has never spoken. In this whole life, I have lived for the old man and his sons and daughters in front of me.

She remembered the "Wanji electricity" that the old man had chanted a while ago, and when she saw these three words appearing on the screen at the airport, she hurriedly pointed them out to the old man for fear of delaying something.

"Wanji Electric is the first and largest professional wafer production company in the world. In 1997, as the first Wanji company listed in ADR in New York, it has always been the top 5 foreign customers with the most active trading volume on the exchange. One. The company began to implement a new financial system in 1999, referred to as ABC.”

"Under the new general financial rules, when facing huge orders from important customers and asking for concessions on prices, they can always respond with ease."

Following the old woman's finger, Lao Yuan saw Zhang Xiaowei who was talking eloquently.

"With regard to the just-concluded third-quarter corporate briefing of Wanji Electric, the situation that needs to be reported to investors is as follows:

The Q2 revenue of Wanji Electronics Settlement was NT$58.52 billion, operating gross profit was 23.21 billion yuan, the average gross profit rate was about 39.7%, operating net profit was 17.79 billion yuan, pre-tax was 17.74 billion yuan, and after-tax was 18.37 billion yuan. 246.87 billion yuan is estimated, and the single-quarter EPS is about 0.74 yuan.

The accumulative first-half revenue of Bayji Electric reached NT$114.169 billion, gross operating profit of NT$44.854 billion, average gross profit margin of about 39.3%, operating net profit of NT$33.86 billion, pre-tax NT$33.998 billion, after-tax NT$35.187 billion, EPS has up to 1.43 yuan. "

"The chairman of our company said: the industry has entered the lowest trough in the cold winter, and has a long-term optimistic attitude towards the future. The outlook for 2002 remains unchanged from the previous growth rate of 5-9%."


In the winter of the industry, Wanji Electric still has such a high gross profit rate. Lao Yuan knows it, because he has seen Wanji Electric's Q1 financial report, but it still maintains such a high growth rate, which surprised him a lot.

Looking at the countless blond-haired and blue-eyed foreigners in the picture, Lao Yuan knew that Wanji Electric was not only attacking the young man on the other side this time, but also showing a soaring attitude.

The asset-heavy FAB factory, the heavyweight shares in the two places, and the jaw-droppingly high gross profit margin are the best safe havens for idle funds in the world under the circumstances of the collapse of the three American cities.


"Under the common premise of expanding the market share of Wanji Electric and supporting the upstream and downstream industries around the company, after the decision of the board of directors, Wanji Electric will carry out the last price reduction in 2001 from today. The specific measures are as follows"

What a big margin.

The old man was speechless, and when he wanted to listen again, he was interrupted by a tug, and then a whole page of newspaper was handed over.

"how come?"

Looking at the dirty little hands of the old woman, Lao Yuan took out a wet towel to wipe it lovingly.

The old woman pointed to the trash can. The newspaper had the name 'Youda' on it, and the old man in the family had also paid attention to it, so she recognized it.


After a while, Lao Yuan closed the newspaper and threw it into the trash can again.

Back to the old woman, I took out the Tpod2 from the bag, and put the milky white earphones into the old woman's ears:

"Old lady, those have nothing to do with us."

"We are traveling, first to Italy, and then to travel all over Europe."

"The world is very big. Before we die, we old couple have to take a good look at it."

"As for the mainland you want to go to, we will go there last, and you can stay as long as you want."

The old little hand caressed the white headphone cable, and then the old lady grabbed the old man's skirt and followed tremblingly.

That shambling figure, like the most beautiful scenery in the world, is unique to the entire airport.

Only a metal trash can is left behind, and if someone passes by, you can still see the newspapers exposed from the mouth of the bucket:

"The LCD industry cut prices again; Wanwan foundry companies announced a price reduction strategy to OEMs; IC companies lowered their supply prices again."

This is an industry-wide price cut, with a wide range and a large scale, unprecedented in history.

Zhao Song is in trouble!

"But what does it have to do with me?"

"I've earned enough of my money!"


"Two bastards!"


There is no need to worry about who the two bastards are in the mouth of the old man, and there is no need to count how many professional investors and international IC design companies have attracted the attention of Wanji Electric's Q2 financial report worldwide.

Just by looking around the other protagonist in this war, you can see how powerful this Wanwan price cut is.

16:00 minutes.

Beijing, Zhonghai Electronics Mall.

Lao Feng, the owner of the overclocking three counter, took a stack of cash from the clerk, and asked casually:

"Which customer?"


The young clerk smiled honestly. While the market war benefited the consumers, he also smirked the mouths of the shopkeepers and clerks. Zhao Songxi's high commission strategy made them earn a lot of money.

"What configuration did you save?"

Old Feng asked curiously.

"The U of VIA originally wanted to buy a set of SiS. Who would have thought that VIA would be so cheap. The board uses MSI SE, and the sliver uses Shenzhou,"

The simple and honest guy scratched his head embarrassedly, "Boss, I also want to use Shenzhou's board, but I don't need the VIA chipset."

"Use Pentium, didn't Shenzhou announce the official resignation just now? Take the Shenzhou suit and pick up the goods at Wuming, Wesonic, and Shanshi counters, all of which are discounted."

"It costs three hundred in total."

This is the Wanwan industry chain, not to mention other companies, but VIA and Silicon Unified, which are CPUs, are just like an elephant stepping on an ant against Zhao Song.

And the foundries of the two are Wanji Electric.

Old Feng took the money, and reluctantly confessed:

"Choose the accessories carefully, they are not as good as Shenzhou's after-sales service."

"Save it~"

"Also." Old Feng said to the grinning guy, "Shenzhou aftermarket girl, don't even think about it."


Simple and honest said angrily: "It's almost two thousand dollars to be with such an object, and even a small hand is not allowed to touch it. Three hundred dollars is enough for me to go to the hair salon five times. How can it not be spent?"

Old Feng's eyes lit up, and he blurted out: "Where is it so cheap?"



Covering his mouth, Lao Feng peeked around and saw that there was no hostility, so he waved his hand in the clerk's mocking eyes, and said angrily, "Have you seen any customers, go to work."


Now, there are customers at any time. In the time of the two gossips just now, the overclocking three counters let go of four groups of customers.

Market wars, not only in China Overseas, but also in electronic markets across the country, are creating historical records for the flow of people every day.

After collecting the money, Lao Feng turned his worried eyes to Zhong Hai's office. Not only him, but all the shops and associates in Zhong Hai were looking in that direction from time to time.

The gap in strength is too great, what will he do?

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