Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 559 Curl Tail (Part 2)

"On July 19th, cloudy, strong wind, heavy rain, he came.

Although his image is the same as we thought, many friends were frightened, including me.

He was wearing a tailor-made suit, with a slim fit; the cropped head, broad face, and gold watch on his wrist made it obvious that he was a wealthy businessman.

And his eyes, as sharp as a sharp sword, seem to be able to pierce a person's heart and make people panic.

He is even scarier than we imagined, if it wasn't for sister Xiaoyu.

Yes, Sister Xiaoyu, this should be the most beautiful morning. Let's make lazy dragons, cook millet porridge, cut pickles, and then enjoy the most sumptuous breakfast.

Then he came and interrupted all the good things. If sister Xiaoyu hadn't driven 'it' into the house to change clothes, some friends might have cried aloud.

He is a 'big devil'!

Even if he arranged a dreamy summer camp trip for us, he was still a big devil. "

This morning, Fengwei, a girl with a high IQ, was full of fear and resentment. She didn't know that the person in front of her would change her life, and she was powerless to resist whether she agreed or not. Of course, no one would care about this little girl. Everyone will feel that this will be a lucky kid, except for the handsome guy.

Because Dashuai Shuai knew that before Fengwei, a girl with the same IQ was changed by Zhao Song. So far, the result is not very good.

that girl

It's called Wenjing.

America, San Jose, California.

It was rush hour, and a luxurious office was still brightly lit.

It was raining heavily outside the window, and the fog was hazy. Wen Jing was sitting in the office, even though she had finished her full day's work, she was still restless.


She pressed the call button and asked the secretary outside the door for the third time, "Are you sure that person has returned to China?"

"Yes, Miss Wen."

The secretary's voice is very young and charming, and it is easy to get intoxicated, "My friend in the New York Times saw with his own eyes that Mr. Zhao Song boarded the plane back to the motherland a week ago."

"very good."

Wen Jing finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Alice, you can get off work now, and I'm sorry to make you get off work late."

"It's my honor, Miss Wen."

Wen Jing hung up the phone, stood up, opened the window, and the fresh air brought by the heavy rain flooded in instantly, making her feel that the bloody smell on her body had subsided a lot.

Yes, the smell of blood, ever since that man came to the United States a few months ago, she has felt the smell of blood permeating the surroundings, tearing her heart every moment.

The last one-off lighter factory in the United States has long since closed down, which is a corner of Li Wei's career; the silly Bai Li is also enjoying life; even Hao Ying, who has nothing to do with him, has become an international superstar.

Why can't she have her own business?

Wen Jing knew that the smell of blood came from her body.

In the past few months, that man has fought thrilling patent battles with Apple and dozens of alliances, looking down on all sides; he also led the team to complete the merger and acquisition of IBM's notebook business unit, which attracted worldwide attention.

She wanted to see him, but she was afraid that he would come to see her. Over the past few months, she had been struggling with this ambivalence in her heart. She was afraid, afraid that the man would be like the one who defeated the alliance of manufacturers in the patent war and chopped up her career. Baluo, as if to split her body, blood splattered everywhere.

Now, he's gone, as if she didn't exist.

The raindrops fell on the face, making Wen Jing, who was cloudy and uncertain, even more gloomy.

Wiping her face, she turned around quietly, looked at the big logo on the desk, and shouted in her heart:

"This is my career, no one can take it away!

Zhao Song, sooner or later, I will let you

Impressed! "

The sign on the desk is very attractive, and there is a handwritten word on it, two big Chinese characters, so eye-catching:


Under the Chinese characters, the English vocabulary is familiar to American stockholders who trade in stocks - paypal!


Suddenly, the door was smashed open.

"Mr. Musk"

Wen Jing laughed. She waved her hand to signal the secretary, Ms. Alice, not to block the people coming.

Seeing Wen Jing's gesture, Alice glanced at the person who came, walked out of the office, closed the door tightly, then took out her mobile phone, and after it was connected, she put the microphone side on the door. Suddenly, a piercing roar came from the door. Through the seam.

"Ms. Wen, why did you reject Ebay's offer?"

"Because its offer is too low, and more because of Mr. Elon Musk."

Wen Jing unhurriedly looked at the handsome Musk in his early thirties, and said with a smile, "Why was I the last to hear about Ebay's acquisition of Paypal?"

"No matter which one you are the first to know, that is an ideal price, and I can't think of any reason for you to reject it!"

Musk was dressed roughly and stared angrily at Wen Jing, who was also young.

Wen Jing's smile is getting bigger and bigger:

"Dear Elon, I know your dream, is it the Internet, clean energy, and space?"

Musk was surprised: "How do you know?"

"That's it."

Wen Jing nodded, but did not answer his question, "So, I am the major shareholder of Paypal, and no one can sell Paypal at a low price without my consent!

Mr. Musk, someone once told me that the first person to toss Internet payment to the market will be very powerful, so, I will spend the rest of my life with you! "


Musk looked at Wen Jing who was not in the oil and salt, and there was only one sentence in his heart, that is:

"what the fuck!"

Outside the door, Alice picked up her phone and said with a smile on her face:

"Miss Liao, I wonder if you are satisfied with this conversation?"

"I'm very satisfied, Alice. After one year, I believe you will get your doctorate in psychology smoothly. Now, let these two people fall in love and kill each other."

"Follow your orders, my dear Ms. Liao."

New York, Mandarin Oriental, Presidential Suite.

Liao Yingzhu hung up the phone with a smile, the expression on her face was gloomy and weird.

In this world, there will only be one Tesla!

As for electric cars, and the Xspace jumping into the sky

Who the hell cares if you have it or not!

The time returned to two hours ago.

July 19, 6:53 am, Beijing.

"IBM's business consulting is very powerful, the DW secretary of Shenzhou, and some key positions in the department have been vacated."

The luxurious Mercedes-Benz business car is on the East Fourth Ring Road. In the car, Zhao Songzheng patiently explained to the bearded man:

"For those positions, whoever can turn the project being developed by the group into a major national project will take the position!"

The bearded man recorded seriously, then raised his head and asked:

"Boss, let it all go like this?"

"probably not."

Zhao Song hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I won't go to the board meeting today. It is estimated that there will be a proposal to retain my decision-making power during the meeting. You can just remain neutral at that time."


The bearded man recorded it seriously.

"Chairman of a state-owned enterprise, the most difficult thing is to coordinate the relationship between all parties! The few positions I have vacated are tailor-made for those who come to find promotion channels.

Brother Wei, don't ignore Shenzhou's dividends and financial reports in the future. As part of Shenzhou Technology's corporate culture, it must be announced on time and truthfully.

As for politics, the same should not be taken lightly. "


The bearded man chuckled lightly, "I'm imagining, this is what I'm best at."

"very good."

Zhao Song nodded in satisfaction, and then asked, "I heard that you have won an order from Tongde Five Tigers?"

"Yes, all the foundry agreements have been signed at the beginning of the month."

"Well, in terms of quality, we must give these domestic brands a good check, and don't give consumers the impression that they are just the king of piles, but the quality is not good."


"By the way, during the time I went to the United States, Shenzhou also acquired Bo Neng?"


The bearded man nodded and said, "Xiangjiang Yiweida Group was seriously damaged in the market reshuffle. For the sake of the nanny group, we had no choice but to sell Baineng."


Zhao Song suddenly laughed and said with emotion:

"Prineng, ATI's strategic partner

In the future, let’s separate Shenzhou’s graphics card department. Don’t always worry about the low-end reputation. Merge with Powerneng and create two sub-brands. One is low-end, called “Zotac”, and the other is high-end.

'sapphire'. "

"take note of it."

"In the future, don't say that I only left Shenzhou with a low-end reputation. Sapphire A card and player country N card. Let's see each other in the market at that time."

"Then you have to tell Tesla to be careful."



Before Zhao Song finished speaking, he was interrupted by the emergency brake.

"Attention all units, there is a car accident ahead."

"Group A stepped forward to check the situation."

"Group B is responsible for vigilance."


"Report, it was an accidental car accident."

"All units return to their positions and prepare to make a detour."


"Report, I heard a baby crying."

"Have you called the police?"


"Okay boss safe"


Zhao Song interrupted Hong Tao's command, and opened the car door with a gloomy face.


Hong Tao shouted hastily.

"This fucker is a flower grower, not the United States. Those who dare to make trouble have not yet been born, so put away your ridiculous vigilance!"


20 minutes later.

The beautiful nurse who got off the ambulance saw an unforgettable scene:

The richest flower grower—everyone who reads the news knows him. The beautiful nurse is very sure. The richest flower grower is leaning on the guardrail of the Fourth Ring Road, skillfully holding a baby, and holding a milk bottle with gentle expression on his face.

"Are you a nurse?"

The pretty nurse nodded awkwardly.

The richest man gave her a grateful smile, and then shouted at the bodyguards:

"Where's the powdered milk?"

"Here, here."

"Where's the diaper?"

"This bag is all."

"Where are the toys?"

"It's here, it's here."


Five minutes later, the beautiful nurse looked at the five oversized packages in a daze, and watched the luxury motorcade leave in a hurry.

So, on the morning of July 19th, what the beautiful nurse saw was a kind rich man. No matter how she thought about it, she couldn't understand how the 22-year-old richest man could serve children so skillfully.

But what the genius Fengwei saw was a great demon king.

Because of the little girl's kind heart, she did not write Zhao Song's blood in the diary from the beginning to the end.

I originally wanted to be a manuscript depositor, but I don't seem to have this habit.

There are not many updates, but I am writing with my heart.

Top 200 already, thanks guys.

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